Venus Incident III–Baile Herculane

I just had today, on WhatsApp, a conversation with a former classmate, who posted some photos from Baile Herculane (Herculean Baths? – a touristic destination from Roman times with geothermal springs). The situation is dire. I advised her rather strongly to fight, to which she countered with the refrain I constantly hear in this situations: “you are disconnected from the Romanian reality”.

imageThis is the third installment in the Venus Incident series, the first two being in Romanian: 1, a summary of the events and . Although this one is not about my experience in Romanian tourism, It is similar in that it’s colored by my friends’ claim that my views (“do something about if it bothers you”) are determined by my disconnect from the Romanian reality, where nothing good ever happens.

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There have been, however, numerous articles and TV shows on the Baile Herculane. Even I have mentioned it before as I went there with grandma (who recently passed away).

It seems to me that Baile Herculane mystery has been fully elucidated and various Ministers of Tourism articulated a legislative path, but never got to step on it. This is significant progress when compared to other situations, described in press but never fully, raising more questions than answering (see sources for such ProTV stories).

I think that one person cannot change much, but if more of us do something (as little as writing about it), a critical mass could form, maybe even a non-profit, and things might start moving. Or maybe things will change ad kalendas dacas.

Sources / More info: protv-lowstdE, protv-scoalaWC

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