@PepsiCanada #pepsipopup in #Toronto

This could very well be a paid post, but it's not (unless you consider a free concert and a couple of Pepsi bottles as 'payment'). I was just passing by their tent and the music caught my ear; I enjoyed it while watching a cover of Talking Heads (Psycho Killer). All in all, a great opportunity to reminisce on what Pepsi meant in my childhood.

IMG_20140903_211418Opened just in time for TIFF at the corner of Richmond and John St, smack in the middle of the downtown core, the blue tent is really what each and every promotion should be about: music, nice & happy people, relaxed atmosphere, and some free stuff to make you feel special.

The tent is opened daily 11-5, then closes for 2h, then reopens at 7 for the nightly concerts. It is rumoured to give away t-shirts and burger coupons but in the evening I checked it out, there was only Pepsi – I only had one, with reduced sugar (Max?), since it was late. The rest of the stuff is most likely available during the day. To watch my video, just click the image. As for the bands lineup, we had Dwayne Gretzky with The Meligrove Band yesterday, (see the quick video clip I made), Born Ruffians [new video clip] with Hollerado this evening coming up, USS with The Elwins on the 5th, Nick Cannon, 4 Count and Kreesha Turner on the 6th and finally Virginia to Vegas with Crystalyne on the 7th.

It’s hard for me to tell what was responsible for my great experience that evening (so great, that I felt indebted to write this article here). Part of it was caffeine and music. But an even bigger part was memories of my childhood. Before going into my own history, let us check out Wikipedia together for quick history in Pepsi branding.

Pepsi started out as a “health beverage.”

Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his drugstore where the drink was sold. It was later labeled Pepsi Cola, named after the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe. The original recipe also included sugar and vanilla. Bradham sought to create a fountain drink that was appealing and would aid in digestion and boost energy.

Walter Mack supported progressive efforts, but that eventually faded into the general racism and apathy of his business associates.
  • Boyd also led a sales team composed entirely of blacks around the country to promote Pepsi. Racial segregation and Jim Crow laws were still in place throughout much of the U.S.; Boyd's team faced a great deal of discrimination as a result, from insults by Pepsi co-workers to threats by the Ku Klux Klan. On the other hand, it was able to use racism as a selling point, attacking Coke's reluctance to hire blacks and support by the chairman of Coke for segregationist Governor of Georgia Herman Talmadge. As a result, Pepsi's market share as compared to Coke's shot up dramatically. After the sales team visited Chicago, Pepsi's share in the city overtook that of Coke for the first time.
  • This focus on the market for black people caused some consternation within the company and among its affiliates. It did not want to seem focused on black customers for fear white customers would be pushed away. In a meeting at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, Mack tried to assuage the 500 bottlers in attendance by pandering to them, saying: "We don't want it to become known as a nigger drink." After Mack left the company in 1950, support for the black sales team faded and it was cut.
The 70s saw the beginning of the “Cola Wars.”
  • In 1975, Pepsi introduced the Pepsi Challenge marketing campaign where PepsiCo set up a blind tasting between Pepsi-Cola and rival Coca-Cola. During these blind taste tests the majority of participants picked Pepsi as the better tasting of the two soft drinks. PepsiCo took great advantage of the campaign with television commercials reporting the results to the public.
  • In 1996, PepsiCo launched the highly successful Pepsi Stuff marketing strategy. By 2002, the strategy was cited by Promo Magazine as one of 16 "Ageless Wonders" that "helped redefine promotion marketing".
  • According to Beverage Digest's 2008 report on carbonated soft drinks, PepsiCo's U.S. market share is 30.8 percent, while The Coca-Cola Company's is 42.7 percent. Coca-Cola outsells Pepsi in most parts of the U.S., notable exceptions being central Appalachia, North Dakota, and Utah. In the city of Buffalo, New York, Pepsi outsells Coca-Cola by a two-to-one margin.
  • Pepsi had long been the drink of Canadian Francophones and it continues to hold its dominance by relying on local Québécois celebrities (especially Claude Meunier, of La Petite Vie fame) to sell its product. PepsiCo introduced the Quebec slogan "here, it's Pepsi" (Ici, c'est Pepsi) in response to Coca-Cola ads proclaiming "Around the world, it's Coke" (Partout dans le monde, c'est Coke).
  • As of 2012, Pepsi is the third most popular carbonated drink in India with a 15% market share, behind Sprite and Thums Up. In comparison, Coca-Cola is the fourth most popular carbonated drink occupying a mere 8.8% of the Indian market share. By most accounts, Coca-Cola was India's leading soft drink until 1977 when it left India because of the new foreign exchange laws which mandated majority shareholding in companies to be held by Indian shareholders. In 1988, PepsiCo gained entry to India by creating a joint venture with the Punjab government.
  • In Russia, Pepsi initially had a larger market share than Coke but it was undercut once the Cold War ended. In 1972, PepsiCo struck a barter agreement with the then government of the Soviet Union, in which PepsiCo was granted exportation and Western marketing rights to Stolichnaya vodka in exchange for importation and Soviet marketing of Pepsi-Cola. This exchange led to Pepsi-Cola being the first foreign product sanctioned for sale in the U.S.S.R.
  • Reminiscent of the way that Coca-Cola became a cultural icon and its global spread spawned words like "coca colonization", Pepsi-Cola and its relation to the Soviet system turned it into an icon. In the early 1990s, the term "Pepsi-stroika" began appearing as a pun on "perestroika", the reform policy of the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev. Critics viewed the policy as an attempt to usher in Western products in deals there with the old elites. Pepsi, as one of the first American products in the Soviet Union, became a symbol of that relationship and the Soviet policy. This was reflected in Russian author Victor Pelevin's book "Generation P".

