Blegoo strikes (debates?) again

Blegoo, previously profiled and published here, took some time off from shovelling to write an article for this blog, as a guest. I’m publishing it here as encouragement (longer version), with the spelling mistakes left uncorrected but listed at the end, and also detailing there the formatting work I (still) had to do.

snow shovelling in the great U S of A photoIt's no longer a secret that our gracious (and genial) host here, "The Honourable Zeamo" - formerly known as "Zamolxis" is passionate about "debates".

Now, a "debate" (wiki-db8) is defined as broadly as a dispute in a discussion. I say "black", the opponent says "white".

In real life, especially in a romanian "discussion", debates are punctuated with curses of various offensive degrees - such as addressing one's family afiliation with the business of prostitution (usually one's mother) or perceived mental retardness or alcohoolism (usually one's father) or one's extended family, one's faith, degree of intelligence (as measured by standard IQ tests) and so on.

Romanians are known for their inventiveness - but they exceed in cursing. My favorite:

*** Show encrypted text (see FAQ for the password or simply complete the survey) ***

Out of respect for non-romanian speaking readers here, I'll not attempt a translation. Rest assured, it is offensive.

Back to the issue of debating, rules and regulations thereof.

Honourable "Zeamo" is fond of certain thereabove mentioned rules and regulations governing any "debate". While I concede that he has a point, I would like to submit to the readers of this site that he's behind the times. "Debates" in this day and age are not governed by any rules; indeed, the debates do not even have address the topic. Anything (and everything goes) - just as shown in last year CEDA debate win: (1, 2, 3). In case the reader is confused about the "subject" of the debate... it's War Power Resolution (wiki-wpr). Now, I'll offer a quote from some article:

Several college debate clubs that feature members preoccupied with minority issues have decided the traditional tournament format promotes white privilege. They have responded by refusing to play by the official rules, ignoring time limits and rebutting their opponents with rap and spoken-word poetry. (dc-prep)
Since the rules are going to be refused to be played by the blacks, I would claim the same privilege. We're equal, right, Zeamo? Blacks, whites, brown, yellow. Hence Oxford rules, Paris rules and other junk mandated for civilized debates will be jettisoned with anger and great satisfaction. Here, in the land of "Zeamo" (formerly known as "Zamolxis") where the law of the land is "romgleza", we claim to debate by "Romglish Rules"! Any "rebuttals" to the article in question will not contain references to historical, biological sociological or cultural facts (established alredy). Instead, we'll just rap our point. We'll hip-hop the issue. "Hopa-hopa, Penelopa", cum ar zice Neamțu Țiganu (nt-ai). It's only fair, considering that I'm sporting mostly black hair and I'm a dog. Yeah, I know: "On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog". Back to the article (as it is - full of pitifull complains and lachrymose accusations) - such as "...the other person is no longer commenting on this blog..." and "...I don’t debate or engage in conversation to win, but rather to have my views and ideas challenged...". Bleah and double bleah. Perhaps "the other person"got tired of your attitude? Hollier than you-type? Smarter than you-type? Full of links-type? In the example offered - "legalisation of drugs" - you did not offered ANYTHING or ANY ARGUMENT beyond imbecilic and self-contradicting statements and I quote:
"...Argumentez ca decriminalizarea consumului personal combinata cu mentinerea ilegalitatii traficarii..."
How idiotic is this? No criminal charges for consumption, but criminal charges for providing? So, somebody wants to do heroine, or cocaine on a daily basis... and that person will get the fix from... where? Since trafficking is illegal, that is; portugal model, that is, according to Zeamo. There is no consumption without delivery. Singapore and Indonesia drug laws come to mind. There's no problem of alcoholism or theft in Saudi Arabia, is it? Problem is always in ENFORCING the laws, not the existence of said laws. To accept (and even condone - by not prosecuting) consumption of mind-altering chemicals by an ever-increasing segment of the population is a sure receipe for destroying the society. To even defend - in a debate - such a position is mind boggling - no pun intended. Let me offer another pearl of Zeamo-wisdom:
"4. Exemplul american in ce priveste lupta impotriva consumului de droguri este extrem de relevant. Statele Unite au pornit de la un regim legislativ foarte liberal in sensul clasic (deci aproape libertarian). In timp, pe masura ce oamenii au devenit tot mai subjugati de propriul stat si implicit mai nefericiti, nevoia de decuplare de la realitate a crescut si, sub diverse pretexte, consumul de droguri a trebuit sa fie “controlat” crescand aceasta nevoie intr-un positive feedback loop..."
So. Drugs were free to use and sell. But then, the people became unhappy because of the State? And the people started using drugs more and more? Since those drugs were legal to use, produce and sell? Woauuu... that's very deep, man... I dig it... pass it over, looks like good shit. To sum it up: your arguments are so lacking of substance that I'm not at all surprised that "the other person" is no longer willing to discuss or "debate" with you on any given topic - be it legalizing any and all drugs for everybody anywhere or the role of culture in the gypsy community. Going back to your article and your
"...bothers me only insofar as their ability to challenge my own viewpoints..."

