Sorin Grindeanu, new official Dragnea puppet

There’s a new kid with his bum closely fitting Dragnea’s hand and his name is Sorin Grindeanu. Iohannis accepted him and that has made him Prime Minister. How is he better than our odalisque, I don’t know – seriously, wouldn’t she have been much better?

imageApparently, our Sevil told Dragnea that she doesn’t want to continue and that is not implausible. So Dragnea nominated this guy. Supposedly, Iohannis texted him “good luck” from an unknown number to let him know he accepted him.

Dragnea, behind him, ordered Grindeanu at the press conference to share with the reporters this all-important info. The impetuous PSD president bragged that he was going to suspend the President if the latter didn’t make up his mind quickly enough. During the press conference, a reporter asked the PM a question and when Dragnea hurried to answer it, the reporter rejected it turning it to the PM, which apparently Dragnea visibly resented. Interestingly, Grindeanu refers to both Dragnea and Iohannis as “President” (hn-calendar).

So Romania haz new Pi.eM. The new government will increase budgetary salaries with 20%, which will have some inflationary pressures, but that’s good since it will counteract pre-existing deflationary ones and are, in my personal view, self-sustaining for economic growth.

One thing I was going to write about but did not get to is revelations read a few months ago about the BNR and Isarescu’s game. Maybe later, after the article’s publication.

update: it was something written by an insider about how Isarescu (National Bank BNR governor) managed liquidity, pushing some players who were supposedly gaming the system by betting against the RON into red, but I can no longer find it.

Sources / More info: hn-calendar

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