zamo zamolxis zalmoxis

I am repeatedly getting inquiries from people who are upset that this blog isn't solely about Zamolxis, as its name might suggest to them. This shouldn't be difficult.

Consider, for instance, the following conversation on this blog's Facebook page:

Dragos-Caranfil-conversationHere’s the English translation.

  • DC: Friendly advice: kill this page. The name belongs to a Thracian god, and you have nothing to do with it, you post shit on the page.
  • Z: Thank you for your advice. What does it mean to have something to do with the god and how do you determine this?
  • DC: You are using the name of a Thracian god and photos with him and on the page you post things that have nothing to do with Thracian history, there is no connection.
  • Z: 1. There is no such thing as “photos with a Thracian god” – there is just a controversial representation in a cave which was used in a logo and thus modified
    2. Zamolxis is not the correct name, Zalmoxis is. The blog is called “also sprach zamolxis” or “”.
    3. There are articles about Dacia and history, but there is far more. This nullifies the claim that “there is no connection”.
    4. Nothing prevents you, if you wish, to create a page /Zalmoxis, which would have the advantage of the correct spelling

I suspect that Mr Caranfil is not the only reader that might be slightly peeved or confused by the title of this blog, which is why I shall attempt to clarify my choices.

It’s impossible to have a blog about Zamolxis because there isn’t much new happening. At best, one can keep a static page. One could try, however, to express a point of view that might as well be that of Zalmoxis, had he been living today, immortal, or having been reincarnated. Still, there’s a number of articles on this blog that might be useful to someone who is interested in Dacia and Romanian history:

If the above is insufficient, I added more in below, in Sources / More info.

As explained in the FAQ, the title of the blog comes from Nietzsche’s book, Also Sprach (Thus Spoke) Zarathustra, adapted to the Dacian deity which is quite similar in many respects to the cult of Zoroaster, similarities otherwise identified by Eliade, Campbell and others (including in Zeitgeist).

The blog’s slogan, “Patria mé îi limba romgleză” meaning “My homeland is the Romglish language” is paraphrasing a saying by a very popular Romanian poet, “My homeland is the Romanian language” and is an adaptation emphasizing my precarious position, somewhere between my Romanian native place and my Canadian adoptive identity.

I’m also publishing some of this content on my Romanian twitter or tumblr accounts, though this also tends to be rather more personal than “Dacian”.

This is first and foremost a personal blog, meaning that I write first for myself. The wide variety of topics and the several languages used make it virtually impossible to create and cultivate a distinct / discrete audience. While I’m flattered and grateful that a few hundred people subscribe to the feed and also like this blog on Facebook, I can only write on subjects that I myself find interesting; trying to keep everybody happy is impossible, so I don’t even make such an attempt. If there’s anything you have to say, feel free to say in comments.

Sources / More info: fb, anarc, af, Wiki, who

A quick search on Amazon finds two titles - Zalmoxis: The Vanishing God : Comparative Studies in the Religions and Folklore of Dacia and Eastern Europe (Midway Reprint) by Mircea Eliade and Zalmoxis: Obscure Pagan by Lucian Blaga.

A further search on Google finds the following PDFs: [Polirom, 2008, 486p. Zalmoxis from Herodot to Mircea Eliade] [ZALMOXIS ŞI CERCETARILE LUI MIRCEA ELIADE] [Zalmoxis. Not a parallel for Christianity - The Richard Carrier Project] [Dan Dana, Zalmoxis de la Herodot la Mircea Eliade. Istorii despre un zeu al pretextului,. Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2008, 486 p.] [Eliade's Methodology] [Religion in Dacia Pre-Christian Religion in Romania] [Mesagerul lui Zalmoxis] [VII. Henoteismul geto-dac - Filozofie] [1 The Spiritual World of a Master of Awe: Divine Vitality] [mircea eliade - euromentor - Dimitrie Cantemir]


  1. Don't worry, my blog is not about fire either :))

  2. P.S: A belated Happy New Year :)

  3. Happy New Year 2u2 :) I dunno where all these Dacian fundamentalists are coming from :D

  4. da-i pace lui caranfil, vroia si el sa para ca e cunoscator :))

  5. faza cu "poze de zeu trac" este totusi memorabila. pai daca zalmoxis a fost prost si le-a pus pe instagram? :)


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