Inca doua imprumuturi prin Kiva!  

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Povesteam anul trecut cat m-am bucurat sa dau bani cu imprumut prin Kiva unei antreprenoare basarabence si alteia libaneze prin contul meu de Kiva. Mi-am atintit ochiul catre America de Sud, unde iar am dat niste bani cu-mprumut.

Cum se-ntampla dupa fiecare imprumut / donatie, ei ma sfatuiesc sa zic mai departe, dupa cum urmeaza:


Am facut un împrumut cuiva din tarile în curs de dezvoltare folosind un site revolutionar numit Kiva (

Puteti merge pe site-ul Kiva si imprumuta pe cineva din tarile în curs de dezvoltare care are nevoie de un împrumut pentru afacerea lor - cum ar fi cresterea caprelor, vanzari de legume la piata sau productia de caramizi. Fiecare împrumut are o poza a antreprenorului, o descriere a afacerii lor si a planului de utilizare a creditului, astfel încât sa stiti exact cum va cheltuiti banii - si veti primi actualizari anuntându-va cum merge antreprenorul.
Cel mai fain este ca atunci cand antreprenorul isi plateste inapoi creditul va luati banii înapoi - si împrumuturile Kiva sunt gestionate de catre institutiile de microfinantare de pe teren, care au multa experienta in asta, astfel încât sa puteti avea încredere ca banii dvs. sunt folositi responsabil.

Am împrumutat un grup de antreprenori din Bolivia care se numeste “Speranta”. Ei au înca nevoie de $2,875 pentru a completa cererea de împrumut în valoare de $3,075 (puteti împrumuta chiar si $25!). Ajutati-ma sa pornesc acest antreprenor, facând clic pe link-ul de mai jos pentru a face si Dumneavoastra un împrumut pentru a Grupul La Esperanza:

Este in sfârsit usor de luptat concret impotriva saraciei - folosind Kiva stiu exact cine are banii mei si la ce-i foloseste. Si mai presus de toate, stiu ca ii ajut sa construiasca o afacere durabila, care le va asigura venitul pentru hrana, se îmbracaminte, casa si educatia familiei lor mult timp dupa ce împrumutul îmi este rambursat.

Alaturati-va mie în schimbarea lumii – cu fiecare împrumut.


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Ce spun altii despre

"Revolutioneaza modul in care donatorii si creditorii din SUA se conecteaza cu micii întreprinzatori din tarile în curs de dezvoltare."

"Daca ai 25 de dolari, un calculator si un cont de PayPal, ai acum tot ce-ti trebuie sa fii un capitalist multinational."
- CNN Money

"Investitorii mai mici pot face împrumuturi de câte 25 de dolari pentru a antreprenori individuali specifici, printr-un serviciu lansat nu demult de catre"
- Wall Street Journal

"O excelenta oportunitate de investitie in voia ta buna... Toate fondurile imprumutate ajung direct la solicitanti, si cele mai multe împrumuturi sunt rambursate în totalitate."
- Entrepreneur Magazine


Mr. Ricardo represents the members of the group “The Hope.” The group is made up of 12 people, who mostly sell different products, like street food, cosmetics through catalogues, underwear, household painting services, education, and the production of clothing. The competition in this commercial setting is high, but the members of the group know how to go forward thanks to their experience and their desire to work. The loans will be used to buy materials, supplies, and tools that help to generate a larger income, since the livelihoods of their families and the improvements in their quality of life depend on these activities. With respect to the members’ experiences in solidary groups, they have received loans before from organization similar to Fundación Agrocapital, so they are familiar with the principal requirements, which are honesty, responsibility, and, above all, a desire to work.

Translated from Spanish by Avni Shah, Kiva Volunteer

Los miembros del grupo “La Esperanza “ están representados por el señor Ricardo y conformado por 12 personas que en su mayoría se dedican a la venta de diferentes productos como comida al paso, cosméticos por catálogos, ropa interior y al servicio de pintura domiciliaria, a la educación y a la confección de prendas de vestir. . La competencia en el ámbito comercial es alta pero los miembros del grupo saben como salir adelante gracias a su experiencia y sus ganas de trabajar. El destino del financiamiento es para la adquisición de materiales, insumos y herramientas que ayuden a generar un mayor ingreso ya que de ello depende el sustento de sus familias y mejoramiento de su calidad de vida. En lo que respecta a experiencia en grupos solidarios la mayoría de los miembros del grupo obtuvieron financiamientos con anterioridad en entidades similares a la fundación Agrocapital por lo que conocen los requisitos principales que son honestidad, responsabilidad y sobre todo ganas de trabajar.

About Group Loans
In a group loan, each member of the group receives an individual loan but is part of a group of individuals bound by a group guarantee. Under this arrangement, each member of the group supports one another and is responsible for paying back the loans of their fellow group members if someone is delinquent or defaults.


Cristina is a member of the Community Bank "Diana de Gales" located in the district and province of Puno. She is 36 years old and she is married, with two children. She has trained to be a teacher. She lives in Jr. Leoncio Prado.

She has been with the Manuela Ramos movement (Kiva Field Partner) for the past 3 years. Her first loan was in the amount of S/.300 nuevos soles which was used as capital funds to purchase toys.

Currently she requires an additional loan in the amount of S/.2000 nuevos soles. The loan will be used to purchase toys, children's clothing, and to supply her other business selling Unique beauty products.

Her dream is to set up a store with a variety of toys and perfumes.

She enjoys attending the meetings and the support, as well as learning to be independent.

Translated from Spanish by Erika Lindig, Kiva Volunteer

La señora Cristina es socia del Banco Comunal “Diana de Gales”, en el distrito de Puno, provincia de Puno, en el departamento de Puno, ella tiene 36 años de edad, está casada y es madre de 2 hijos, Tiene estudios de educación superior completa (profesora). Vive en el jr. Leoncio Prado.

