Butoi II. Tudorel Badea Severin. Si cu noi.

Unlike most of my Romanian friends, who are angered by the details of the 112/police (EMS) response to Alexandra Macesanu’s increasingly desperate calls, I am far more upset by police colonel, university professor and forensic psychologist Tudorel Badea Butoi-Severin and the inconsequential censure by CNCD following his deeply offensive, misogynistic, victim-blaming comments. I believe that the hostility and inadequacy of the police response is rooted in the attitude that Prof Butoi has expressed and this bigotry is the root cause of police inaction and incompetence.

Before going further, I admit that this should be Butoi III, but I’m keeping Butoi II because in Romanian it rhymes. “Si cu noi” or “With us too” rhymes as well. Think of what you’re reading as “Butoi 2.5”.

We will never have a functional state apparatus if attitudes such as that of Professor Tudorel Badea Butoi-Severin are prevalent and practically uncensured.

Butoi expresses himself in words that seldom match, much like people “interpreted” by Divertis.
  • „Școala de la Poliția Capitalei, serviciul Crime, a identificat, cel puțin în generația mea, 11 ticăloși de genul ăsta. Ăștia să știți că sunt foarte feroci. Ucid fără zăbavă, tranșează, împrăștie părți din cadavre. Dar să știți că în interogatorii, sunt fricoși, lași, transpiră și put.” (..) „deoarece criminalii ăștia în serie au slăbiciuni, ei păstrează așa-zisele fetișuri de pe la victimele lor - un ineluș, cerceluși, o broșă, un ruj de buze, o batistă, ținute de lenjerie intimă etc. - și va trebui să explice proveniența lor” (d24-bti)
  • "Scoala pe acasa este o idiotenie. Este, din punctul meu de vedere, un act ratat si un abandon al obligatiilor institutiilor publice. Scoala pe acasa iti da socializare? Iti da tie experienta colectivelor, a strazii? Ne apucam acum sa aplecam urechea la niste oameni care-si dau si ei cu parerea, chiar parinti fiind?", spune psihologul criminalist Tudorel Butoi. (..) "Sa nu existe, cultivate in acest copil, care va creste intr-o eprubeta: competitia, studiul in oglinda cu ceilalti din comunitatea respectiva, ambitia. Vreti sa facem o floare de sera si sa iasa in societate, la primul viscol sa se paleasca? Ori vreti sa avem copii competitivi, sa invete de mici ce inseamna o societate care are conflicte, sa fie pregatit acel copil?" (zr-hmscl)
  • Juca barbut pe maidane, fura lemne și porumbei. La 10 ani știa toate jocurile de noroc și, cum vedea uniforma sectoristului din capul străzii, fugea să pitească ce-a furat. “Ai să-nfunzi pușcăria”, îi striga mama. “Sigur că chiuleam de la școală, nu trebuia să merg la pescuit? Nu trebuia să dau cu zarurile? Furam, mințeam, eram duplicitar. Dar cine-ar fi crezut că toate nenorocirile astea aveau să-mi folosească într-o zi?”, ne spune. (..) La facultatea de psihologie a intrat târziu, după ce picase de două ori la Medicină și după ce mai hălăduise o vreme prin București, furând de pe maidane cu găștile, dormind sub cerul liber și pescuind ilegal prin lacuri. (a3-furam)
  • Telefonul lui sună pe melodia din filmul „Nașul” pentru că, spune el, în tinerețe și-a propus să „îi pună în cap” pe mafioții pe care îi vedea în celebra trilogie americană. “Cartea norocoasă înseamnă ca un șir de coincidențe să se lege între ele într-un raționament riguros, demonstrabil și în fața căruia persoana pe care o bănuiești să nu mai poată avea spațiu de mișcare. Făptuitorul de obicei nu recunoaște, dar când i se pun în față probele clachează.” “Știți cum fac ăștia prin anchete când îi încolțești cu probe. Zici că sunt cei mai jigăriți șobolani. În viața socială sunt șmecheri cu fițe, dar când ajung la „prăvălie” (la poliție – n.r.) și probatoriul duce spre ei devin niște melci fără casă. În acele momente încep să dea din casă și ar vinde pe oricine să își diminueze pedeapsa.” “Acum se încurajează delațiunea. Este cea mai scârboasă formă de relație interumană. Dă și pe mă-sa și pe tac-su și pe tovarășii lui.” “Soluția este tot cu brățările, dar în alt sens. Să poarte amândoi brățări, dar să aibă niște senzori, se poate face ușor prin GPS, care atunci când agresorul se apropie la mai puțin de 200 de metri de victimă, să i se descarce un șoc electric în mână, care să îl facă să iasă din zona ei. Dacă insistă să se apropie, șocurile cresc în intensitate până devin insuportabile.”  (evz-nasul)

