Blogurile cele mai citite / influente, cu mici exceptii, par intesate de teme complet paralele cu mine – si aici nu vorbesc numai de politica si consumerism local, dar in special de modul in care probleme cu caracter general sunt “discutate” (de fapt, injurate). Autorii par a gasi un titlu de onoare si curaj in a imparti injuraturi cat mai imaginative si zemoase, iar cititorii nu par a se satura sa le digere. Exista desigur exceptii, acestea fiind in cea mai mare parte blogurile cu caracter cultural care, din fericire, fac cinste (poti gasi cea mai mare parte in 13 cross-post-cards si God Save Curtea Veche).
“It’s me, baby, it’s me Pe un fundal sonor adecvat, sa savuram ceva bun. N-am cont pe facebook si nici nu mai sunt în zelist de mult, dar, spre ciuda unora care se agita ca le manânc din ciorba lor si le necinstesc prietenele, tot ala vechi e mai bun. Sa crestem un pic preturile, zic.” auto-importanta: nu esti niciodata prea batran pentru a te |
mobila si putere
Cei care se considera influenti isi fac topuri in care isi impart intre ei “influenta”, isi canta reciproc serenade / osanale si reusesc sa-i convinga pe restul de 99% de bloggeri, twitteristi si “oameni de online” ca ei sunt cei relevanti. Cei care nu ajung in astfel de topuri se zbat, dau din coate si incearca sa castige atentia / interesul celor din top. Cand nu reusesc, incep sa-i injure. Cei din top raman reci dar muritori si, in functie de cat sunt de nesiguri, intra in “razbel” cu “inferiorii”.
Desigur, o parte din motivele acestei orgii autofelante isi aure radacinile in SEO: Gugal nu te poate arata intr-o cautare “care-i cel mai tare blogger” daca tu insuti nu spui asta in fiecare articol si eventual in titlul blogului.
Am vazut aplicate si alte strategii, cum ar fi “pornozofie”, dar nu vreau s-o discut de teama ca cel vizat imi raspunde, si-apoi tre’ sa intru intr-o dezbatere cu cineva care are probleme serioase in a argumenta logic. Efortul de a-i demonstra “the error of his ways” este mult mai mare decat am de gand sa investesc in asa ceva si ca bonus, ar fi intampinat cu insulte.
tip-top boni-bon pare, de-aici de peste ocean, o uriasa bataie cu frisca din filmele cu Stan si Bran, diferenta fiind ca nu-i cu Stan sau Bran ci cu maimute la tastaturi, si nu-i frisca ci rahat. O fi din cauza ca aproape toti influenzii (cu probabila exceptie a IRENei, Simonei Tache si Cristinei Bazavan) sunt purtatori de penis.
Chiar daca exista o gramada de oameni care scriu bine si adevarat, ei sunt topiti in stratul de scarna de pe jos, ce se scurge stalactite si stalagmite maro de pe zoso, visurat si pretendentii la tronurile lor (ecologice, cum altfel?).
Departe de mine gandul de a sustine ca blogurile de mai sus sunt neinteresante in corpore. Sunt convins ca daca as avea timp si rabdare sa le citesc pe toate as descoperi articole interesante, dar din pacate imi lipseste timpul si interesul. Le voi adauga insa in Reader pe cele pe care nu le am deja.
Andries a publicat Presa Libera prin ‘90 sau ‘91. Multe schimbari s-au produs de-atunci: de pilda, ziarele nu mai sunt scrise pe hartie .
In particular, il citesc pe zoso din cand in cand, pe arhi, petreanu, de_ce, ciubotaru, ecostin si ma distrez cu elucubratiile Simonei Tache si dementa juvenila a lui PiticiGratis. Am mai citit si voxpublica, reportervirtual, dailycotcodac si bookblog si sunt convins ca isi merita cel putin pozitiile castigate. Din ce-am citit, Petreanu scrie de departe cel mai bine, dar nu scrie probabil suficient de des; a gandi ia timp si el pare sa faca asta inainte de a scrie un articol. Voxpublica straluceste prin diversitate. Il mai citesc pe Bucurenci, Exarhu, Morar si uneori Cabral, dar ei intra in “topul vedetelor”:
1. Cabral Ibacka,
2. Mircea Badea,
3. Tudor Chirila,
4. Victor Ciutacu,
5. Catalin Tolontan,
6. Dragos Bucurenci,
7. Ioan T Morar,
8. Razvan Exarhu,
9. Florin Grozea,
10. Mihai Bendeac,
Felicitari castigatorilor si in special celor pe care-i citesc!