Problem here is that you don't accept any opposing arguments or facts, as presented by any opponents. You stick to yours, totally and absolutelly sure of your truth. Mention of "cognitive dissonance" is smile provocking, in this context. I can criticize the article sentence by sentence - but what's the purpose? Zeamo will still think that he's "debating" - Indiana University-style - while throwing out the door (and windows) any and all contrary arguments, statistics or common sense. Zeamo... you belong on a team of debaters with Ameena Ruffinb and Korey Johnson. (ba-2bl)


Any and all following posts (if any) will contain NO links to ANYTHING whatsoever. I trust that the readers are smart enough to navigate around internet, common sense and available statistics. Relying on "authority" is a common fallacy (wiki-ipse) - mostly employed by Zeamo.

I refuse to be dragged down into this liberal, democratic, socialistic infested mud.


* * *

As promised, I’m listing here the changes I had to made, in the hope that if he bothers to write again for this blog, he’ll manage to make my job easier next time.

  1. Added top photo – necessary for the recommendation code below the article and the Top column on the right in the desktop version.
  2. Moved external links at the bottom, in Sources / More info, (except those that can open in the logo window) added proper title tags, _blank target, and referenced them in text. This is done because readers have complained in the past of too many links which made it difficult for them to read the article.
  3. Translated the insult and encrypted it with “I understand that this a Romanian insult translated.” Just enter whatever is within quotes, without the actual quotes, when prompted for password.
  4. Made YouTube videos easier to watch and with no loading time penalty – look at the code to understand how and why; process automated with WLW. For instance, <strong><a href="">Interview.</a></strong> has become <a title="YouTube Video (opens to the right if you are on the main site): Interview" href=";modestbranding=1&amp;nologo=1&amp;showinfo=0&amp;rel=0&amp;iv_load_policy=3" rel="ytvid" target="tutub">2</a>.
  5. Misspelled words (use a spell checker, FFS):
    1. “romanian”, “portugal” – ethnonyms and country names must be capitalized
    2. “retardness” – try retardation
    3. “afiliation” – missing an “f”
    4. “alcohoolism” – portmanteau for “alcohol” + “hooliganism”? Puppy dog eyes
    5. “pitifull” – extra “l”
    6. “alredy” – missing “a”
    7. “hollier” – extra “l”, unless you’re hollering
    8. “receipe” – extra “i”
    9. absolutelly, provocking – you figure it out
  6. It is best to submit an article in HTML format, attached to an email or, if you prefer, at as that is the best way to retain formatting and links; failing to do so may cause the formatting to be lost - (this last point added after publication).

As for my comments/response, I’m running out of time, but will try to add later.

LE: Actually, I won't. Here's why: “Does that exchange sound familiar: a debate that starts with testable factual statements, but then, when the truth becomes inconvenient, the person takes a flight from facts.” (SciAm) There’s nothing in Blegoo’s diatribe that warrants a second look or a rebuttal, it’s all just nonsense. Either that, or I have a problem deriving sense out of it. And furthermore, he has yet to pay me. Moreover:

  • (..) when people’s beliefs are threatened, they often take flight to a land where facts do not matter. In scientific terms, their beliefs become less “falsifiable” because they can no longer be tested scientifically for verification or refutation.
  • For instance, sometimes people dispute government policies based on the argument that they don’t work. Yet, if facts suggest that the policies do work, the same person might stay resolvedly against the argument based on principle. We can see this on both sides of the political spectrum, whether it’s conservatives and Obamacare or liberals and the Iraqi surge of 2007.

