Dacia, Gypsies and Romanistan

I’ve hinted before on my personal struggle with answering such philosophical questions as “where are you from?” or “where were you born.” As I started answering with “Dacia,” more and more of those asking me, unsatisfied with this answer, started to look it up. One such acquaintance, a Brazilian dude, was kind enough to let me record our conversation. So I made a movie to share it more easily (like the Jens interview).
Romania Composite (people in a horse-driven carriage with the map and flag superimposed)

As I have said before, people I had told I’m Dacian seemed very interested in learning more about the place and even resisted changing the subject. This kind of conversation took place more than once, so at some point, when talking to a Brazilian who was trying to also practice his English, I figured it could be interesting for others.

As a Romanian, many a reader might feel insulted by a foreigner’s lack of knowledge about our country, but before you judge, consider some of the videos published by Vax Populi:

(In case you’re wondering, “Vax Populi” is a play on “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” which in Latin means “the voice of the people is the voice of god.” “Vax” comes from the German “Wachs” meaning shoe shining cream, an euphemism for “scheise.”)

With that being said, here’s the video I made: Dacia, Gypsies and Romania. I’m not sure I’ll have the time to comment  it before publishing, but I’m sure you don’t need further explanations, right?

Here’s the automated transcript (to be fully corrected later; I highlighted my own replies). Bear in mind that my interlocutor / interviewee has only been in Canada for a few days and has come here to learn English, so his English competency is far from perfect.
  • 0:01 K so you looked it up or..? tell me again!
  • 0:03 I just saw in
  • 0:07 Wikipedia and
  • 0:11 Dacia it’s a nation
  • 0:15 not like country but a nation 
  • 0:20 people, the same character[istics]
  • 0:23 same character like Jew(d)ish
  • 0:28 and other things like that
  • 0:32 and Dacia is between Transylvania
  • 0:35 and Romania, Serbia
  • 0:39 Yeah, I think so 
  • 0:42 yes, and..
  • 0:46 [..other countries?..]
  • 0:49 [oh, and… laughing] I’m not sure
  • 0:53 okay! awesome! but I'm not sure the
  • 0:58 the nation nations [UN?] recognize Dacia like
  • 1:03 country independent country you think they're fucking us
  • 1:09 [laughing]
  • 1:14 I
  • 1:17 yeah it's kinda like that,
  • 1:24 but a bit different
  • 1:27 Dacia [is] like, umm, for example
  • 1:31 [Corutus (??)] or Tsiganos
  • 1:42 WHAT?
  • 1:44 No, because there are a lot of people.. okay.. a lot of people
  • 1:49 U-huh.. .. that umm
  • 1:54 there is no country related to people but
  • 1:57 a lot of countries like umm.. the
  • 2:01 people, for example, the people..
  • 2:05 the people.. Palestine
  • 2:10 yeah? the people.. for example, there are
  • 2:15 Palestines
  • 2:18 there are a lot of Palestines
  • 2:22 for example in Syria OK, yeah
  • 2:26 Liban (Lebanon) and in other countries and
  • 2:30 not exactly Palestine the country
  • 2:33 so the nation it’s
  • 2:37 more bigger than
  • 2:40 country ever ever
  • 2:44 always always! always the nation
  • 2:47 is more bigger than country yes always
  • 2:55 but sometimes in a country there’s several nations, right? 
  • 2:58 yes, but
  • 3:01 in this case for example
  • 3:04 umm, at
  • 3:08 in Spain there are
  • 3:11 three nations:
  • 3:15 Basques, Catalans
  • 3:20 and Madrilenos or
  • 3:24 Spanish so there are three nations
  • 3:28 in the same country - is an exception
  • 3:31 what about Switzerland? 
  • 3:34 Switzerland is another exception
  • 3:38 OK
  • 3:41 [LOL]
  • 3:43 don’t worry, there are a lot of exceptions
  • 3:46 but the rule is, the nation
  • 3:49 is more bigger than the country
  • 3:52 OK. how are things in South America?
  • 3:57 South American? No. South American,
  • 4:00 the rule is, the nations the nation
  • 4:04 it’s equal of the country
  • 4:08 weren't those nations made arbitrarily?
  • 4:12 it’s kinda like – it’s all like an immigrant continent. 
  • 4:16 ummm.. I E
  • 4:25 let me explain! please do. in Brazil for example
  • 4:30 there are a lot of
  • 4:33 kind Indians isolated
  • 4:37 they call them nations
  • 4:40 but not real nations.
  • 4:44 nation because
  • 4:47 they they have they have
  • 4:51 your your called
  • 4:55 customs customs your
  • 4:59 traditions your only
  • 5:02 or theirs yes yes yeah
  • 5:07 but not real nations.
  • 5:10 Brazil for example
  • 5:14 they’re like half a nation 
  • 5:17 half a nation? no no no half a nation!
  • 5:21 it’s a little bit nation but not real nation
  • 5:24 but the country’s so big yes, but..