The new millennium is just as odd as the previous.

  • In January 1984, when it seemed that with Michael Jackson’s sponsorship Pepsi was almost winning the young minds, Michael’s hair caught fire while filming a commercial. He was put on the powerful opiate narcotic Darvocet which has since been pulled from the US market after the FDA cited health risks. (Prior to that time, the pop star had only been prescribed lupus and rheumatoid arthritis drugs Plaquenil and Atabrine, the records claimed, as Jackson had recently been diagnosed with discoid lupus erythematosus.) After taking the Darvocet, he was “less anxious and fearful from the incident,” Hoefflin revealed (radar-mj). Instead of suing Pepsi, Karen Faye said, Jackson asked Pepsi to build a burn center at Brotman Medical Center in Culver City where the singer was treated. "Everybody thought he'd sue Pepsi because it was a mistake," the makeup artist said. The heavy medication he was placed on after the accident may have started him on the downward spiral that ended in his death and may have also caused him to be more forgiving toward Pepsi.
  • In July 2009, Pepsi started marketing itself as Pecsi in Argentina in response to its name being mispronounced by 25% of the population and as a way to connect more with all of the population.

Now that the foreign history lesson is over, back to our original programming (our sheep).

tags of Cico, Brifcor, Quik Cola, Borsec, Biborteni

The photo above shows pretty much the most popular “carbonated drinks” in Romania. Though the tap water in Bucharest wasn’t terrible, drinking carbonated water (or “club soda” via a cartridge or “syphon” from a neighbourhood plant) was more fun. All this was sold in glass bottles which were all recycled and collected by gypsies, who would walk the streets with little carts, yelling in an overly dramatic voice “I buuuUUUUUuuuuUUUUuuuy empty bottleeeeEEEeeeEEEeees.” Borsec and Biborteni would often come in brown, 0.5L bottles (and sometimes “Vatra Dornei” as well), Cico was a yellow, crappy soft drink that wasn’t really carbonated, Quik Cola was annoying – didn’t do much for me, while Brifcor was the favorite of many, with the advantage of having been invented in Romania (much like Fanta in Germany):

Brifcor (Băutură Răcoritoare Indigenă Fabricată cu Concentrat Original Românesc) a fost conceput la ICPVILF (Institutul de Cercetări Pentru Valorificarea Legumelor și Fructelor) în anii 80 de către un chimist, Ion Jurubițǎ, din departamentul de cercetare. El a reușit să substituie concentratul de portocale ce trebuia importat cu un concentrat produs din macerarea a 14 plante, unele din ele banale buruieni. Culoarea era obținută din vrej de tomate. În afară de concentrat și apă, în componența băuturii se mai adăuga acid tartric.

Even though Old Romania was supposedly quasi-independent from Moscow, Pepsi enjoyed the same kind of monopolistic benevolence as in Russia. It was the only Western drink you could get, and I suspect that some ugly arrangement was in place.

Indeed, a recently discovered interview with Aviad Meitar (wsr-AM), who developed the Pepsi brand in Romania, confirms my fears.

  • Donald M. Kendall, co-founder of PepsiCo., made a deal in 1967 with Romania, giving the concentrate in exchange for Romanian wine, executing a strategy set in 1965 to monopolize non-competitive markets in Eastern Europe.
  • The Romanian agreement preceded the Russian agreement (1972), which was Pepsi concentrate for Stolichnaya and naval ships. The Pepsi Challenge was to be launched one year after 1974.
  • Pepsi was dethroned everywhere within a year of market openings (1989), due to the higher level of investments and resources of Coca Cola.
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Though we were far from rich, growing up, my father had somehow always managed to keep our cold room filled with Pepsi, and “mineral water.” I would never drink it all at once, but slowly, never more than one bottle per day. Pepsi had become for me synonymous with guilty pleasures, and I would reward myself with it on minor achievements. Which is perhaps why I enjoyed that Psycho Killer cover (link to original live above) so much..

Let me know if you think this may have been a paid article. Shame on youBring it onHee hee

LE: If you're wondering what else I've been doing and would like to see some of my other quick Toronto video clips, here they are: Begging Ghost, Parking Enforcement Idling Car, Injured Bird, Drums1, Drums2, Subway Alcohol Party, Insect moves like JaggerBirdie, Beaver, Queen St Music, Kensington Park, Raccoons, Electric Island 1, 2, 3.

Sources / More info: js-ppu, mic-spppu, Wiki-Pepsi, wsr-AM, radar-mj


  1. When you said ''mobile'', I thought you started busking and took the streets (for fun, of course) :))

  2. Once again, Google / Blogger is sync-ing @Disqus comments from the previous article goo.gl/fb/QD1cji to Blogspot this one. Do you know where I should let them know (Google Groups, Product Forum)?


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