See also NYT & The New Yorker or Tismaneanu, in Romanian.

Sources / More info: wiki-db8, wiki-wpr, dc-prep, nt-ai, ba-2bl, wiki-ipse


  1. Pe principiul "Dacă-i copil, să se joace; dacă-i cal, să tragă; și dacă-i popă, să cetească..." - treaba oricărui editor care se respectă e să corecteze greșelile din text înainte de publicare - căci de aia e editor, ca să rînească unde-a scris scriitorul.

    Editorul să nu se fudulească cu trufie, căci este scris "iertați greșelile greșiților voștri" și plăcut e în ochii Domnului cel care face bine pe tăcute, nicidecum cel care zbiară-n gura mare despre păcatele altora.

    Formatarea muncită de autor?

    Unde, care?

    Aia unde paragrafele au fost turciuflite unu-n altu', de nu se mai înțelege om cu persoană?

    Titlul - gândit cu sudoarea minții?

    Dispărut în zeama blogospotului...

    Pusul de lince la coadă?

    Pul-eezz... Most unhelpful feature ever invented by higher education establishments.

    Voi continua dezbaterile după legile mele!

  2. Your expectations of the work I should perform on your mess are unrealistic. This is more of a personal journal, I am not an editor anymore than I am a professional blogger and I hardly have time for my own stuff to publish. The point of accepting other articles is to spend less time publishing so that I can devote more time to other things going on in my life. Using a spell checker should not complicated, not even for the "moar plugins!" crowd.

    As for external links at the end, you may use proper footnotes if you wish (that would be better), but that is too much work so I don't. If you have a better solution for the problem described in my comments at (2), feel free to share it.

  3. Your expectations of the work I should perform on your mess are unrealistic. I am accepting guest articles to spend less time publishing while maintaining a semblance of a regular publishing, so that I can devote more time to other things going on in my life. Using a spell checker should not complicated, not even for the "moar plugins!" crowd.

    As for external links at the end, you may use proper footnotes if you wish (that would be better), but for me that is too much work so I don't. If you have a better solution for the problem described in my comments at (2), feel free to share it.

    I'll discuss content later, let's discuss here your issues with formatting (BTW, using the Blogger editor is a really bad idea, it really is the worst editor ever so I strongly suggest you don't use it).

  4. Since you're using Blogger platform for this site, I find it amusing to complain about perceived shortcomings of said software.

    I did suggested time and again to you to move to WordPress platform and you stubbornly refuse to do the right thing.

    No limit to human stupidity, I guess.

    Hopefully, the image of my original post will clear some of your editorial butchery - to put it mildly.

    Paragraphs DO MATTER.
    Pauses between sentences DO MATTER.
    Links in text DO MATTER.
    Pictures inserted for solely for some particular formatting columns - be they left, right or center DO NOT MATTER.

    Yeah, it's writer's complains about the editor. Devote more time to other things going on in your life... such as?
    Neaahh... don't mention those... we all have seen it: devoting time and energy to hunt and point out petty typos and to write about those with some pleasure.

  5. Blogger offers the most features and power for free; its editor sucks, but the rest of the features (FREE) more than adequately compensate for it. Wordpress is more polished and has a better editor, but everything else is either limited in the free version, or at a significant price - a price I'm not willing to pay. As for the typos, I went to the trouble to list them because I don't think you knew they were mistakes - hopefully this way you will remember; secondly, they may have been on purpose, since this is your style in Romanian at least and I've no way of knowing when you maim words and grammar on purpose and when you're not.

