Ioan Pop admits to sexually assaulting 10 women

It's a sad day for Ioan Pop, his family, and Romanian Christian Orthodoxy in general, but on the bright side, the abused women are finally getting some closure and Ioan Pop won’t have a chance to repeat his weird brand of sexual religiosity. As usual, I am not content with only reporting on the news; I have a few other things to say.

ioanpopThe news that Father Ioan Pop has admitted to a number of sexual assaults will most likely fly under the radar in Canada, as it is outclassed by news far more interesting: Canada’s Patriot Act (Bill C-51) was voted in (while the Patriot Act comes up for renewal), Omar Khadr was granted bail and spoke to the press for the first time since arrested and tortured, and parents are upset with the new sexual education curriculum which teaches kids that homosexuals exist and that masturbation, to quote Michael Jackson, “is a wonderful thing”.

A survey released only days ago shows that only one in three Canadians has an understanding of sexual consent (inbo-rape), and I suspect that understanding is even thinner among Romanians. Consensual sex means positive verbal or behavioural consent AND ongoing affirmation and I’ve a feeling that most men and some women are rapists by that definition. But forget all that, it’s far more interesting to focus on what the Romanian “Western Journal” titled “Romanian priest, crazy sex in the burial chamber” (jdv-pop).

And indeed, the details are rather cringe-worthy (ts-pop).
  • Ioan Pop, 56, used his holy position to fondle, kiss and make unwanted sexual advances at women from April 1, 1999 through September 2013. The assaults occurred while victims were seeking religious services such as confessions, weddings and funerals.
  • Pop also tried to confine, seduce and spark an affair with a despondent woman in 1999. He vowed to curse her and her family for generations if she exposed him, court heard.
  • Pop pleaded guilty to seven sexual assault charges but he also admitted the facts on three other allegations. Those facts can then be weighed by the judge as an aggravating factor on sentencing, which could result in a more severe sentence.
  • Crown attorney Jackie Garrity read out the disturbing facts to Justice Peter Hryn. The Romanian women, whose identifies are covered by a publication ban, ranged in age from early 20s to mid-30s.
  • One woman was kissed on the mouth by Pop while he was performing a memorial service for her grandmother in All Saints Romanian Orthodox Church in February 2009. Another married woman had her breast groped and her knee kissed by Pop during a confession in November or December 2011. He also told her what he would do to her sexually “if he were her husband,” and then told her she was “his angel and that he wanted to spend days with her,” said Garrity.
  • One victim had emigrated to Canada with her husband and young child, court heard. Her husband became gravely ill. The devoted wife attended his hospital bed every day and in July ’99, she reached out to Pop to bless her dying spouse. The woman and Pop were going to the hospital when they stopped off at a friend’s home “to pick up some religious robes,” court heard. Once inside, Pop propositioned the woman, who vehemently rejected him. He restrained her by his forceful hugs as she threatened to scream to escape. “Pop said, ‘No one would know as he was a priest and he could not tell anyone,’” said Garrity. The terrified, crying woman finally left with Pop, court heard. He threatened to curse her and her family “for generations to come” if she revealed the incident. The victim took “this threat very seriously” and never reported it until after the police first charged Pop in September 2013 after another woman complained he molested and licked her in church when she sought his help in a child custody matter, Garrity said. The ’99 victim and 12 others came forward after the 2013 victim’s complaint was made public.
  • In another incident, Pop, now 56, visited a 24-year-old East York woman’s apartment home to bless it in July 2006. “Pop suddenly stopped the ritual and began crying and talking to the victim about women who suffer breast cancer, describing the fact that many women do not survive this illness,” Garrity told Hryn. “Ultimately, he offered to bless the woman’s breasts. She was concerned that the priest had some kind of premonition that she herself may have breast cancer.” The victim agreed to the blessing. He “put his hand inside her top, making the sign of the cross of her bare nipples with holy water to purportedly bless her breasts,” Garrity said. He then “hugged her tightly for about 30 seconds ... in what the victim perceived to be a sexual manner.”
  • Pop, who emigrated to Canada in 1999 with his wife and two children, started a religious community in East York and then built the All Saints Romanian Orthodox Church at 545 Danforth Rd. in Scarborough, where he served from 2004 until 2013. He’s now barred by a court order from practising as a priest.
  • “He was a very caring priest who contributed so much to the Romanian community, from fundraising to accommodating the poor and distressed families,” his prominent lawyer Joseph Neuberger said.
  • Pop “went beyond the boundaries of permissible behaviour after his daughter’s tragic death a few years after he came to Canada,” the lawyer said.