Trabaja con el Movimiento Manuela Ramos desde hace 3 años, su primer préstamo fue de S/. 300.00 nuevos soles, monto que le sirvió como capital para la compra de juguetes.

Actualmente, ella requiere un préstamo adicional, por ello viene solicitando la suma de S/. 2000.00 nuevos soles, el préstamo le servirá para poder comprar juguetería, y ropa para niños, además también se dedica a la venta de productos de belleza Unique.

Su deseo es poner una tienda bien surtida en perfumes y juguetes.

A ella le gusta la unión y el apoyo y aprendieron mucho a ser solidarias.

Am imprumutat unui grup pentru prima data. Imprumutatul catre un grup este mult mai putin riscant dat fiind ca intreg grupul este responsabil daca vreunul din membri nu plateste inapoi, dar tocmai de-aia, incerc sa dau imprumuturi celor care sunt de capul lor. Ca si in trecut, am facut imprumutul in numele echipei Romania. In prezent, suntem 32 de suflete, am facut 160 de imprumuturi (deci 5 de caciula) pentru un total de $4,200! Iata si membrii echipei, iar pentru cei care au facut asta public, sub nume se afla profesia, de ce imprumuta, adresa web si data cand au intrat in Kiva.

Team Captain
Cluj Napoca
IT Consultant
I appreciate people that want to do something and are not just beggars or thieves.
I think these people need support and I am willing to try to help them. I prefer people that are producers, instead of people that just do commerce or speculate. 

altomconsulting Dec 22, 2006

image  Ru__

Software QA Engineer
I believe everyone deserves a chance.
Dec 21, 2006

Linz, Austria

i like to see people develop to their full potential
Jun 25, 2007

image  Larry
Pitesti, Arges

Software Engineer
Oct 9, 2007

Bucharest, sect 3

Nov 29, 2007
KivaFriends, Evansville, IN
United States

Computer Programmer
Dec 30, 2007
Conegliano, Treviso

SysAdmin telecomm
I want to help others.
Jan 21, 2008

Wailuku, HI
United States

Fundraising Project Manager
Apr 9, 2008

Elias and Laura
Wheeling, IL

Christ gave me life!
Therefore I want to share my life with others.
Jun 15, 2008


I want to help others have a decent life
Jul 14, 2008


Biomedical Engineer
We are ONE!
Aug 11, 2008


Sep 6, 2008

image  Anonymous

Sep 26, 2008

Romulus Cristea

Dec 7, 2008

image Iulian
Craiova, DJ

Web Designer
Jan 21, 2009

Trimbitas Sorin
Web Developer
I like helping others. I hope that all the people from kiva to which we all loan will get their dreams up&running.
Feb 22, 2009

London, UK
I loan because:  I believe in the power of masses. I believe that if each of us helped out at least one other person on the planet, we'd make the world a better place. I'm also fed up seeing people waiting for help to come from some official authority and ending up disappointed :(

Apr 17, 2009

image  Andrei
Iasi, IS
Project Manager
the only way we are going to progress as humans is by helping each other, leaving apart differences and starting to develop a real friendly, social planet.

May 18, 2009

Piatra Neamt

Jun 23, 2009

Toma Bogdan
Graphic designer
I loan because I can. 
Sitting all day at my desk, creating what I think to be beautiful pictures:

Jul 1, 2009


Oct 5, 2008

los angeles

Dec 11, 2008

Rockton, IL

Jan 29, 2009

little rock, AR

Feb 14, 2009

Chicago, IL
Aug 4, 2007
Bucuresti, ro
I loved the idea, from the first time I heard about it and I wanted to get involved. It is we, the little people, that have the chance to prove to world that things can be changed by the power of compassion, rather then by endless politics.

Oct 15, 2007


Dec 12, 2007

Traian & Adriana Fratean

Feb 11, 2008

Durham, NC
Jun 1, 2008
Sep 24, 2008


20090819-loan-madeAm scris sub fiecare tot ce au dorit sa faca public. Iata de ce imprumuta David, un programator roman din Indiana:

Occupation:    Computer programmer
I loan because:    .
I can make a difference for so many people, in 47 countries!

Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you. --Matthew 5:42

* 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day
* Over three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day
* 1.6 billion people — a quarter of humanity — live without electricity
* 790 million people are chronically undernourished
* 25,000 children die each day due to poverty
...from poverty-facts-and-stats
Check out:

Dupa cum poti vedea, romanii din echipa Romaniei sunt oameni normali, ca mine si ca tine, unii chiar studenti. De ce dam bani cu imprumut? Nu ca suntem bogati (suma minima pentru un imprumut este de US$25), ci pentru ca am descoperit cu totii cat de fantastic te simti atunci cand faci cuiva un bine. Este un sentiment de satisfactie care nu are nimic de a face cu religia, desi, daca te uiti la lista de clipuri video din articolul precedent despre Kiva, fondatorii s-au cunoscut intr-o biserica.

Spun ca generozitatea nu este un act implicit religios pentru ca in topul echipelor conduc detasat ateistii, agnosticii si scepticii cu 5369 de membri, 27232 imprumuturi si un total imprumutat de $821675, urmati indeaproape de Crestinii Kiva cu 2527 de membri, 18033 de imprumuturi si $552850 total imprumutat.

Tu de ce nu esti in echipa noastra?!?

Sources / More info: kiva-team-romania, topul echipelor, Cristina@Kiva, Esperanza-Group@Kiva, kiva-promotional-materials, ateism, de-ce-nu-dau, cum-sa-dai

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