Pentru mine, aceste topuri sunt practic semnale de alarma. Desi am decis, cu cateva luni in urma, ca a sosit momentul sa dedic mai multa atentie blogurilor de limba engleza si celorlalte hobby-uri, continui sa petrec cam acelasi timp scriind in romana. Vrand-nevrand, ma las atras in marasmul din care am incercat sa evadez intai parasind tara si apoi stabilindu-ma in afara-i. e un fel de Circe / GF from hell de care incerc sa scap si nu reusesc. Au mai ramas cateva povesti nespuse, cateva proiecte neterminate – in unele cazuri, nici macar incepute - dar cata vreme nu am disciplina de a ma desprinde, ma auto-constrang la a subzista intr-un mediu in care trebuie sa ma compar cu ZBIM. Dupa cum am mai spus, exista bloguri (si oameni in spatele lor) care reusesc sa ignore aceasta cruda realitate. Eu nu poci.
Mai mult decat atat, blogurile de limba engleza, care nu s-au bucurat nici pe de parte de bibilirea acordata celui de fata, au o medie de sub 1 articol / luna, multe au probleme majore cu sablonul pe care nu am avut timp / chef sa le rezolv etc si totusi imi aduc bani fara ca macar sa fi incercat sa le promovez catusi de putin (am inclus o astfel de conversatie dedesubt). Astfel de bani vin fara anunturi “erotice / pornografice” si desi nu sunt suficienti pentru a trai din ei, sunt inca un semn ca munca prestata in limba engleza are mult mai multe sanse de a fi recuoscuta.
Poate ca proportia de cititori care nu merita efortul este la fel de mare in anglosfera, dar marimea relativa ar trebui sa permita crearea unei comunitati mai puternice si intr-un timp mai scurt decat in Si chiar daca nu voi avea comentatori cu care sa ma inteleg la fel de bine ca si cu cei de aici, tot merita incercat.
ii greu, da’ la tati ni-i
Probabil motivul pentru care nu reusesc sa ma desprind este ca totusi acest blog are o audienta si am certitudinea ca ceea ce scriu este citit si de cativa oameni in afara rudelor mele (de fapt, sunt convins ca rudele nu ma prea citesc, printre altele si fiindca nu prea le-am spus de blog). Blogurile in limba engleza, pe de alta parte, desi atrag advertisers cum blogul in romana n-a atras si nu va atrage vreodata, au o audienta ce tace malc. Daca primesc comentarii, ele sunt aproape exclusiv “am scris si eu un articol pe tema asta, ia si minuneaza-te cat de tare sunt!”. Deh, ca la-nceput. Tre’ sa recit “Daca” sa-mi fac curaj ori de cate ori public ceva acolo.
Probabil o strategie mai inteleapta ar fi sa ma rezum la cateva proiecte, care – sper eu – vor consuma mai putin timp si-n acelasi timp au sanse sa-mi aduca mai multe satisfactii. Le voi anunta pe toate in saptamana ce va urma.
testare de motoare grele
Daca tot imi iau talpasita, m-am gandit sa fac si un mic test. Voi trimite acest articol pe toti agregatorii romanesti (vezi-i in chenar, dedesubt). Voi publica apoi rezultatele intr-un articol ulterior. It’s a goodbye present catre (chit ca, probabil, voi continua sa scriu si nu voi reusi sa ma desprind)
Sources / More info: icanhas, zoso-it’s-me, gb-top-influ, st-top, andries-presa-libera, richietm, wiki-list, 3l-irelevanta
--- (J 16)
I work for a telecommunications company that is interested in purchasing ad space on one of your sidebars. If you are interested can you email me back.
Hi InBonobo,
I would like to know if I could place a text advertisement in your upcoming blog post. This would involve a mention either within the text (if possible) or if not at the end of the article. It would basically be one line of code that will provide you.
I typically compensate the webmaster $30 in return for allowing me to sponsor the post.
Does this work for you?
I have never done paid articles on this blog before. You want the article to have a link "this article sponsored by X", regardless of the subject?
I am a bit confused, I thought you wanted to place an ad in a sidebar..
In the end, both would work for me. It really comes down to what you want for your website. The company I am working for is called .. which is based out of Montreal and sells phone and Internet services. Ideally, if I would sponsor a post, it would have to be on the subject of VoIP and so on.
If it will be included in the article, a short line with some text giving it context would be just as effective for us and might be more subtle for you.
Let me know what you think.
At this point, I would prefer to offer an ad in the sidebar, but I do not know the going rates. I'll try to look into it soon.
Have a great week-end!
Then sidebar it is. Let me know when you feel ready to discuss the prices. I usually pay $75 for three months, which I pay via PayPal.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
--- (J 19)
That sounds fair for the very first paid ad in this blog. I would like to offer you an ad that would replace Spottt - in the right hand column, immediately underneath "Article Archive" as a static image. We could start <date> or right away and end <date>. There would be no right or obligation on either party to continue. Also, if for some reason I have to stop serving your ad I will refund you the prorated daily amount.
