w/e lecture: Fanfan by Alexandre Jardin

Questions of marriage preoccupy all of us, at one point of our lives or another. I for one was forced to face them head on back in my undergrad, when during a French course I had to write a quick essay on getting married or searching for pleasure. Recently, a monologue about marriage came to my attention and I hurry to share it with you, primarily for the pleasure of the female readers of this blog, recently tortured by a long list of articles on politics and MEP 2014 elections (results I, II, III, UKIP, Toronto, TestVote).

coversThis book (Amazon .com, .ca) was published sometime in the 90s (‘93 if I remember correctly). A movie starring Sophie Marceau was also made shortly after the book was published. You can find a book resume by Claudia Sardi and another one by Melanie.

Or consider the resume on the English edition backcover (hint: it’s about love and feelings and fighting against what the author calls “passion” but it’s really “lust”).

Alexandre Crusoe possesses both an improbable ancestry (Robinson) and an impressive idealism. Although a priapic pioneer from an early age, he is only nineteen when he swears eternal love for the constant, catholic Laure de Chantebise, stoically accepting both her noble family and her matrimonial ambitions. Not for him the amatory wanderings of his ‘exorbitantly beautiful’ mother and his eccentric scriptwriter father. They, in their son’s opinion, have successfully shown that sexuality is the enemy of serenity, concupiscence the foe of committment.

And then Alexandre meets Fanfan. She is ‘the woman I had been dreaming of ever since I was thirteen’. She fills him with images that would alarm his local curate – and she presents him with the perfect challenge. He will not stoop to sexual betrayal of Laure. Instead he will seduce Fanfan without succumbing to physical desires, lay unremitting siege to her feelings, embark on a love affair that will be an infinite, platonic prelude.

Fanfan has other ideas. So does Laure. Alexandre’s father has a very good idea that will encourage his son’s fantasies (and it will make a good film). And Alexandre himself, marooned on the island of his emotions, fending off the ocean of reality, finds himself embarking on a most extraordinary and singular adventure.

Funny, sad, beautiful and lyrical, Fanfan is a delightful modern fable, an agonised, ecstatic rite of passage – and a highly original story addressing the eternal problem of eternal love.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at the monologue presented toward the end of the book.

First, the French version: page 227, where we see yet another adolescence takedown, page 228: “la vie de couple c’est la seule veritable aventure de notre temps” and finally, page 229: “Il est interdit de jouer avec le coeur d’une femme”.

I have to tell you, any conversation or monologue about love (l'amour) and the emptiness of life sounds so much better in French. Unfortunately, I need to keep the rest of the article, containing certain personal musings and the English version, encrypted and available only to supporters of this site. The password is RvLPPcupct-like.

If this is not enough for you, try Emma Hansson’s essay comparing lovers prototypes, from Madame Bovary to Alexandre Jardin’s characters, or a list of love novels.

Sources / More info: imdb-fanfan, magnet, wiki-en, wiki-fr, Fanfan @ Amazon.com, Fanfan @ Amazon.ca


  1. I think the ''I went to a gypsy band and enjoyed it'' attitude is far more offensive than mere ignorance. First, it assumes ''you are one of them" and secondly, it assumes that you'll see her as more tolerant and understanding because "she doesn't think you're all horrible human beings...she even likes a band, see?". The image she's conveying is: some of you lesser beings are not that horrible, after al!

  2. Those statistics assume Romania has no eurosceptic parties. However, there are no "declared eurosceptic" parties. Most local parties (including the majority elected PSD) have a visibly autocratic and nationalistic speech and ideology ("Proud to be Romanian! We're going to go there and defend Romania?" - from what?). This is an eurosceptic view, but since Romania still need European funds and aid, the position is not that visible.

  3. You know the left and right spectrum is still just a figure of speech in Romania, right :) ? People are split between "good guys" and "bad guys"....and these sides switch continuously, depending on "who gives/promises us the most".

