Romanian MEP elections in Toronto

You may have heard that in Europe, on May 25, people vote for euroskeptics to represent them in Brussels and simultaneously destroy whatever's left of the European dream. You can help destroy Europe here in Toronto as well.

In Toronto, Romanian citizens may vote at the Romanian consulate, on May 25, 2014:

555 Richmond Street West, Unit 1108
Toronto, ON  M5V 3B1

LE: Note that the consulate may have has certainly changed its address. See 2016 elections or simply click on Home above, search for or to see the latest articles, or go to their page.

There are 3 other voting sections in Canada: Ottawa (embassy), Montreal (consulate) and Vancouver (consulate), and they are all open 7:00-21:00 (local time). There is even a guide for the Romanian voter outside Romania (PDF) and a list of candidates (PDF) with the following parties (I “erased” the ones I could never vote for):

  1. Partidul Poporului – DD (Wiki). TV presenter founder DD is a controversial dumbass and convicted blackmailer.
  2. Partidul Forta Civica (Wiki). Mihai Razvan Ungurean leads a Christian-Democrat party (center-right).
  3. Partidul Miscarea Populara (Wiki). Created by President Traian Basescu when his protege, Elena Udrea, was not elected leader of his former party, PDL.
  4. PSD-UNPR-PC (Wiki) This is the most popular party in Romania, the successor of the Romanian Communist Party and the most likely winner of this and very likely all future elections; with very few and mostly unknown exceptions, made of populist, coward, incompetent and corrupt individuals. 
  5. PNTCD .eu (Wiki). A party with a great history but less imposing present.
  6. UDMR (Wiki). An alliance constituted on ethnic criteria. I noticed in previous elections that it has a very well thought out programme, but I could not vote for a party that would never accept me as a member or candidate due to my ethnicity.
  7. PNL (Wiki). It formed an alliance with PSD (see above, a crypto-communist party) in order to defeat PDL (a similar programme), thus cannibalizing any moral standing it may have held with its voter base.
  8. PDL (Wiki). This party was too closely associated with Traian Basescu, the current President whose term expires soon. He broke with it when they failed to elect his protege as a leader and it is unlikely that without his support they have much of an identity. They will probably stay a minor league player.
  9. PRM (Wiki; also, critic). Overly nationalist and euroskeptic. Shameful.
  10. Partidul Noua Republica (Wiki). Its leader has a degree in theology.
  11. Partidul Ecologist Roman (Wiki). A rather strange history of illegality, having been founded in ‘78.
  12. Partidul Verde (Wiki). Remus Cernea, a former leader of this party, quit it while accusing it of “narrow-mindedness”
  13. Partidul Alternativa Socialista (Wiki). Party founded by those communists who did not want to become PSD members, fearing that the latter wasn’t communist enough. Tried to take over the PCR name, but was not allowed by Bucharest Tribunal.
  14. Alianta Nationala a Agricultorilor (agrointel, eu). Comprised of MAR and UDR, I cannot find almost anything from independent sources. Romanian agriculture is far behind its potential, but this field is a bone of contention in Europe. It’s too much of an unknown for me to give them my vote.
  15. Partidul Dreptatii Sociale. Too new, seems silly.
  16. INDY (z
    1. Ungureanu Georgiana-Corina (Wiki). Gymnast who posed for Playboy, changed a few parties.
    2. Filip Constantin-Titian (tv). Neurosurgeon, diplomat, tourism agency owner and lawyer with spelling mistakes on his ads.
    3. Liga Danut (Wiki). Former PRM (see 9 above) deputy, had proposed a law to fine non-voting voters.
    4. Purea Paul – surgeon and clinic director living outside Romania in Germany, ran in previous elections.
    5. Capsali Pericle-Iulian (Gandul). Father of 9, homophobic, “Christian orthodox family candidate”
    6. Costea Peter (Facebook). Lawyer, lives abroad in Texas since 1978, homophobic, “family first”
    7. Diaconu Mircea (Wiki, IMDB, Fb). A very well-known actor in Romania, his political choices (senator PNL) and legal troubles (contested by the National AntiCorruption Agency) seemed more than uninspired.
    8. Daeanu Valentin-Eugen (Facebook). Owner of Smith & Smith (?) and “Actualitatea Romaneasca” for diaspora. Engineer, PoliBuc grad, PhD in Economics from ASE.

LE: See my answers in the TestVote application.

I hope that my notes above, made for my own use, may be helpful to you as well.


You might not know much about these guys and what they do. Let me help (using mostly the British press). They:

  • play with a budget worth £1.3 trillion from 2014-2020
  • earn almost 8000 euros / month (7957) or the equivalent of £78,444 / year
  • 751 MEPs, Romania has 32 on a 5-year term (until 2019)
  • can't raise taxes, go to war or sack a government, but they can pass laws that impact on every European; the laws they vote on are put forward by the European Commission, which has 28 members, one representing each nation, and acts like a cabinet government
  • voted most food labelling at European supermarkets
  • Immigration rules in the EU, as do rules compelling airline companies to display details on any taxes they levy on customers
  • Limits on what mobile phone companies can charge customers abroad are EU-led, as is the climate change directive which calls upon EU countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020.


The voting system is a quota system, meaning that the more you parliamentarians you already have, the harder it is to get new ones elected, because your votes are divided by the number of existing seats that party has.

The most likely prediction for Romanian vote participation is slightly below 30%.

If you are not sure who to vote for, go through the testvot app (link below). If you’re too busy to inform yourself and feel lost, don’t vote – the world’s not going to end; just admit you are a virtual slave or, at the very least, a mindless follower, a lemming. DevilLoser

LE: See my answers in the TestVote application.

Sources / More info: economist-su-su, mae-mep-14, mep-ro-14, wiki-parties, testvot-eu

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