Incepusem sa "adaptez" cateva din poeziile lui Frost. Aici il las pe Marin Sorescu s-o adapteze.
Probabil spre deosebire de majoritatea celor care i-au absorbit poezia, primul meu contact cu Frost s-a petrecut prin cuvantul scris. Iar poezia sa mi-a parut mai mult tragica decat optimista. In contrast, desi Sorescu este perceput de majoritatea celor cu care am vorbit despre el ca fiind tragic, mie poezia sa imi pare optimista si foarte deschisa. Diferenta esentiala intre cele doua lirici este probabil umorul. Sorescu pare sa incerce sa obtina un efect oarecum comic in timp ce Frost se ia mult prea tare in serios, ceea ce are asupra mea efectul opus.
Mi-am pus deseori intrebarea de ce oare poemul lui Frost este atat de popular, in timp cel al lui Sorescu abia este cunoscut de cativa romani? Evident, o parte din raspuns are de a face cu forma: versul ri(t)mat are deseori un efect hipnotic, de Cenaclu Flacara asupra maselor. Poezia lui Frost este si mai scurta – un mare avantaj in aceste vremuri ADHD. In plus, America s-a aflat de mai multe ori la rascruci unde a avut de-ales, Romania nu. Ma gandesc in primul rand la vremurile ce-au urmat constituirii statului american, cand o parte din “tatii fondatori” doreau USA sa se apropie de Franta si sa mearga pe panta republicanismului si a democratiei declarative si insolente, iar ceilalti de partea Angliei si a conservartorismului cu buze subtiri si spranceana ridicata.
Poate ca intre “adaptarile mele” din articolul precedent si poezia originala exista aparent la fel de multe asemanari ca intre poeziile de mai jos, adica nici una. Este remarcabil cat de putin a stiut publicul despre viata sa si cat de bine a reusit sa-si ascunda partile intunecate, pana la publicarea biografiei cu cativa ani inainte de moarte. Imaginea sa de unkes bland cu grai agale induce in eroare privitorul. Este probabil si un throwback catre acele vremuri jefersoniene cand USA era mai mult agrara, cand oamenii erau mai fericiti la sat, cand stramutarea la oras nu nascuse alcoolismul ce i-a ucis tatal, cand toti cetatenii erau albi si vorbeau cu accent englezesc iar cei de alta culoare erau rar vazuti si obedienti.
Resources: [Frost-critique] [frost-life] [The Road Not Taken Robert Frost From The Poetry of] [MB Whedon - 2002] [The Classicism of Robert Frost by G MUNSON] [Poetry Essay Outline #2] [M. Mohseny's Archive] [one song of seven] [Some questions to challenge you!]
The Road Not Taken – Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Simetrie - Marin SorescuMergeam asa, Am stat, Am mers pe el cum am mers, Si iata in fata mea iar se casca |
Cateva “extrase” din biografia lui Frost:
- tatal lui era un alcoolic si-a murit de tuberculoza la 34 de ani cand Frost avea numai 11
- dupa cheltuielile de inmormantare, Frost a ramas numai cu $8
- a decis sa devina poet la terminarea liceului si a lucrat ca profesor inainte de a gradua de la Harvard
- membru intr-o gramada de institutii - probabil isi uita mereu loginul si parolele
- a inceput ca editor al unui ziar; primul sau poem, “fluturele meu” a fost cel mai important pentru devenirea sa ca poet
- s-a gandit mult la sinucidere, dar premiilor pentru poezie l-au “imbarbatat”
- modul principal in care poezia lui este inteleasa este optimist, dar altii vad si profunde subcurente tragice; si-a dorit sa aiba un puternic efect emotional
- avea cancer facial care l-a costat foarte mult, acesta fiind unul din motivele pentru care era sarac in ciuda succesului; a lucrat in mai multe slujbe pentru a-si intretine familia
- a avut relatii incordate cu toti cei din jur, iar fiul sau s-a sinucis
Si-acum sa vidiem shie zishie uikipidia:
The ironic interpretation, widely held by critics, is that the poem is instead about making personal choices and rationalizing our decisions, whether with pride or with regret. In this view, "The Road Not Taken" "is perhaps the most famous example of Frost's own claims to conscious irony and 'the best example in all of American poetry of a wolf in sheep's clothing.'” Frost himself warned "You have to be careful of that one; it's a tricky poem – very tricky." According to Frost the poem is intended as a gentle jab at his great friend and fellow poet Edward Thomas, with whom he used to take walks through the forest (Thomas always complained at the end that they should have taken a different path) and seemed amused at the interpretation of the poem as inspirational.
In the ironic interpretation, the final two lines:
- I took the one less traveled by,
- And that has made all the difference.
cannot be taken literally : whatever difference the choice might have made, it could not have been made on the non-conformist or individualist basis of one road's being less traveled, the speaker's protestations to the contrary. The speaker admits in the second and third stanzas that both paths may be equally worn and equally leaf-covered, and it is only in his future recollection that he will call one road "less traveled by."
The sigh can be interpreted as a sigh of regret or as a sigh of self-satisfaction; in either case, the irony lies in the distance between what the speaker has just told us about the roads' similarity and what his or her later claims will be. Frost might also have intended a personal irony: in a 1925 letter to Cristine Yates of Dickson, Tennessee, asking about the sigh, Frost replied: "It was my rather private jest at the expense of those who might think I would yet live to be sorry for the way I had taken in life."
Exista oare asemanari intre poezii si “adaptari”?
Sources / More info: wiki-road, cercul, my-butterfly
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