The above quotes have already been corrected for grammar and mistakes by the reporters who published them. If you really want to hear him say stupid things, watch his unedited interviews.

For instance, let’s look at what he said in that TV intervention almost a decade ago:

  • Women need to know how to get in the elevator and not nag us that they were raped in the elevator, when and with whom.” – he’s “putting women in their place” and when he says “nag us”, who is he referring to? Who do women call about being raped? More importantly, if he had been speaking proper Romanian, “with whom” would be clearer, but now it’s questionable. More precisely, you don’t say “rape with whom” but rather “by whom”, because rape is “perpetrated onto” someone, it’s not a participatory exercise. This was recently in the news even in Romania, where a Romanian priest and educator of priests said on the “Patriarchy Radio Station” Trinitas that pregnancy cannot happen after rape unless the “rape was consensual”.
  • He talks about “provocative victims” as if it’s a thing beyond his mind. Someone commenting on medusa-butoi defends him as follows: Cand o sa ajungeti la 1% din eperienta criminalistica domnului Tudorel Butoi, veti intelege, poate, ceea ce a incercat sa explice. Dar, intr-un neam de frustrati, un om de calitatea domnului Butoi nu poate fi inteles. Daca nu stiti ce inseamna ,,victima provocatoare", puneti mana pe un material de specialitate si veti afla. Sau ati uitat de sfatul mamelor voastre? ,,Fata mea, nu umbla noaptea singura pe strazile intunecate" (apropo de aceasta, chiar si eu, desi sunt ditamai barbatul, prefer sa merg mai mult pe strazile principale decat sa folosesc scurtaturi pustii )Sau ati uitat intelepciunea populara? ,, Hotul cu un pacat, pagubasul cu o mie" Omul acesta este o somitate in criminalistica. Stiati ca el este promotorul in Romania e tehnicii poligraf? Din pacate, ca orice om de geniu, nu va fi inteles de contemporanii lui. Asa cum nu a fost inteles nici cand a luptat pentru introducerea poligrafului in desfasurarea interogatoriului judiciar.

Again, I first learned about about his existence while researching Rimaru, and felt that underneath the obviously wrong commentary he was providing there was likely something to hide. The first, obviously, is that Colonel Tudorel Badea Butoi-Severin used to be a “militian”. This “profession” appeared in most jokes under communism as being not just useless and corrupt, but not very bright.

The second, less obvious, is that as a policeman during the 70s when Rimaru [may have] committed his crimes then got arrested, he may know more about that incredible police failure disguised in security theater. While at first I had thought that his extremely ignorant views were just a by-product of his lack of education, I now think there’s a more sinister reason. It’s quite likely that the original Rimaru was forced to confess to crimes he did not commit (possibly through sleep deprivation or other “enhanced interrogations techniques”) then “suicided” to close this shameful chapter in Romanian police history. As Romania was and still is a very safe country, few policemen have the expertise and knowledge to deal with serious crime and fail miserably when presented with the opportunity.


