Horus, wikiporn si sexul anal in anus care este el  

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Zeitgeist e un film aparut mai demult compus practic din 2 bucatele. O teorie conspirationala despre Iisus si una despre Federal Reserve ("banca centrala" din US). Si m-am gandit sa urmez indemnul de a face propria cercetare a subiectului.

Horus-TattooAmu, filmu' asta bate clar campii. In primul rand, ia niste teorii incendiare care plutesc de multa vreme in eter, le amesteca, le prezinta complet aiurea de parca ar fi adevaruri incontestabile si face o ciulama de toata frumusetea. Spectatoru' iutub ar putea foarte usor sa citeasca una bucata Eliade, sau un Campbell, pentru varianta mai usor de parcurs si s-ajunga la concluzii mai putin explosive, dar mai aproape de adevar (1). In videoclipul prezentat in articolul original, o terta persoana se plangea ca iutub ii cenzureaza prezentarea filmului. Am introdus versiunea completa Zeitgeist + Addendum + reactii la acest film cat si la sexul anal in lista si-am mutat-o in subsol.

De ce este asta o mare vlaguiala?

In film, astia sustin ca toti ceilalti zei s-au nascut pe 25 Decembrie, au fost tradati, omorati, si-au reinviat, ca Iisus, ceea ce-i penibil. Alte popoare aveau tot felu' de calendare, si ma-ndoiesc ca toti ceilalti zei aveau data de nastere trecuta in buletin. Dar hai sa ne uitam la Horus (2), care-i primul pe lista. Iata ce-am gasit, printre altele acolo:

By the Nineteenth dynasty, the emnity between Set and Horus, in which Horus had ripped off one of Set's testicles, was represented as a separate tale. According to Papyrus Chester-Beatty I, Set is depicted as trying to prove his dominance by seducing Horus and then having intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Set's semen, then subsequently throws it in the river, so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus then deliberately spreads his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set's favorite food (the Egyptians thought that lettuce was phallic). After Set has eaten the lettuce, they go to the gods to try to settle the argument over the rule of Egypt. The gods first listen to Set's claim of dominance over Horus, and call his semen forth, but it answers from the river, invalidating his claim. Then, the gods listen to Horus' claim of having dominated Set, and call his semen forth, and it answers from inside Set.[3]

This myth, along with others, could be seen as an explanation of how the two kingdoms of Egypt (Upper and Lower) came to be united. Horus was seen as the God of Upper Egypt, and Set as the God of Lower Egypt. In this myth, the respective Upper and Lower deities have a fight, through which Horus is the victor. However, some of Horus (representing Upper Egypt) enters into Set (Lower Egypt) thus explaining why Upper Egypt is dominant over the Lower Egyptians.

But the battle wasn't over yet, and the other gods were getting tired from over eighty years of fighting and challenges. Horus and Seth challenged each other to a boat race, where they each raced in a boat made of stone. Horus and Seth agreed, and the race started. But Horus had a secret weapon: his boat was made of wood, not stone. Seth's boat, being made of heavy stone, sank, but Horus's didn't. Horus then won the race, and Seth stepped down and officially gave Horus the throne of Egypt.


Care va sa zica, Set si Horus se tot bateau, si Horus intr-un moment de nervi i-a rupt o bila lu' Set. Set se shukareshte si-i zice lu Horus: "yo ass is mine!". Si ca sa-i demonstreze, ia Viagra, il seduce si i-o baga in poponetz. Da' Horus, shmeker tare, ii prinde samantza in palme si-o arunca la canal, sau in fine, rau sau Nil sau ce-aveau ei. Si p-orma se vlaguie intr-o frunza de salata, care cica era falica pe vremea aia, i-o da lu' Set si ii zice: na verdeata, sa prinzi puteri sa te refaci; ti-am pus si Caesar Dressing! Si p-orma se duc ei la un sobor de zei sa vada care-a "dominat" pe care ca sa ia Egiptu'. Si zeii striga sa vina samanta lu' Set, si aia era ca o matza uda, vai de mama ei, inecata in parau. Si ei zic catra el: samanta ta e invalida, ai folosit steroizi. Si culmea insultei, cand striga samanta lu' Horus, aia raspunde "prezent!", cu ecou cavernos, dinlauntrul lu' Set. 1-0 pentru Horus.

Si zeii il pun pe Horus deasupra, sef la Egiptu' de Sus, si pe Set dedesubt, la Egiptu' de Jos, ca probabil Set filmase faza cu Horus care multa placere le-a dat zeilor. Si ei tot se ciondaneau, si-atunci au zis hai sa facem un concurs de scootere pe rau. Si Horus isi face una din lemn care era arma secreta, si Set, care se cam tampise intre timp, isi face una din piatra, care se scufunda. Si-uite-asa, cu viclesuguri si amor anal a ajuns Horus regele incontestabil al Egiptului cu scoru' general de 2-0. Si s-a ales si c-un masaj de prostata. Si pentru cei care vor sa-i retraiasca aventurile, exista anumite riscuri (4).

Pesemne ca lu' Horus ii venise ideea de lemn dupa ce adunase intelligence (informatii secrete) de la un batalion de 'zoizi de-ai lu' Set care fusese abandonat in parau si probabil era ofticat pe Set ca de ce ne-ai tradat, dom-ne, de ce?!?

Set probabil s-a privatizat, si-n cinstea monarhului sau a dashkis un lant de magazine de sedus poponetze, cu fitile de dush si alte alea, sub denumirea Ho'r'Us.

Surse - more info

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus
2. http://www.theologywebsite.com/etext/egypt/horus.shtml
3. http://www.consumedconsumer.org/2008/02/east-west-unite.html
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_sex#Health_risks
5. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=286E2EA34116BD43
6. Hero With a Thousand Faces de Joseph Campbell
7. The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History de Mircea Eliade
8. Religii si Mituri.

LE: Vezi si articolul referitor la noul Zeitgeist (Moving Forward), mai serios si mai pi larg.

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