Meanwhile, in Romania, after having scored a massive victory in the indoctrination of the young, the Church (BOR), taking a page from Islam’s book, managed to force the City Hall to remove a mural painting with St George, without as much as an official request (gn-sfgh):

Obie Platon, Kero and Irlo, the artists who, supported by Interesting Times Bureau, painted a mural on a building in the Square St. George in Bucharest, are having to remove the work, due to the pressure of the Church. The priests who serve the church in the area claim that although they have not made any formal complaint, parishioners warned that the painting in question might undermine the Christian religion. "Artists have discussed with the Town Hall, the Town Hall was willing to give their consent also for other buildings in the area, but at the same time, the signals were that any conflict with the church is undesirable". (See more on Perjovschi.)

Is there any wonder that I’m losing my religion?

With all the above, an argument can still be made that father Ioan Pop is innocent and simply could not afford to defend himself, but I won’t bother unless more than one commenter requests it.

Sources / More info: ts-pop, jdv-pop, gn-sfgh, inbo-rape


  1. I'm gonna make you an offer that you can't refuse.. (confess?)

  2. "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning... For
    you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
    throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the
    congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the
    heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.'"

  3. Btw, I don't agree with the taking down of St. George. From the murals, if I may say, he did a pretty good job taking down the dra-haha-gon. :)

  4. While I've read about the case in the past (mainly thanks to you), I'd like to comment on the mural thing, because it seems the mural might not be removed by the church, but by the ''unhappy neighbours''. Incidentally, I live close to the area, and that building, its wall and its cafe are the only modern thing in an ''ethnically coloured'' area (placed near the center of Bucharest).

  5. you mean, the "hippie centre" like Kensington Market in Toronto (see "scuse me while I kiss the sky", the first video was filmed there)? :)

  6. I mean the whole center (The Unirii - Universitate - Romana area is "the Center of Bucharest").

  7. I was trying to make sense of "ethnically coloured", comparing it to Kensington Market, where there is also a lot of graffiti (from my Instagram)

  8. It's smaller and less "intruding". The St.George Mural was probably the only colorful thing in an incredibly "grey" area.

  9. Updated with Perjovschi's "The wall is ours" link :)

  10. Poza e de la voi din Toronto?
    Aşa se mănâncă la voi pasărea, nespălata?
    De fapt la ce bun s-o speli, ar fi o pierdere de timp totală. :))

    M-ai făcut să râd azi.
    Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre amabilité.

  11. See Dirtybird store on lower left?

  12. Today is mazare day and i keep forgettin'.

  13. The saint is not killing the dragon, but massaging him with a very fine instrument. At the same time he is giving the dragon his full undivided attention. I keep wondering why some people would feel such a mixture of jealousy and impatience. :P

  14. Who knows who painted it and for what reason. It might not be an act of faith but sectarian propaganda.

  15. I'm replying to myself since I don't know the circumstances of the painting, who the author is, and most important the reasons behind it.

  16. Unlikely. Still, what is ''sectarian propaganda'' :)) ?

  17. What can I say now: it's gone and I'm glad I got to see it before whoever ruined it got an approval to do so.

  18. A sect differs from main religion (that is a sect also, but a different kind of dish though) by the different religion they claim and weird teachings come through prophets, channeling, etc.
    I was surprised to learn that some folks in new york pulled out teeth leaving one with none just because they did not know how to care for the teeth. That is so ... :P
    Sects/cults usually live in closed communities and cut ties with the world outside considering it unlikely candidate for heaven as they of course are.
    In the case of the painting, it might be that who knows who had a nightmare and 'repenting' for his sins, thought of sponsoring a painter to ensure himself a place in heaven.
    Since we're talking about The George, does 'becale' mean anything to you? :))

  19. I know what a sect is... but "sectarian propaganda"? Come on...

  20. Too beautiful to be true then?
    Like you said, a splash of color in an otherwise gray reality.

  21. Indeed, too "diverse" to be true :)

  22. I've commented here on the subject of our beloved priest before - I know the guy personally (tough not up close, thank Cthulhu), and I don't have many good things to say about him.

    So I'll be the first commenter that asks you to elaborate on the subject and tell us why you think the he's a victim that couldn't afford to defend himself.

  23. I've never said I think he's a victim, only that AN ARGUMENT CAN BE MADE and I'm willing to make it, as long as there's one other request.

