
Tranzitia Feedburner, Fluxuri si Feeds  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in ,

Am vazut o gramada de discutii in blogo.ro-oaie despre meritul relativ al feed-ului complet vs. cel partial. N-am vazut insa nimic despre tranzitia de la contul Feedburner la cel Google. Desigur, mai este timp pana pe 28 Februarie, data limita, dar ceva atat de important n-ar trebui lasat pe ultimul moment. Discut aici ce sunt fluxurile, tranzitia si fluxul partial fata de cel complet.

Dac-ar fi sa-ncep cu inceputul, ar trebui sa explic ce sunt fluxurile (feed-urile), dar am explicat deja, asa ca trec direct la subiect.

1. Tranzitia

Dupa cum se stie, Google a achizitionat Feedburner, principalul (re)publicist de fluxuri. Feedburner preia fluxul tau si il republica, imbunatatind performanta, oferind o gramada de facilitati si reducand impactul asupra site-ului tau. Atat cei care folosesc un free provider (blogger/blogspot, wordpress.com) au motive s-o foloseasca si in special cei care fac self-hosting, dat fiind ca fluxul mananca mult bandwidth si incarca serverul.

Tot astfel cum Yahoo a migrat conturile Flickr in conturile Yahoo!, tot astfel si Google absoarbe acum conturile Feedburner in Google Accounts. Data lor limita este 28 Februarie, dupa care, daca nu ai efectuat tranzitia, fluxul tau va fi eliminat. Evident, este mult mai bine sa faci aceasta miscare din timp, intrucat daca o faci in ultimul moment, ai sanse mai mari sa intalnesti probleme care nu pot fi rezolvate deloc, sau va dura mai mult pana le rezolvi, cu tot impactul negativ care ar insoti aceasta situtatie.

Pentru a efectua tranzitia, am apasat pe link-ul de sus, dupa logarea in contul Feedburner:

Tranzitionarea contului Feedburner

Procesul s-a incheiat aproape fara probleme pentru cele 2-30 de fluxuri din contul meu. Odata finalizat, Google mi-a trimis un email pe care-l reproduc mai jos:

As you requested, we have moved your feeds from your zamolxis FeedBurner account to your …@gmail.com Google Account.
Here is the full list of feeds we moved for you:
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Z4m0lx1sRecent (z4m0lx1s's Recently Played Tracks on Last.fm)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/consumedconsumer (Consumed Consumer . org)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/WeFollow (We Follow)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Zamolxis3MP3z (Last.fm free muzak 4 z4m0lx1s)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/AlsoSprachZamolxis (Asa Grait-a Zamolxis - Comentarii)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Zamolxis (Also Sprach Zamolxis)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/ConsumerComments (Consumed Consumer Comments)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/OverheardInHogtown (Overheard in Hogtown)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/ZamolxisIntenseComments (Zamolxis Intense Comments)
http://feeds2.feedburner.com/Verbavolant (Vorba Valea, Scripta Manea!)
… etc.
You may now view and manage all of your feeds and their settings by visiting this address:
You will no longer be able to sign in to feedburner.com, but that's okay: from now on, there is no reason to do so. Also, your old FeedBurner feeds, found at feeds.feedburner.com, will automatically redirect traffic to their new addresses on the feeds2.feedburner.com domain. You may still want to update any links or buttons on your website to use the new feeds2.feedburner.com address.
All of your feeds have been moved into this new account, and your stats have been loaded up.  If you see "0" for the most recent full day, don't panic! It may take up to a week for a feed's full dose of stats to appear in your new account.
/// MyBrand Instructions ///
Important! If you use MyBrand, FeedBurner's custom-domain service, you need to make a very important change to ensure your feeds remain available to subscribers using your custom domain(s).
To make this change in your Google account, follow the instructions listed in your account's new MyBrand page: http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mybrand
/// Getting Started with AdSense for feeds ///
Finally, to set up AdSense for feeds, you now need to visit AdSense at http://www.google.com/adsense and choose the AdSense for feeds option under Manage Ads > Get Ads. (Ads won't appear in your feeds unless you set up new ad units for them there.) You may also visit the AdSense for feeds section of the Google AdSense Help Center:
/// A Note for Publishers Who Use Email Subscriptions ///
feedburner.google.com has a more robust email subscription management feature; you may now search your entire subscriber base to locate subscribers and view their status, regardless of whether you have 100 or 100,000 of them. Visit Publicize > Email Subscriptions > Subscription Management to try it out.
Thank you for moving your feeds to the new FeedBurner. If you have any questions, please visit our Transfer FAQ:
We hope you enjoy the new place and the changes we have in store!