I presume you would like to host the image yourself, for metrics purposes, and that should be great, as long as it would not slow down the page load significantly. If necessary, I could also host it myself.
If that is agreeable with you, please send the code and payment to ..
Is .. a division of ..?
Hey InBonobo,
Starting the ad today would be great for me. I understand you terms and conditions for canceling at anytime if need be. The location also sounds good, just let me know when it is up so I can review it. The only thing I was wondering about is the image of the ad. I did not plan to have one as I was thinking my ad would strictly be a simplified line of HTML code. This would surely be the best option for performance issues and would decrease the clutter for your readers.
The ad is as follows:
Find your <..> at …
Only thing that is in link format is "…", the rest is regular text.
Let me know when it is up and I will send the payment of $xxx.
Done. :)
I will try to look at the market and possibly formalize advertising rules for this blog. When that's done, I will probably add a short blurb in smaller typeface underneath with a link to the page about advertising. This should not impact your ad in any way, but if you wish, I will let you know when that is done so you can review it.
I might also announce the advertising rules in an article and mention my new sponsor. Would you like me to paste your code in the article at that time? I would charge you only $xx <=> volume discount :D
If not, I would just draw attention to your link in the sidebar.
I will also mention this in a personal blog in a foreign language – ***. I will link to ** , but if you wish, I could also add your *** link.
I trust that this is the beginning of a beauuuutiful friendship :)
Looks great! For now I am going to stick to the sidebar. My budget isn't so flexible at this point but it could be a great avenue in the future. I definitely would like to stay in touch for future advertising opportunities. I work with several clients that may be a good fit with you website.
The money has been sent so let me know if there are any problems.
Hey InBonobo,
I have another client that is interested in advertising in a similar manner as ... The client is ...
The linking information is as follows:
Would you be able to give me a deal on this one, say $xxx for 3 months?
--- J28
Hi S.,
I have looked around at prices, and it seems that $xxx/month/link was the lowest. I'm a bit busy these days, don't have time to properly look for advertisers and don't have time to write articles either. I am also concerned that having paid links could cause my PR to drop:
I would like to raise the price to $xxx/month and I will give you a $xx discount on the total, if you buy at least x months. I have already added the link but if these terms are not satisfactory, please let me know and I will remove it.
The link looks great and the pricing, although it went up, should be okay. I am also offering you a third link if you are willing to take it.
The third link goes as follows:
With regards to paid links, it depends which sites contact you and where you put them on your site. To help you out, stay away from anything sex, drugs or gambling. Sounds obvious but these types of sites are extremely aggressive and have no remorse. With regards to the third link, inserting it within the byline of an article will not hurt your PR because it is thought to provide value to the reader. Having the header Sponsors above the links will also be a great way to mask it.
If you are interested in third link, I will send a payment for all three.
I certainly appreciate your offer and I am thankful for it. However, I have ethical qualms about publishing "hidden" links. If I do publish links within posts, they would have to be marked as "sponsored" somehow. I would have to look into what are acceptable practices and also regular prices, and don't have much time now.
In summary, it is not that I am refusing your offer, but I would like to find some time first to flesh out the terms.
The payment has been sent for 3 months at $xxx.
Thanks and let me know where you stand on the third link in the coming weeks...
I was reading this article:
It seems that such links should be "nofollow". They even have a page to report such links:
Such a report *** could negatively affect both my site and the advertiser. How do you feel about adding a "nofollow" attribute to the link? That would surely make it "legal".
I understand your concern but it is Matt Cutt's job to stop people from selling links because he works for Google and it is my job to buy links for my clients. None of us will be able to provide you with an unbiased opinion. Google does not have individual people searching blogs and responding to people's complaints, it is spiders who crawl the web for Google (an automated system) that picks this up. The people who get penalized are those that are overtly selling links by having links/headers that say "Buy Links Here" or that say "Paid Links", which you do not do. People who sells links for gambling and pornography are automatically penalized too.
Webmasters and bloggers seek to make a lot of money by selling text link ads but, like anything else, must be careful and not become greedy. A few links here and there will not hurt a website but a full sidebar of fifteen links would. Take a look at this website which is a PR9 and sells links but is not penalized... (look on the right hand sidebar under Sponsors). Your just have to be very careful.
With regards to the NoFollow, the link would have no value for me. I would have to ask you to leave it a DoFollow.
I will keep the links as they are and as agreed and will try to research this matter more closely when I have more time.
tie ciuda ca nu esti tu in locul lui zoso, da-ia te bagi in seama!