Thirdly, as we’ve seen in the previous article, Butoi is presenting the viewpoint of Militia/Police – people who don’t really want to be “disturbed” by calls from women suffering violence. That’s why CNCD’s decision was so important (as shown in the previous Butoi installment) and yet, somehow, his full name was deleted, rendering the decision useless. Something happened there (was the victim blackmailed into retracting their complaint?) but we don’t know what. In any event, we have higher standards today and more transparency, giving police and prosecutors less leeway to blame crimes on innocents just to increase their “solved” stats.

And that attitude is exactly the attitude that the 211 operator had when Alexandra called them – they went as far as telling her to “not keep the line busy because they had other calls coming in”, which is the opposite of what operators are trained to do in the rest of the world (112-911).

On the other hand, misogynistic attitudes are highly prevalent in the Romanian society, especially the more rural parts of Moldova and Oltenia and it’s quite unfair to expect policemen to suddenly acquire a newfound respect for life the moment they join the force, given that it’s normal for them to share the biases share by the general population. Furthermore, this does not happen only in Romania.

those who are evolutionarily predisposed to panic and overreact require a kind of personal response and attention for which legislation is a poor, unworkable substitute (+ bad consequences)


Romanian police is criticized for not acting right away on the disappearance complaint, but I’m not sure that’s not normal operating procedure. I have vague memories of watching something like this in movies or TV series such as True Detective (season 3 and season 1 are about disappearances, can’t remember what season 2 was about). See also the famous Madeleine McCann case and documentary. As I recall, if a “disappeared” person doesn’t come back in the first 24 or 48h then chances are something bad happened and the police often wait before really starting such an investigation. It seems though that more recently (as recently as July 1 in Ontario), missing persons legislation has been modernized across Canada to start searching immediately, in an effort to reduce the high mortality rates among First Nations, sometimes even in the hands of police (Sk, USA, ON, BC, Canada).

What most websites re: disappearance are advising is that having to wait a number of hours is a myth. Though this is the advice today, this was clearly not the case only decades ago, and though Romania is catching up, it’s still behind the Western world in terms of attitudes and institutions.


Here’s my little contribution to understanding what happened:

  • Alexandra may have wanted to call her parents but the phone had no credits left; you don’t need a SIM card to call 112, which is something her killer probably didn’t realize.
  • The suspect Dinca may have been involved in prior kidnappings and/or the girls may have occasionally gotten involved in part time prostitution
  • I believe that the vast majority of prostitutes engage in this trade of their own free will. They are not “exploited” any more than most employees are by their bosses (LE: like kids in China gua-foxconn).
  • There probably are some who are kidnapped, exploited and subjected to violence, but it’s very hard to distinguish, since “voluntary” prostitutes may often lie that they have been coerced in order to obtain asylum in a richer country or to access some kind of support that would otherwise not be available.
  • The police was encouraged to blame prosecutors by the government as well as “Antene” (the government-oriented mass-media). Though I’m inclined to believe the prosecutors, they also exaggerate and they’d blame police even if prosecutors were at least partly to blame.
  • It’s very disturbing that the chief of police gave information and trusted a criminal moreso than DOS within MAI.

Romanian mass-media is producing new developments faster than I have the time and patience to follow. As I speak, I have a browser with over 30 tabs opened, all on this fiasco and I want to close them.