    It's part of critically absorbing the news. I did not think Omar Khadr was guilty when he was found guilty, I didn't believe Dick Cheney when he said "we do not torture", I did not believe Bill Clinton when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" and now I am not fully convinced that the agreed statements are fully correct, even though there's probably a 70% chance that they are.

  24. That's a fair assumption and I think it's good to not blindly absorb the news. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), I have quite a bit of extra information on the subject and therefore the media only confirms what I already knew. Unlike in the case of Cheney, Clinton & co., the media actually reported the truth - albeit the partial truth, since not all of his victims came forward (to be honest I'm surprised so many did).

    The only thing I'm skeptical about are the rumours that some of the victims were bribed to keep their mouths shut - not that I don't believe a person with a debatable sense of morality who's facing jailtime would be capable of doing something like this, but because I don't personally know anybody who was offered a bribe.

  25. BLEGOO (bajocoritor): "Sanchi nea'... faci tu cazu' cu hapărarea.
    Păiii... ce-i mai eftin de făcut în caz dă "ea zice, el zice"?
    Cam ca faza cu dentista - doar că ea nu s-a prins că e filmată.
    Caterincă frate, mai dihai ca la petreanu pă glob."

    "Luați haminte taică... cetiți dăspre Marea Tragedie dă Violeală dă la Hamerica - dășcrisă și publicată dă Piatra Rostogolitoare (nu formația muzicală).

    Acolo unde fimeeia ... da' ce să mai zic, că e dă domeniu' publicitar dăja...

    Să ne hocupăm dă sfântu' Gheorghe și dă chestiili lui jucăușe: dragoni, balauri, bebelușe, CPM!

    Un popic futăcios... care a căscat prea mult ochii la redtube.
    Are scuze... l-a incitat SATANA!

    Kîkat... chestii "unwanted secșual" și alea.
    Poate nu le-a făcut ca lumea... fimeile e mofturoase la astea... n-o fi vrut să dea cu limba, dacă mă poci esprima hașa!

    Rahat pă băț! I-a pus mîna pă țîță...
    Așa, și?

    I s-a micșorat sfîrcu'? Ori ce?
    I s-a oprit laptele?

    Fics ca dentista și Garcea: "Vaaiii... da' m-a pus pă porbagaj... era gata să mi-o bage..." - RAHAT! Ea reviziona scenarii date în garaj dă altcineva - pă bune!

  26. More women die from cardiovascular disease than from breast cancer.
    The plea for innocence is not well founded. Your subject of inquiry is stupid beyond limits.
    He ..., he pays the price.
    Case closed!

  27. 'și dă chestiili lui jucăușe:
    dragoni, balauri, bebelușe'

    Nici nu ştiai cât de poetic sună. Mrrrrrr!

    (notă către sine: iar am greşit specia.)

  28. "...Dacă nu veniți voi la mine, mă duc eu la voi! Și apoi porni popa la colindă. Cât e ziua de mare, gura lui nu se mai oprea. Unde prindea oamenii, acolo îi ținea la sfaturi. La câmp dai de popă; la deal dă popa de tine; mergi la vale, te întâlnești cu popa; intri-n pădure, tot pe popa îl afli. Popa la biserică, popa la mort, popa la nuntă, popa la vecin: trebuie să fugi din sat dacă voiești să scapi de popa..." Ioan Slavici - Popa Tanda

    Sper că am limpezit topicul - zise Blegu' mulțumit, scărpinîndu-se după urechi.

  29. Bre... isprăvește cu editatu' !
    Spune ce-ai de zis - că n-o să facem caz de gramatică cu tine.
    Da' dacă nu ejti sigur(ă) de ce vrei să zici... mai bine abține-te.

  30. Toata treaba asta e de competenta politiei, asa ca ma abtin.

  31. BLEGOO (uimit): "Cum bre... adică să nu mai comentăm? Ce dreaq' frate... d-aia s-a murit la loviluție?!?"

  32. S-ar cheama ca n-am stiut ca aici s-au aciuat atei.
    Vreau sa stiu ce are credinta martirilor cu ateismul vostru?
    Sau ce ati inceput sa poftiti de pe la biserica? Sau din invataturile ei? V-ascult dragilor!

  33. Dacă la beserecă se dă cîrnaț și mititei gratis... normal că pohtim. Dacă se dă și bere... hapăi venim în haite horhanizate!