Totul pare sa mearga bine, cu o singura exceptie: MyBrand. Aceasta-i o facilitate care-mi permite sa folosesc propriul domeniu in locul celui feedburner, si anume http://feeds.zamo.ca/Zamolxis. Este mai dificil sa explic ce anume nu merge, dar daca nu folosesti MyBrand n-ai de ce te teme. Daca-l folosesti, sunt sanse minime sa intalnesti aceeasi problema. Oricum, Google redirectioneaza feed-ul cu pricina, dar asta ii ajuta numai pe abonatii noi, cei vechi nu vor mai vedea fluxul tau.

Urmatorul pas este sa schimbi redirectionarea fluxului site-ului tau catre noul flux Google. Daca nu folosesti MyBrand, tot ce tre’ sa faci este sa pui feeds2.feedburner.com/Zamolxis adaugand practic un 2 langa feeds si schimband Zamolxis cu numele fluxului tau. Daca folosesti MyBrand, cum am folosit eu si renunti la el, vei pierde abonatii respectivi pana nu rezolvi problema sau pana nu isi schimba ei fluxul. Am scazut de la 77 la 15 – 15 fiind in cazul meu numarul de abonati prin email (!!!). Daca-mi rezolv problema de CNAME ii voi recastiga; daca nu, ii pierd.

Daca tot m-am chinuit atat, am decis sa renunt la MyBrands. Daca esti abonat la feedul meu folosind feeds.alsosprachzamolxis schimba-l te rog in feeds2.feedurner. Multumesc!

More info on transition (EN): gg, mb, knownissues, cname

2. Fluxurile Blogger-Blogspot

Feedburner si Blogger ofera o gramada de servicii putin intelese si rar folosite (Blogger: 1, 2). Dar decat sa pierd cateva ore explicandu-le, prefer sa trec in revista formatul fluxurilor Blogger:

Full site feed:
Comments-only feed:
Label-specific site feed:
Individual post comment feed:
  • Atom 1.0: http://zam0lx1s.blogspot.com/feeds/postId/comments/default
  • RSS 2.0: http://zam0lx1s.blogspot.com/feeds/postId/comments/default?alt=rss

3. Feedul Partial fata cu Reactiunea

S-au iscat discutii incinse despre fluxul lung si scurt acum cateva luni. Iata o lista a (aproape) tuturor celor care au participat la discutie, majoritatea pronuntandu-se pentru full feeds: peugen, arhiblog, bobbyvoicu, cafeina, buddha, deceblog, zoso, blogcity, nwradu, mariustudor, decetutorial.

Motivul meu personal de a folosi fluxuri scurte are de-a face cu abilitatea de a modifica articolul. Odata “burned”, este dificil ca modificari ulterioare aduse articolului sa fie reflecatate instantaneu in flux, si teama mi-e ca de multe ori ele nu sunt reflectate deloc. Iata de ce le prefer pe cele scurte. Totusi, daca tot am facut atatea schimbari, m-am gandit sa-ncerc un experiment: voi oferi fluxul complet pana la sfarsitul lui Februarie. Daca trec de 100 de abonati (acum am 77, dar toti cu exceptia celor 15 prin email sunt prin MyBrand), il pastrez intreg. Daca nu, revin la cel scurt.

Discutia cu fluxurile scurte vs lungi e veche si se extinde cu mult dincolo de blogo.ro-oaie. Iata ce-au zis cei cu 12-B: feedburner, problogger, problogger2, performancing, labnol, consumingexperience, blogherald, nick, alexking, wolf-howl, nevillehobson, marketingstudies, techdirt, marketingpilgrim, paulstamatiou, readwriteweb, connectedinternet, askshane, semiologic, syndicative

4. Marea teapa cu Feedburner count

Exista posibilitatea de a umfla aritificial numarul abonatilor la fluxul tau ca apoi sa te lauzi cu asta. Eu nu fac asa ceva, fiindca e important pentru mine sa stiu exact cati am, si-n plus m-as simti penibil. Iata si un video explicand cum se face:

Iata si cateva explicatii, in caz ca te intereseaza: cafeina, buddha, zoso, labnol, mydigitallife, teknobites.

Thank you for reading (mulţam fain pentru cetire)! Publicat Wednesday, January 21, 2009 . Similar articles under the following categories (poţi găsi articole similare sub următoarele categorii): (Subscribe), (Subscribe) . Dacă ţi-a plăcut articolul, PinIt-uieste-l, ReddIt-eaza-l, stumble-uieste-l altora, trimite-l pe WhatsApp yMess şi consideră abonarea la fluxul RSS sau prin email. Ma poti de asemenea gasi pe Google. Trackback poateputea fi trimis prin URL-ul de sub Comentarii.
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