I plan to keep this chronological list of articles and video clips re: Caracal / Dinca.
  • summary of misfirings sptv, protest, vecina, DincaJoi, victima, minore, tatal, reactii
  • A little girl, Larisa Chelaru, 8, was murdered similarly in 2005 by Robert Ciobanu, 17, who had been friends with Larisa’s brother. He was freed November 2014 and Penal Code modifications are blamed. The girl’s father committed suicide during the proceedings (hn-larisa)
  • 07.28 – Iohannis calls the government “moral author” of the crimes (hn-ioha)
  • 07.29 – Policeman / 211 dispatcher Viorel Florescu attempts to defend his actions (hn-florescu)
  • 07.29 – PSD CEX: Dancila complains that her colleagues left her alone and undefended in front of the reporters (hn-dancex)
  • 07.29 – CCR rejects controversial Penal Code modifications as unconstitutional, after having postponed 7 times (hn-c)
  • 07.29 – PM Iancu writes in DW that “forgive us” is misplaced (hn-neierte)
  • 07.29 – 2 Facebook pages, politice.net and litere.net, which pointed to Cristian Mihai’s Twenty Media SRL, a PSD client, have been spreading misinformation (p1-fbpropaganda)
  • 07.29 – Andrei Luca Popescu explains that the Police could and should have contacted DOS (special ops direction) within MAI but did only 11h after Alexandra’s calls, at 10pm; furthermore, Police and Prosecution blame each other, all being investigated by the “Judiciary Inspection” in the MAI (rel-chron)
  • 07.29 – a former 211 operator tells a story (mf-soloiu, fb-soloiu)
  • 07.29 – Uncle Alexandru Cumpanasu strikes me as weird and shifty. (yt-cumpa, zn-cumpan, op-cumpan, ctd-cumpan, sps-cumpan, dcn-cumpan). Maybe it’s the stress of all this, but he keeps looking at the camera as if to check he’s still in the center, occasionally smiles like a kid who just can’t get in character, and most of all, does not seem to have the family’s consent to disclose information but does it anyway and keeps making up reasons.
  • 07.30 – sectia procurori CSM: “Asupra deficienţelor procesului legislativ în materia procesual penală, precum şi a preocupărilor pentru modificarea legislaţiei privind organizarea sistemului judiciar, care slăbesc capacitatea de reacţie şi lipsesc de instrumente organele de anchetă, Secţia pentru procurori a tras semnale de alarmă de nenumărate ori. Mai mult decât atât, aceleaşi aspecte au fost sesizate şi de către experţii Comisiei Europene, experţii Comisiei de la Veneţia şi experţii GRECO”.” (evz-30iul) the police blamed the magistrates (a3-dragan) and threatened union moves (cap-sindi)
  • 07.31 – Dancila admits that in the internecine fight over party boss, fight against regular crime was left out (hn-dancilupta)
  • 07.31 – Alexe was given ample time on Antena 3 to provide the Police (widely considered false) version of the events (a3-alexe); meanwhile, DIICOT chief Banila provides his version of the events (yt-banila, lib-banila)
  • 07.31 – After Caracal, police takes seriously the abuses at Maciuca, not far, where mentally ill patients were exploited, tied to beds and used for slave work (lib-maciuca)
  • 08.01 – Gheorghe Dinca had serious psycho issues requiring hospitalization 10 years ago and was taken to Jilava; around the same time may have had a polygraph test administered (which, as I explained back in 2008, is BS; the hope is that he doesn’t know that, but his lawyer would have the duty to let him know – or maybe they’re trying to discern what’s true among among his conflicted/contradictory/shifting confession). (yt)
  • 08.01 – An Arad (far from Caracal) businessman accuses Dinca’s daughter of being a pimp/proxenet (yt)
  • 08.01 – Tolontan speculates the mention of Scornicesti in the report to revive Ceausescu (liro-ceau): ‘Cei care au reperat casa au fost ofițerii de la DOS București, veniți întâmplător în Oltenia în acele zile pentru un clan de traficanți de persoane pe ruta România – Mexic – SUA. Ei au intrat ”într-un birou cu internet din poliția Caracal”, și-au dat seama că semnalul telefonului care a sunat la 112 fusese prins de două celule de telefonie mobilă diferită, au pus datele cap la cap și au localizat casa.’
  • 08.01: Google launched a Siri for 911 (ggl-ems, sttpc-ggl); the Romania is eons behind (hn-112)
  • 08.01: Starting April 15 for the first victim and then 25th, the two names were introduced in the “disappeared” application of the Romanian Police and shared in Schengen and internationally (hn-baniladiicot); a former minister of justice questions why the victims are presented on the “wanted” webpage together with the suspects (hn-urmarire).
  • 08.01 – Nicolae Alexe, the commissar-in-chief had lied and was given ample time by “Antene” to blame prosecution for his failings, most of all contacting gangs and relying on their info rather than going through DOS (special ops dir)
  • 08.01 – The father had a message (hn-tataam), woman knew both (d24-knew) and someone “analyzed” the 112 conversations (hn-ursula)
  • 08.02 – Ecaterina Andronescu, who wondered (almost like I did) why did the girl hitch-hike (hn-ea1), was then fired, (hn-ea, yt-obs) learning from TV & Fb (hn-ea3)
  • 08.02 – Local area prostitution traffic, over 60% Euro prostitution from Romania, traficate, it-crim; there’s a conspiracy theory suggesting that the suspect was getting girls for the organized crime / prostitution networks in Romania (dcn-dantonsc)
  • 08.02 – The suspect has a new lawyer, Claudiu Lasoschi, presented by the media as being better, but does not give details on where the bodies are supposedly because the prosecutor asked him to; he is rather quick to declare that there are no accomplices (rr-lasoschi, a3-luiza, a3-rugat).
  • 08.02: taking Dinca to Bucharest was done to remove local influence on the investigation (d24-dincbuc) – given the state of roads and transportation infrastructure in Romania, moving him back and forth could be construed as “enhanced interrogation”
  • 08.02 – DNA (ro: ADN) confirmation that the bones found belong to Alexandra (hf-oase) – there’s been incorrect speculation that he could not have burned the body, but the burning is obviously incomplete (since the bones were recuperated) and he may have also used acid; Anyway, Cumpanasu first announced that it’s confirmed, the prosecutors invalidated the announcement, then they did confirm, then Cumpanasu changed his mind and claimed that’s not true.
  • 08.02 – The search for Alexandra had been coordinated by Remus Rădoi ”Codiță”, a gang leader whom Nicolae Alexe called instead of using DOS and who sent them to 3 addresses that proved to be incorrect (liro-clan)
  • 08.02 – a new law by MAI is in the project stage to give police more tools (hn-mailaw) and the Caracal police as well as the prosecutor’s office are being investigated (hn-inspjud).
  • 08.03 – Caracal chief of police Nicolae Mirea, who had been fired or suspended, will now get a “special pension” of 12000 RON, much higher than most other people (d24-carapension)
  • 08.03 – Journalist Oprea calls for prepaid SIM cards to be sold only with ID (liro-opreasim)
  • 08.04 – he burned the body 7h and killed her punching her face, according to him (cap-details)
  • 08.05 – USR deputy calls for Birchall head if she had called the family personally/directly (hn-usrbirchall)

