Vama Veche Salvamar SMURD Lifeguard

In a recent post on his Facebook page, Raed Arafat, the Romanian EMS SMURDfather, complains that SMURD teams on the beach should not be expected to save people from drowning. As a Canadian-trained (RLSSC) lifeguard (salvamar), that strikes me as odd.

Domnul cu poza atasata a salvat o fata care era aproape sa se inece la Constanta. Pentru asta nu pot decat sa-l felicit si sa-l multumesc! 
Domnul insa s-a gandit sa mai faca ceva si anume sa atace pe retelele de socializare si in media un echipaj SMURD aflat pe plaja ca nu au intrat baietii in apa sa o salveze pe fata, apa despre care chiar el salvatorul spune ca era sa-l omoare. 
Ca sa clarificam, echipajele SMURD pe plaja nu sunt echipaje de salvamar. Aceste echipaje acorda primul ajutor inclusiv inecatilor adusi la mal de salvamar. 
Nimeni nu poate pretinde ca cineva care nu este pregatit sa salveze un inecat sa faca acest lucru numai ca sa satisfaca dorintele spectatorilor, ale mass-mediei si ale domnului director de la CSM Bacau. 
Intr-un alt caz asemenator la Bucuresti, un paramedic SMURD a intrat in apa rece ca sa salveze o persoana inaintea ca scafandrii sa ajunga, insa paramedicul stia sa inoate si decizia a fost a lui sa faca acest gest eroic punandu-si viata in pericol din cauza temperaturii scazute a apei atunci. 
Obisnuinta din ultima perioada de a da in salvatori cu orice ocazie si fara motive intemeiate va avea costurile ei in viitor. Noi transformam incetul cu incetul meseria in care intra oamenii pentru a salva vieti si pentru a deveni salvatori intr-o meserie riscanta si neplacuta din punct de vedere social prin atacurile ieftine si nejustificate care le adresam salvatorilor fara motive intemeiate, iar jurnalistii care fug dupa stiri de senzatie ca sa le raspandeasca fara macar sa inteleaga de desupturile povestii sunt printre primii vinovati in transformarea despre care vorbeam mai sus!You are forgiven if you haven’t heard of Raed Arafat, but only if you’re not Romanian. Somehow, he gained a strong following for having founded SMURD first in Targu Mures, then building it into a national institution. He has many fans who want to see him Minister of Health.

In his Facebook posting, Mr Arafat responds to criticism by a man who saved someone from drowning while the SMURD team was watching from the shore. Mr Arafat claims that it’s SMURD doesn’t do that unless they choose to and people should stop attacking them.

I find this whole story rather perplexing, both as a Romanian as well as trained lifeguard (salvamar). I first heard about him via Traian Basescu.

Romania obviously had emergency services (EMS) in the communist era. It was activated by 088 or 081, I cannot remember. People weren’t happy with it, but I never had to use any of them, so I cannot really speak to their professionalism or lack thereof. I’m guessing they were staffed with good people who may not have had the latest technology at their disposal. I do not know what happened after 1989 with these services, but I doubt they simply evaporated. As such, it’s unclear to me what Arafat’s input was, what exactly was the problem he solved, and why is he so popular.

What I don’t understand is what is SMURD doing on the sea shore if they are not trained / supposed to save drowning people? Isn’t a lifeguard trained to do that and also provide CPR if needed?

Here in Toronto, I joined the high-school swim team on arrival. Most (but not all) high-schools in Toronto have a swimming pool and so did mine and I really enjoyed this sport. After high-school, I did the Bronze Medallion and then Bronze Cross courses. Back then, they cost about $30 each, taught first aid/CPR, the ladder approach, how to take people out of the swimming pool with minimal stress/injury and each course also had a swimming component – 600m in 18 minutes for the latter. Most lifeguards do NLS after Bronze Cross as the former does not expire after two years, the way BM and BC do. I took NLS but didn’t bother finishing it, then worked as a lifeguard in a private swimming pool for a summer, before figuring out I don’t like it and it’s too difficult for what it paid. I find that working in IT usually has a pay more commensurate with the effort.

Unique among many cities its size, the City of Toronto owns and operates a rather large number of swimming pools, both outdoor and indoor, where entry is subsidized and often free.

Here’s my advice to you if you go to the beach and like to swim far away:

  • If your net worth is positive, make a will! It’s better in writing and with a lawyer, but even recording some instructions and naming someone your executor is better than nothing.
  • Get to know the lifeguard – small talk should suffice. It’s always a good idea to establish a relationship with someone on whom your life may depend.
  • Learn CPR! It’s best to take a course, but even watching the YouTube video linked above, then trying it on a friend or relative should suffice. You never know when a loved one might need your help, and it’s better to be in a position to be able to offer it, even if you choose not to.
  • Police and other emergency services always have a non-emergency number. Try calling such a non-emergency number to learn what happens in case of emergency and what to expect.

Now if you know what was SMURD doing on the seashore, please enlighten me.

Sources / More info: lss-fac, to-emscrss,

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