  34. Noi suntem cam departe de voi. Dar de ce nu? Cand va fi ceva, va anunt.
    Sa zicem ca pe preot il rezolva zamo dar vocile suparate impotriva acestuia cum le pacifica?

  35. si apoi prostia asta a mea nu o inteleg: de ce as sta sa comentez intr-o tara straina cand am la mine acasa accidente de comentat? poate la fel si popa asta al vostru: n-a vazut viata mai departe de usa bisericii.
    ma retrag pentru sufletul meu pentru ca trebuie sa-i dau hrana spirituala sa manance si nu comentarii.

  36. Dupa 9/11 toata lumea a luat-o intr-o vrie pe care eu nu pot sa mi-o explic. In fine! Venind din urma si abia iesita dintr-o secta se cheama ca deja chestiile au fost fumate, gandite si asezate de altii inainte de mine pentru mine. Intrebarea logica atunci este "Cu ce altceva va mai laudati in afara de Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris si Dennet?"
    Just so I know and don't die completely stupid.

  37. I'm not sure if it's relevant to the topic but do the terms "bodily" and "physical" have different nuances? How would anyone differentiate them? I think it's important to acknowledge the victims' impressions of the events rather than dismiss them because at some point in time you'll have to come back and PAY attention to their voices.
    If I were to solve the case, I would take care of the priest, yes!, but what are other common elements? Sexual behaviour. But what else is there? Victims having issues, the priest having his own issues. How do the bits of information connect to each other? Why would I be interested in any sided debate, if I were interested in knowing the truth? And what is the truth? I'm not saying that a debate pro or against is wrong, but what is the direction of the debate and what do I get out of it? Would it be relevant to me if there were or not shades of gray in between?
    (feel free to feel as disorganized as I feel right now! :) )

  38. Mr Pop has retained reputable and expensive lawyer who has actively tried all avenues to obtain the best possible verdict considering the circumstances.
    Many are wondering if it is true that his salary was cut down to $1200/mth months after his conduct was revealed to the Canadian authorities. If so, a big question mark for the church committee who has agreed on that.
    I agree with Zamo, it is a sad day for his family. Having his conduct made public to this degree must be challenging.
    I wonder if it is true that husbands in Rebrisoara were planning on having him meet his Creator. No matter the verdict in Toronto it will be better than that.
    Mr. Pop is actualy an inteligent and somewhat charismatic person and the fact that he away from Rebrisoara was an inspired decision. It was unfortunate that no lesson was learned then.

  39. It's the sect's version of truth, what they call out on all corners. I guess it's called public image. Disgruntled members obviously will be the ones to say, "Look the emperor has no clothes on!"

  40. "I wonder if it is true that husbands in Rebrisoara were planning on having him meet his Creator."
    I don't think that that is the rational thing to do. It only shows what an angry mob can do, nothing else.

  41. Demons, demons everywhere :))

  42. krossfire, you're silly. look at your avatar ... hahaha!

    anyways :),
    in case you want to try the 'wingy' thing, I suggest the proper way to do it: you let your nails grow both feet and hands, hair grow both on your head and beard for several months. then when you see the stuff you're made of, you might want to come back & scare me.

    good luck just in case ... :)

  43. They're just as believable as sectarians fighting the church :P

  44. @zaMo numerut :
    Would you please, explain the term 'sexual religiosity' before you prove Mr. Pop's innocence? Thanks!

  45. your sister from another motheFriday 22 May 2015 at 12:34:00 GMT-4

    Blegoo, if you think someone touching your breast is okay when you don't want them to touch you, you don't understand assault. This is a form of abuse, and as such is not okay .Your sister,mom , daughter or wife, if it happened to them , would you still think of it as "so what" , if you cared for them at all, or for yourself for that matter? Abusers do it first and foremost because they desire to exhibit power and control over another , usually weaker or vulnerable, person (in the abusers' mind), not because they don't know what they're doing. (hopeforsurvivorsofabuse,purposefullyscarred, categoryarchives:sexualabuse) So, when you think that her/their nipples are the same, ask yourself, is that all there is to it, or is this person trying to use them for a purpose other than what they were intended for? aka unwanted touching by a guy whom they have no feelings for/relationship with, and no , there was no rape or sex involved, period!

  46. ma' sis from altă mam:

    Tu ai probleme cu înțelegera termenului "sarcasm"?

    Ori "ironie"?

    E hartificii retorice - a nu se confunda cu alea de anu' nou, ori pocnitoare țigănești.