In some recent Canadian news, for comparison, police released a video of the suspect who may have hit woman in the head with concrete before sexual assault, and nobody cares.

It was extremely hard for me to go through all the info and summarize it, and though I’ll try, I don’t promise I’ll keep the above updated.

Sources / More info: vb-biobu, 112-911, lib-interlopi, zn-cumpan, op-cumpan, ctd-cumpan, sps-cumpan, dcn-cumpan, rr-lasoschi, hf-oase, hn-ea, liro-toloceau, dcn-dantonsc, d24-bti, cap-details, evz-30iul, a3-dragan, cap-sindi, d24-wknew, liro-ceau, d24-reportmai, hn-ecand, hn-ea1, hn-ea3, ggl-ems, sttpc-ggl, hn-112, d24-dincbuc, hn-tataam, hn-dancilupta, hn-urmarire, hn-baniladiicot, hn-florescu, hn-larisa, hn-dancex, hn-ccrjcts, hn-ioha, dw-neierte, p1-fbpropaganda, rel-chron, mf-soloiu, fb-soloiu, a3-alexe, lib-maciuca, lib-banila, hn-ursula, gp-112, hn-usrbirchall, d24-carapension, liro-opreasim, liro-clan, hn-mailaw (PDF), hn-inspjud, rep-cadem, zr-hmscl, psihojud, a3-furam, evz-nasul, gua-foxconn

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