facand bac cu piticu

One of my long-term fantasies has been to write the Romanian baccalaureate (aka “bac” / “bacul” / “bacalaureat”, a comprehensive exam you write before the high-school diploma). I haven’t had the time, but I’d like to.

With that in mind, I’ve created a Folder where I’ll save the 2018 stuff (to start; then, whatever else I can find). For some reason, this was far more difficult than expected and the downloads were very slow.

I plan to do the VIII grade exam (Treapta I), then the “bac” and post the results here.

Nu vrei sa facem bacul impreuna?

LE: I’ve been updating the folder with what’s been cooking and still didn’t have the time to get this done. But things have been happening, so here are some news.
  • about 67% graduation, much like the previous year, with Cj 80.71%, Sb 74.54%, Buc 72.84%
  • lowest: Ilfov 38.44%, Giurgiu 47.33%
  • 177 got 10, most of them in Cluj (per capita)
  • 100% promo
    • Buc (4): CN Mihai Viteazul + private Lauder, Teoretic National, European School
    • Cj (10): C Emil Racovita, CN G Cosbuc, CN Gh Sincai, CP Gh Lazar, C L Blaga, LTeoCr Pro Deo, L A Iancu, L N Balcescu
    • Bh (5): LO R Ciorogariu, LTB Emanuel, LTG F Schiller, LT A Lazar, LTP Betel
    • Is (5): CN Iasi, CN M Eminescu, CN G Ibraileanu, LT M Costin,
  • 0% promo (many being “liquidated”)
    • Argeș: Liceul Tehnologic Auto Curtea de Argeș (nobody showed up)
    • Bacău: Liceul Tehnologic Răchitoasa, Liceul Tehnologic Târgu Ocna
    • Buzău: Liceul Tehnologic Comuna Rușețu
    • Brăila Liceul Tehnologic ”Anghel Saligny” Brăila, Liceul Tehnologic ”Grigore Moisil” Brăila, Liceul Tehnologic ”Gheorghe K. Constantinescu” Brăila
    • Călărași: Liceul Tehnologic ”Dan Mateescu” Călărași, Liceul Tehnologic ”Duiliu Zamfirescu” Dragalina, Liceul Tehnologic ”Dan Mateescu” Călărași
    • Constanța: Liceul Tehnologic ”Nicolae Istrățoiu” Deleni
    • Caraș Severin: Liceul Tehnologic ”Constantin Lucaci” Bocșa, Liceul Tehnologic ”Sf Dimitrie ” Teregova, Liceul Tehnologic Berzovia
    • Dolj: Liceul tehnologic Special ”Beethoven” Craiova
    • Covasna: Liceul Tehnologic ”Apor Peter” Târgu Secuiesc, Liceul Tehnologic Nr.1 Borcea
    • Giurgiu: Colegiul Tehnic ”Viceamiral Ioan Bălănescu” Giurgiu
    • Gorj: Liceul Tehnologic Stoina
    • Harghita: Liceul Tehnologic ”Tivai Nagy Imre" Sânmartin, Liceul Tehnologic Corund, Liceul Tehnologic ”Gabor Elek” Vlăhița”, Liceul Tehnologic ”Sover Elek” Joseni
    • Ilfov: Liceul Tehnologic ”Pamfil Șeicaru” Ciorogârla
    • Iași: Liceul Tehnologic Petru Rareș din Târgu Frumos, Liceul Tehnologic UCECOM ”Spiru Haret” Iași
    • Maramureș: Liceul Tehnologic Poienile de sub munte, Liceul Tehnologic Repedea, Liceul Tehnologic Ruscova, Liceul Tehnologic Vișeu de sus
    • Mehedinți: Liceul Tehnologic Drobeta Turnu Severin, Liceul Tehnologic ”Constantin Brâcuși Târnăveni
    • Mureș: Liceul Tehnologic ”Aurel Persu” Tîrgu Mureș”, Liceul Tehnologic ”Ion Vlasiu” Tîrgu Mureș
    • Neamț: Liceul Tehnologic Nisiporești, Comuna Botești – Nisiporești
    • Olt: Liceul Tehnologic ”Ion Popescu-Cilieni”, Liceul Tehnologic Crîmpoia
    • Suceava: Liceul Tehnologic ”Vasile Gherasim” Margine
    • Sălaj: Liceul Tehnologic ”Petri Mor Nușfalău
    • Teleorman: Liceul Tehnologic ”Andrei Șaguna” din Botoroaga, Liceul Tehnologic ”Emil Racoviță” Roșiori de Vede, Liceul Tehnologic ”General David Praporgescu” Turnu Măgurele
    • Tulcea: Liceul Tehnologic ”Simion Leonescu” Luncaviț
  • heart-warming story about a girl from a village taking a micro-bus to school, waking up at 6am, getting 10 (max) and wanting to be a teacher (hn-calescu)
  • 18 y.o. Ionatan Bitea was found dead by hanging, one day after Bac at LT Aurel Lazar, probably due to bullying, and got 9.25; he had been admitted at a university in China
  • Adv has “solutions” to most subjects: mate, ro, ist, geo, bio

Will I ever have the time to do this? It’s summer, I should be able to, but somehow I just can’t find the time..

Sources / More info: edu-subiecte18, edu-subiecte19, hn-tr1, bac-edu, forum-bac, hn-calescu, bn-suicide

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