    Ca să fiu mai clar, soro... iată un desen în cuvintele altora:

    "Understanding the subtlety of this usage requires second-order interpretation of the speaker's or writer's intentions; different parts of the brain must work together to understand sarcasm. This sophisticated understanding can be lacking in some people with certain forms of brain damage, dementia and autism (although not always),[11] and this perception has been located by MRI in the right parahippocampal gyrus.[12][13]"

  47. Cine-i bre carino ăia de îi menționezi?
    Gășcuța ta de cafele?

  48. Dă-i!
    Că e nesătul, săracu' dă el...

  49. Ce-i aia... "noi"?
    Vorbești la plural dăspre tine, ca regalitățile?
    "Noi... Rejele [ceva]... zicem că..."

  50. Clar carino... ejti cam dezorganizată secsual.

  51. Mie nu-mi iese nimic daca il scot pe popa asta din rahat.
    Dar pe tine poate sa te mangaie pe crestet. :)
    Insista, nu se stie niciodata!

  52. Astea-s efecte post secta.

  53. Adica tu citezi din Hitchens si tu ma intrebi cine e?
    Cauta pe youtube!
    Sam Harris cu stem cell research are o carte nou aparuta, "Waking up".
    Iar restul nu m-am ocupat de ei. Sorry!
    Aa, sa nu uit, am un blastocit imaginar care acum probabil are aproape un an. Trebuie sa vad ce face. :)

  54. Sanchi balagîș... err, blastocite vroiam să zic.
    Conversația ia o deviație septică dă la subect, bag io dă zeamă.
    Bănui că-i ca și hîn alte locuri... dacă hinterlocutoru' nu poate veni cu răspuns... apăi schimbă vorba.
    Io... bleg fiind (deși nu prost!) mă las tîrît hîn mrejile cariniene.
    Bleg... na, ce poți pretinde?

  55. Ce să zic... s-a trezit Harris dîn somnic și a scris o carte!

  56. M-am ratoit bine si am castigat argumentul contra folosirii celulelor de embrioni pentru cancer research. A fost un argument intr-un cadru restrans iar blastocitul ipotetic. Cercetarile/experimentele pe oameni oricum intotdeauna vor gasi sponsori. Vine x si ofera multi bani ca ... Si se face caci exista comanda chiar daca sunt comisii de etica si policies in effect, etc.
    Asa si cu popa asta, eu daca zic "dati-l la reciclare", altii vor scoate ca "nu-i frumos ce e frumos, e frumos ce-ne place noua!" asa ca de ce sa mai pierd energie pe argumente? faca ce vor!
    mai bine schimb subectul: balagastele le vrei inapoi? :)

  57. BLEGU' (cu demnitate): "Io nu iau 'napoi ce-am făcut cadou!"

  58. ai pielea rea pe tine. mai rea decat mine. :)

  59. din cand in cand mai sun un prieten in romania care ma lasa sa fac ce vreau.

    cand devin bebelus atunci sunt persoana normala.

  60. BLEGU' (împăciuitor): " Mi s-a mai spus... dăși sincer vorbind... pielea mea e dăstul dă bună, chit că las păr peste tot.

  61. Da' pretinu' ăla... e hirotonisit?

  62. nu.
    poti sa-mi explici cum de iti tii capul pe umeri cand ar trebui de fapt sa fie undeva in nisip bagat?

  63. fii cuminte blegoo şi nu lăsa par că rămâi fără!

  64. " He threatened to curse her and her family “for generations to come” if she revealed the incident. "

  65. Iisus le spune apostolilor sa fie precum sarea, iar unii citind inteleg si de piper. :)

  66. Un om, un Parinte, care a care a depus efort sa ridice o Biserica de la temelie, asa cum a facut Parintele Ioan Pop, nu este lasat de Dumnezeu sa cada asa rau, nu-si poate pierde mintile in halul ala incat sa faca asa ceva. Parintele Ioan Pop mi-a fost duhovnic, si e un om deosebit, cu multa minte, care n-ar face grozaviile care s-au spus ca a facut. E totul o facatura!

  67. Well Anca, numele meu este Rodica si tocmai am venit de la o plimbare in parc unde am auzit un refren de altadata,
    "It's hollday season, bitch!"

    It's scary and awesome at the same time, isn't it?

  68. Omul cat traieste, invata. This time from reality shows.
    Te pupi cat te pupi inainte de biserica, pentru ca atunci cand intri in biserica sa fii ca o gasca coapta.


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