Am decis sa-mi astern impresiile fara sa citesc vreun alt review. S-ar putea sa revin mai tarziu, dar momentan, oricum nu e timp.
Despre editia trecuta a TORO (organizatori ai the annual toronto romanian film festival) am scris cand cu Radu Lupu, cele 8 scurt-metraje romanesti, MaraTOROn.
Superfain documentarul. Andrei Dascalescu si-a filmat bunicii cu un Z4 si-a facut apoi un documentar care tot merge in jurul lumii. Ieri o fo premiera nord-americana. Camera mea n-a reusit sa faca focus, asa c-am inregistrat audio sesiunea de Q&A de la sfarsit:
Ca si Politist, Adj, Constantin and Elena nu-i genul de film la care te duci pentru actiune. Dar daca il lasi sa te patrunda, ramane cu tine. Coreenii nu l-au lasat, ceea ce nu ma mira..
Ce-i oarecum nou in legatura cu filmul e ca Andrei isi pune camera pe trepied si-apoi dispare. Ca orice reporter bun el isi prezinta subiectul, nu pe sine insusi si face asta atat de bine incat nu-i prezent in nici un cadru. Bunicii fac nitel misto de el si pun un tacam in plus la masa; “poate-o veni cineva”, dar nici atunci n-apare. Am aflat din Q&A ca in timpul filmarilor a murit mezinul, si desi Andrei a decis sa excluda secventele din montaj, el este prezent in film nu numai din dedicatie.
Bunicii lui Andrei sunt fantastic de naturali, chiar si-atunci cand canta – fac asta des si cu umor. Am incercat si eu sa-i filmez p-ai mei, mai demult, dar departe n-am ajuns. Deveneau altfel cand era camera acolo. Camera era un intrus, si odata cu ea, publicul.
O alta realizare majora este excelenta subtitrare – chestie rar intalnita la filmele romanesti. Incerc intotdeauna sa evit sa citesc traducerile romanesti fiindca ma enerveaza, dar de multe ori o fac involuntar.
Tre’ sa fug, dar promit sa revin macar cu niste clipuri I-am dat 10 stele pe IMDB.
TORO continua. Daca esti in Toronto, nu-l pierde!
Sources / More info: toro-ce, ce, imdb-ce, yt-ce
LE: Sunt intru totul de acord cu un review de pe imdb:
Touching family portrait of ageing lovebirds, 8 February 2010
The author follows with his quiescent camera his grandparents over a year. Whatever was judged film-worthy is shown to us, in a beautifully woven montage, much like Elena's colorful tapestries.
The way this perennially happy couple interacts is peacefully engaging. We get to listen to their church songs, watch them perform their daily chores, talk about the lies on TV and enjoy a can of pop for the first time.
Though intimate and revealing, we get the feeling that some important events were left out. I found out in the Q&A at the end of the North American premiere that the death of their youngest son took place while the film was being shot. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why death features prominently in their conversation.
A Romanian poet [Lucian Blaga] has said that "Eternity was born in the Village". Time certainly passes more slowly in that part of the world, but it's still too fast when the movie is over.
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