    What exactly is the point of your screencap? Are you saying that Blogger does not sytle quotes and doesn't display paragraphs, or what? You do understand that when you write an article, you write it in HTML, and the blog displays it based on the site CSS, which defines in both Wordpress and Blogger line spacing etc and how the site looks. Blogger allows you to edit CSS for free, (the free version) does not allow that, while (self-hosted) incurs other costs.

  6. The writing sample above is tiresome to my eyes. It's not even science.
    Was it worth reading it? I guess not.

  7. Drugs seem to be awfully cheap where you guys come from :))

  8. ..courtesy of the war on drugs. Watch Kill The Messenger, Oscar nominated as I recall :)

  9. Not much into action flicks, but sure, why not :P?

  10. A reason why not is that you could read a Wikipedia article - instead of watching the movie :)

  11. Ahh, e cu Hawk Eye. Ne uitam :))

  12. I was talking about Jeremy Renner, but Disqus made all your comments unavailable for the past day.

  13. On a second reading, I get the feeling of a passive-agressive attitude. So, I won't even bother to the end of the argument. Since the author is zamo's friend, it must be zamo's decision to follow on the advice or no advice given. :)

  14. I'll probably answer, it's just extremely hard for me to read, since he did not submit it formatted, in HTML format, as I had requested :(

  15. Is it reasonable to expect better comments than your rant/article/whatever?

  16. Am expus diferite probleme în articolul scris de mine.
    Replicile sunt "Zeamoase" - ca să nu devin pateu.
    Zero contra arguments, zero idei diferite.

    Mă declar învingător.


  17. Winner in formatting (we only talked about that)?

  18. Hey, enjoy your victory and then get the argument if you still wanna hear it!

    "No criminal charges for consumption, but criminal charges for providing?"
    The consumer is not guilty for he's having an addiction. But the intentions of whoever wants to profit off someone else's habits are not ok.
    Past experience also says that it's less expensive to call in people for daily treatment at a clinic than to pay for their stay in prison. So the trend is to decriminalize consumption.
    I fight like a girl because I am a girl.

  19. Desigur, drogomanu' nu-i vinovat, săracu' dă el.

    Alții e vinovați... sistemu', dilăru'... cultura... anturaju'...

    Ca urmare, trebe' înțeles și dus la clinică zilnic (silnic?)

    Desigur, în anumite țări, atitudinea e diferită.

    Fiind diferită, nu există problema cu drogomanii.

    Dar... divaghez.

    Chestia e - un adict de heroină, cînepă, lesedeu ori cocaină e practic nefuncțional - un rebut social. Vorbesc ADICT aicea, nu ăia care au încercat ici-colo ceva șit - alde Steve Jobs și alții ca el. Ce dreaq', avem președinte-n america care a fumat la greu. Ete că se descurcă.

    Adicția însă... e altceva. Cum ți-ar place un chirurg, un pilot de avioane de pasageri, un polițai, un judecător la tribunal, un operator de centrală energetică (eventual nucleară), oricine în orice meserie care cere o minte CLARĂ?

    Adicția conduce la imposibilitatea de a avea o slujbă de orice fel; un adict nu visează la altceva decât la următorul "fix". Nimic altceva nu contează.

    Incapabil să se suporte singur. Practic, un prunc care suge la țîță - doar că mama e societatea. Suptul e la diferite formule - de la ajutoare sociale la furt, jaf și omor.

    Funcționează la fix și la droguri legale - cum ar fi... alcolu'.

    Un alcolic nu e interesat de altceva decît de următoarea cinzeacă.

    Nu-i bun de nimic - social vorbind e incapabil să muncească, și alea.

    Da, poți să-l duci la clinică; da' dacă nu vrea? Îl duci cu forța? Clar e o povară pe spinarea societății - îi dai ajutor social... de unde? din taxele plătite de cei care nu-s adicți?

    Nu nene. Soluția nu e să-i "ajuți". Soluția e ca la Singapore: zețe la funduleț! Nu ajută? Pușcărie - eventual pe viață; nu-i destul? Le iei gîtu'!

    Socializm, te halesc! Da' n-am scule...


    Bre Zeamo... de ce nu deschizi tu un dispensar de lesedeu, cocaină, heroină, marijuna... ori ce se cere... că văz că clienți ai avea?