  4. That would be a very negative way to interpret the situation. However, when traveling and meeting new people, you want to talk about things we have in common or about their culture, if you know anything about it. I retorted by telling her about a movie I had watched Broken Circle Breakdown and how that movie had started a Bluegrass movement in her country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a50DJkCxqw

    Still, my patience reserves have never been that high, so they were quickly exhausted.

    The sad thing is, most people are just ignorant. This girl didn't even know about this Belgian movie, even though it was pretty big. Many people associate Romanians with Gypsies not because of racism, but simply because they don't know any better.

  5. That's pretty much what I'm saying in the article. If we assume euroscepticism to be an umbrella term for nationalism, xenophobia and antiziganism, one could argue that ALL Romanian parties are eurosceptic, except that Romania is not dealing with massive migration inflows.

  6. It's basically an "I've seen this before" way to interpret the situation, unfortunately...

  7. Well, we have our own special brand of public speech. It's the same speech which makes our unemployment rates seem low and quite encouraging.

  8. I know that's what you think (i.e., left-right is a false dichotomy in Romania), but I don't agree with you. The dichotomy is as real as anywhere else. And there is, of course, partisanship: http://asa.zamo.ca/2012/09/911-partizanat-or-partisanship-r-u.html

  9. truth be told, of all the things that are "low" in Romania, unemployment is a good thing :)

  10. In modern day politics, the left-right dichotomy is as new as Boney M's latest single. Few parties define themselves and their politics as being clearly left or right (that does not mean that they don't tip the scale to one side or the other, but that it's pretty difficult to maintain a full left or right position). However, Romania does not adopt "modern day politics", but its own blend of populism, sprinkled with elements from a host of ideologies.

  11. Unfair, but unfortunately way too common and typical to the human nature.

  12. I hope you're not saying that an idea or categorization system is wrong b/c it's old. Beatles' music is older than BoneyM's, that doesn't make it less relevant to the listener or worse.

    It seems to me that the Romanian political spectrum is really the Eastern European spectrum, with former/crypto-communist parties adopting nationalist ideas and rhetoric.

    Also, I linked the article where I discussed political characterizations in text, under "Nolan"

  13. I'm saying it doesn't work because it's not really applicable to the modern political landscape. From Norberto Bobbio (R.I.P) to Anthony Giddens, no modern political scientist would dare to use left and right in their initial, wide accepted sense - nor would it be wise too. Otherwise, the political spectrum description is pretty accurate.

  14. As previously discussed, I'm not terribly impressed by expert opinions. Besides, we probably agree :)

  15. What would you change? How would you make this situation better?

  16. More dialogue (between ethnicities & not only), less excuses for dialogue :P

  17. I've studied the problem when I was a little younger (had both politology courses and worked in political PR for a while). The left/right speech is a great hook, but most Romanian politicians don't even get the basic differences (and even if they did, it would be impossible to apply them directly - they prefer to use a nice "separation" discourse).

  18. Would formal debating qualify as that kind of dialogue?

  19. I often wonder if all politicians are as dumb as they appear (see "the critique of emotional reason" or "critica ratiunii emotionale"). It seems to me that they tend to adopt the point of view that is most widely spread (much like journalists, really). This would appear dumb or simplistic even to some of the people it is designed to be appealing to. So depending on how perfect our "democracy" is, their discourse is determined by their electorate's preferences. In other words, it may be that they don't get it, but whether they get it or not, their message would have to stay the same - lowest common denominator and intelligible.

  20. Obviously, as long as it's debating and not trying to sweetalk each other :P

  21. Some of them are completely oblivious to the world around them (mainly due to their over-inflated egos), while others play their part for a hefty sum.

  22. never heard of a formal debate degenerating in sweet talk. most of the time is polemic.

  23. The danger is before the actual talk begins :)

  24. Well, if there's anyone who gets it, I hope they use your services. Or do you think you can help one who doesn't get it to start getting it? :)

  25. maybe we should keep combatants on opposite sides of the ring and allow only a fist-bump prior

  26. I'd much rather help one who wants to help (and just show him how to play his cards without getting dirty...completely).


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