Nominalizeaza cea mai nashpa tzara!  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in , , ,

Economistu' reia nominalizarea celei mai nashpa tari din lume, si solicita pe strasse nominalizari. Asta inseamna ca tu, cetatean al unei tari nu tocmai fruntase, poti sa pui umarul dezinteresat in popularizarea mizeriei altora!

Lumea-i plina de "premii" pentru nenorociti, incepand cu premiile Darwin, care-i evidentiaza pe cei care s-au sinucis in mod stupid imbogatind prin restrangere fondul genetic al speciei, premiile Razzie, celebrand cele mai proaste filme, GogoSfera si proaspatul BlogDeBlog pentru blogoro-oaie, etc.

Dar dincolo de premiile de mai sus care-s oarecum internationale sau fixate-n anglosfera, romanii au un vadit complex de inferioritate si teama (uneori fundamentata) de a nu fi ultimii din lume. Nu suntem noi ultimii, dar primii e greu tare - n-am reusit sa ne clasam la Galeria Saatchi, sau in World Monopoly. Iata de ce exercitiul de a decide sau macar a nominaliza cea mai kkcioasa tara din lume nu poate decat sa bucure la sufletelu' mioritic.

In The World in 2001 a castigat Afghanistan, pe motive de Taliban si ca statea acolo unu' pe care-l chema Osama si de care putini stiau pe vremea aia (cine-ar fi crezut ca va candida la presedintie)? Alte tari nominalizate de-atunci incoace:

  • Turkmenistan - c-un dictator mai nesimtit, Saparmurad Niyazov
  • Coreea de Nord - c-un dictator porcusor si paranoid, Li'l Kim
  • Zimbabwe - c-un dictator care-a distrus una din putinele economii functionale africane intr-un an, Mugabe
  • Myanmar - condusa de o junta militara, unde numai budistii se revolta, in speranta reincarnarii intr-o tara democratica
  • Somalia - unde nu exista guvern, doar pirati
  • Iraq - unde se poate trai in conditii umane numai in orasul american, care-i o fortareata asemanatoare cu Circul Foamei, cladita in jurul ambasadei americane
  • Pakistan - unde fundamentalistii islamici conduc din umbra si exista bomba atomica ce va ajunge probabil si la restul tarilor arabe

Eu cu cine - hac! - votez? In lipsa cunostintelor aprofundate, m-am gandit sa citesc despre cum pot face asta la noroc, din aceeasi sursa:

IN HIS introduction to "Predictions: 30 Great Minds on the Future" (Oxford University Press, 1999), Jonathan Weaver writes entertainingly of some of the methods used by diviners down the ages.

Tibetan diviners emptied their minds and stared into lakes, mirrors, the flaming wicks of lamps, or the balls of their own thumbs. Chinese diviners inscribed questions on tortoise-shells, then roasted the shells and interpreted the cracks. Arabian geomancers drew dots in the sand and assigned each set of dots to one of 14 geomantic Houses, including The House of the Questioner, The House of the Result, and the House of the Result of the Result. To randomise the dots, geomancers sometimes whirled around and around and jabbed their fingers into the sand as they fell—gyromancy.

Meanwhile, Roman diviners who read the entrails of sacrifices were known as haruspexes, literally Gut Inspectors. Cicero wondered how one haruspex could ever look into the eyes of another without laughing.

Nowadays there are still many who swear by the predictive powers of tarot cards, astrology, spirit boards or the grounds at the bottom of a coffee cup.

But we also have the modern wonders of data mining, forecasting models, scenario planning, predictions markets and (the main method used in The World In) expert opinion. 

All these are really different forms of guesswork. Some, we hope, may be better than others. When it comes to the art of forecasting, though, it is wise to remember the famous words of Donald Rumsfeld:

There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.

For the "unknown unknowns", can we do any better than the haruspexes and gyromancers?

Bucura-te! Maine-o vei duce mai rau, dar altii o duc si mai rau de ieri, de azi, dintotodeauna.

Sursa: Economist World in 2009 blog

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