  20. Hihihi! Glumet!
    Things just changed a bit,

    (Blegoo, tu nu cumva ai un site pe care un comentariu asteapta sa fie publicat de i s-au lungit urechile? Just wandering for my own sake!)

    Si apoi daca te uiti in dictionar, dragoman e cu totul altceva. Ha!

    Uite cum spunea profu de 'drugs': Ca vin astia din suburbie cu masini luxoase la marginea orasului, isi prepara/amesteca chestia in capacul de bere, o trag in siringa, se inteapa si apoi o taie iar la suburbie.

    Astia este realitatea: metadona dimineata la 6 la clinica si apoi la lucru.
    Dar bineinteles unii au mai multa zapada decat altii de dat la o partea asa ca se echilibreaza pe undeva.

    Ro de la ...well, forget it!

  21. It seems that the title of the article doesn't have any ironical overtones, now.
    Nice show, Blegoo!

  22. This thing with disqus is just not working for me. I tried.

    I'll be the guest sometimes only to be 'halit fara scule'. :)
    Sorry for overlooking these points,
    "Paragraphs DO MATTER.
    Pauses between sentences DO MATTER.
    Links in text DO MATTER." ,
    and for the mess I blurted out.

    I have to take care of my schoolwork first and then I can have discussions! :P

  23. URLs (like the Yahoo link in your previous comment) require manual approval. Blegoo is exempt, because although confused, he doesn't post commercial stuff. I will whitelist you as well.

  24. I posted the link because I thought it was relevant to the topic on
    police brutality. Even if one sides with the police, the injured person
    is still in need of medical attention, and this is 1.
    And then 2:
    why start by inflicting pain and suffering when it's easier to
    first use your judgement, seizing up the scene that is, and going by the
    training received and the protocols in place?
    If you have the proper skills, attitude and are qualified for the job, I assume there are less chances in messing it up.
    truly unfortunate what happened in the community, but in going beyond
    the facts maybe the larger picture is that of a young and thriving community which
    is not bad at all.

  25. Io aprob orice comentariu - mai puțin alea cu "avem medicamente ieftine" etc.

    Nu mă deranjează înjurăturile.

    "DRAGOMAN" definește ceva diferit de "DROGOMAN" care e un termen popular folosit pentru a defini cineva care consumă/folosește droguri în mod permanent.

    N-am idee care e relevanța locului geografic/locuința drogomanului - suburbie ori centrul vechi. La fel, poate ne esplici care e cxazu' cu macazu' cu mașina lucsoasă?

    Poate dai și listă de mașini "luscoase"?

  26. BLEGOO (indignat): "Hadică... io-s zăpăcit la cap?!? Cu paru' băh? Bine băh..."

  27. Bre RodelaRo: Tu nu prea știi cum e pîn halte țări, nu?

    Legi, pedepse, judecăți, alea?

    Am noutăți pt. tine:

    • În Hamerika - care este! - te iei la caterincă cu poliția... iei cătușe plus ceva zile la pârnaia locală.

    • În Hamerika... ataci poliția - cu sau fără armă... tre' să-ți comanzi coscig.

    • In Singapore... scuipi pe jos, mestegi ciungă... iei foo' 4-5 la poponeț.

    • În indonezia... aduci droguri pentru drogomani... mori, băh!

    • În Harabia Saudită... șterpelești ceva... îți ia mîna, bre!


    "...maybe the larger picture is that of a young and thriving community which is not bad..."

    Daaa... o vedere mai lărgitâ...

    Notă: Bre Zeamo... de ce lași să curgă genu' de comentarii "RodelaRo"?
    Că clar ăsta face reclamă la ceva de kkt.

  28. Ejti BOU.
    Zeamo nu-i pretenu' meu - dimpotrivă.
    Da' bănui că tu n-ai idee ce înseamnă să ai un dușman.
    Doamne... ocolește-i pă romîni!

  29. ..I didn't see that. But if that were true, you are different.. how?

  30. Fă-ți programare la oculist, poate-ți trebe dioptrii proaspete.


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