  • 5:28 so then the nation is smaller than the country? no
  • 5:33 but these people those people
  • 5:37 are not nations – real nations
  • 5:40 because nations they’re fake! not fake
  • 5:45 but.. artificial? are old
  • 5:49 old way of Nations
  • 5:53 like Palaeolithic
  • 5:56 like tribes?
  • 5:59 yes, tribes! in my country
  • 6:03 tribes – usually tribes – are called
  • 6:07 nations okay nation toobee
  • 6:10 nation guaranee I think it's a different thing cuz
  • 6:14 or you mean peoples, right? because
  • 6:18 when you say tribe, tribe is a smaller thing than a nation. it’s also like a
  • 6:22 pre… you know like a
  • 6:26 a “prequel” to a nation, if you want. you know, there’s not really a nation, 
  • 6:30 it’s a smaller unit than a nation yes yes but but my country
  • 6:34 usually people isolated
  • 6:38 are called nations
  • 6:41 okay alright but.. people like tribes..
  • 6:44 okay I think I understand but I'm very curious so
  • 6:48 you think.. what was that you said “tsiganos”
  • 6:51 which means Gypsy 
  • 6:55 right? in English it is Gypsy
  • 6:58 deep-sea? yeah see because the
  • 7:02 in the Second World War,
  • 7:06 the Second World War, umm
  • 7:10 these Tsigans,
  • 7:16 are, let’s say, diaspory
  • 7:20 so they left their country
  • 7:24 yes they, they leave for example but was their country? Dacia?
  • 7:27 yes, no no no no no not Dacia
  • 7:32 the people Tsigan, the people Dipsy
  • 7:35 Gypsy! Dipsy people
  • 7:39 gypsy each people gypsy G G
  • 7:42 gypsy the Chi duty the Chi
  • 7:45 no, with “G” as in “G. I. Joe” 
  • 7:49 yet the gypsy deep-sea
  • 7:52 okay, yeah, it’s alright 
  • 7:56 it’s impossible
  • 7:58 ummm
  • 8:00 the Dipsy people
  • 8:04 does not have a country a specific
  • 8:11 country four they OK - for themselves
  • 8:15 they.. [makes swimming gestures] swim?
  • 8:19 yes.. they..
  • 8:22 there are.. they..
  • 8:27 were.. they are in different countries
  • 8:32 right it is the perfect representative [representation]
  • 8:36 of the nation, of the concept of the nation, because the nation
  • 8:40 it's not the same country, ‘cause the nation,
  • 8:44 usually, as I said to you
  • 8:48 it’s more bigger
  • 8:51 than country it’s…
  • 8:55 it’s through to to borders
  • 8:59 true to the borders through the borders true through
  • 9:03 but they're everywhere in Europe so all countries are theirs
  • 9:07 yes I know but the in Europe is an exception
  • 9:11 okay. but where are they coming from?
  • 9:15 where they come from?
  • 9:19 yeah, like what’s.. Dipsies? yeah. i dunno.
  • 9:23 but probably, the Eastern Europe.
  • 9:26 you think so? 
  • 9:30 from the East Europe. okay. East, East Europe, East, East.
  • 9:34 No, I don’t think they come from there
  • 9:37 just want to know what you think
  • 9:41 yes, I think that there is.
  • 9:45 okay. that is true!
  • [German guy dating a French girl invades our territory.]
  • 9:49 like the Germany go play with the French girl.
  • 9:52 What? got married with the French girl.
  • 9:55 [German guy:] What? Who got married?
  • 9:57 He doesn’t know that yet. [Everybody lolz]
  • 9:59 I don’t know how that came about. 
  • 10:03 [lol]
  • 10:07 it’s umm.. how we do
  • 10:10 in Brazil
  • 10:13 one mmm an for example
  • 10:17 in came another guy, friend with us, friend to us
  • 10:22 and you make them married
  • 10:25 and.. ummm.. you connect’em
  • 10:28 yes connected like I do
  • 10:32 okay. like a joke never I'll
  • 10:35 her have thought about all good
  • 10:39 no, no, he got it! 
  • 10:44 you also scared him a little bit! her I
  • 10:48 yes occur his who
  • 10:54 and IAP
  • 10:59 German guy: I’m scared of marriage, of course 
  • 11:03 his for cool I'm watching Hollywood movies
  • 11:07 ‘twas Halloween just a few days ago
  • 11:11 her yeah her

Once again, if it still wasn’t clear enough, this is not really a video, but rather an interview with a few images thrown together to make it “YouTube uploadable.”

So, what do you think? Is it a good idea to keep the name of our country “Romania”? Do you agree with the Like a Dacian premise? Is there anything that can be done to stop the slow but sure descent into Romanistan – and if there is, is it worth doing?

Sources / More info: phub-ro


  1. Why can't I access the video :) ?

  2. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism employed by your subconscious. Either that, or I had the wrong link (corrected since). :)

    Also, you can find it on YouTube under "Dacia, Gypsies and Romanistan."

  3. Hmm...e mai mult Podcast. Ai nevoie de ceva animatii :)

  4. Interesting. What's the difference between podcast and interview?

  5. Fiind multimedia, ma asteptam la mai mult ''footage'' :)


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