ReplyDeleteHaha, acum 1-2 ani intrasem si eu intr-un top al influentei. Good ol' irrelevant days :)
ReplyDeletesi cum de-ai iesit? ai inceput sa lucrezi la o firma serioasa, PE BANI? :)
ReplyDelete1. Stai mai, putin ! Adica tu faci chestia asta PE BANI ?
ReplyDeleteCe dreak, am inteles eu gresit sau tu incerci sa ne spui ca te-ai saturat sa scrii in .ro din cauza ca nu ies bani ?
2. Apoi, naiba sa ma ia, ca nu mai intzeleg nimic. Ma incontrasem odata cu maestru Stash pe
Si am primit un raspuns halucinant , unde se zicea… :
Nu prea m-am prins de ce ar trebui sa te rasplatesc pt ca ma citesti. Ma citesti daca te regasesti in scrierile mele. Cind nu te mai regasesti, vaya con Dios! Ai cumva impresia ca scriu pt tine sau ca ma strabate o mare mandrie pt ca ma citesti tu?
Bon, chestiunea de fond este urmatoarea, si astept sa ma lamuresti, ca un om care are bloguri in .ro, in .en si o carca de experientza in domeniu :
- Voi autorilor de bloguri, scrieti ca sa fiti cititi, sau pur si simplu ca sa ramana scris undeva ceea ce emiteti voi ? Cu alte cuvinte, cat la suta iti pasa si te influenteaza pe viitor raspunsurile la ceea ce scrii tu ?
3. Cat despre partea de popularitate/faima/care o are cel mai mare si mai tare ….Eu unul ca si cititor o vad foarte simplu : popularitatea unui blog este data de traficul ( adevarat, nu cu prafuri si hormoni informatici) pe site-ul respectiv. E ca si la o carte, depinde de cata lume o cumpara. Scrii bine, atragi lumea,… nu, sanatate si virtute !
E adevarat ca popularitate se poate face si injurandu-ti cititorii sau colegii scriitori , dar nu cred ca se ajunge departe cu chesti asta, in final lumea o sa se prinda cine esti si ramai singur, singur pe faimosul tau blog.
Pai aia fac, dar am iesit din top in momentul in care nu m-a mai interesat deloc zona si n-am mai onorat niciun fel de invitatii, propuneri, etc :)
ReplyDeleteRusine sa-ti fie! Irelevantule! :)
ReplyDeleteNu, ce incercam sa spun este ca indiferent ce motiveaza un blogger sa scrie, (bani / recunoastere / vizitatori unici / comentatori inteligenti / dezbateri cu schimb de idei / apartenenta la lumea ideilor etc) e mult mai saraca in asa ceva decat blogosfera.
ReplyDeleteEu nu sunt motivat de bani, cel putin nu deocamdata, dar nu ma deranjeaza sa fiu platit pentru munca mea si macar sa-mi scot parleala, dat fiind ca blogul implica niste cheltuieli - daca nu direct in bani, cel putin in timp care ar putea fi folosit facand bani.
Pe langa ca-i saraca, mai si miroase a zoso.
Trafic nu inseamna calitate. Dac-ar fi asa, calitate ar insemna pornografie si gretosenii - sau tu asta consideri "de calitate"? :P
TI-am dat un "imi place" caci , sincer mi-a placut ceea ce ai scris in primele 2 paragrafe.
ReplyDeleteLa ultimul paragraf nu mai sunt insa tot atat de acord. Intrebarea mea este pur inocenta : esti sigur ca daca ai scrie pronoshaguri si gretzosenii ai avea trafic mai mare decat daca scrii lucruri de calitate pe un blog "normal" ?
Zau ca ar merita un experiment, dar banuiesc ca pentru asta ar trebui sa iti iei un consilier in scriitura de porn-script :)))
Traficul depinde de calitatea scriiturii, dar intr-o masura mai mica decat de promovare. Ce "customer service" oferi cititorilor / comentatorilor, cum arata blogul, unde si cum pui reclame, abilitatile de PR, unde comentezi, cum interactionezi cu alti bloggeri / twitteristi / hi5iste determina traficul intr-o masura mult mai mare.
ReplyDeleteAm facut un blog pentru un prieten cu limbaj mai colorat, dar el e mai lenes iar pe mine nu prea ma trage ata. Limbajul injurios nu ma atragea nici cand eram mai mic, imi pare dovada de imbecilitate si infantilism.
Dac-ai fi logat cu Disqus n-ar fi nevoie sa-mi spui ca mi-ai dat "like", ar fi evident :)
poate totusi mai scrii din cand in cand .
ReplyDeleten-am zis ca nu mai.. am zic ca-ncerc sa nu mai :)