Poverty and Sadism (Radu aka Ramsay)

It’s been a while since we haven’t talked about poverty in Romania and solutions. A recent “debate” caused by an over-the-top article on not giving money to the poor gives us a chance to look at it again and also address our reticence with BDSM practices.

Ramsay-GoTOn second thought, I won’t be writing about BDSM here, I’ll just tell you that it bores me, and I might add the link to where I’ll write about it later, when done. I will only say for now that BDSM relationships are often about not just pain, but rather counterintuitively deeper bonds, and the cognitive dissonance at the root of the debate below is about applying this small-community based logic at macro level, where it does not belong.

Besides, the title of the BDSM prince of is not vacant: it’s long been occupied by Popelu’.

I have been noticing a strange phenomenon for a while now, happening not just in Romania, but pretty much everywhere in the world. The poorer most people perceive themselves, the more they are open to “cost-cutting” and “austerity” programs. In Romania however, the perception of poverty seems to increase even while the general standard of living is definitely increasing, and this is because Romanians don’t compare themselves with what they were like yesterday, they compare themselves to an ideal, unattainable in their lifetime, Western European (mostly German) standard.

Not long ago, a law school and “Antene” graduate, currently “gurist” (talking head) at the national TV, Moise Guran, penned an article on a site that doesn’t even have a mobile version, arguing (poorly) that the children allocation should not be doubled to a meagre 84 RON / month (i.e., 18 Euros, US$20, CN$25, GBP 13, BTC 0.8599) because the parents would just drink it all anyway. That such an article is taken seriously at all and even debated is a only a sign that a large set of Romanians are remarkably dumb.

The debate took place on Facebook (buciu-alex), and it was started by Mihai Buciuman, who wrote an article (r-mg) on his “Urban Resistance” site, which we could not access for days because of

Error establishing a database connection

What is it with all these people who insist on using Wordpress even though it obviously isn’t for them?

Luckily, the Facebook “debate” is still readable and it goes something like this (first, MB explains his misgivings; all translated with Google Translate).

In this country there are 2 million people living below the poverty line. The Great, nauseating star Moise Guran calls these 2 million people alcoholics. So you've heard, all poor people are alcoholics!

and condemns them: they drink their child allowance! Leaving aside that the poor are not all alcoholics, leaving aside that not all alcoholics drink children's allowance, and you must be truly evil to generalize that way,

even if you are 'wasting' all 900,000 of allowances that reach children in poverty (what an irony, they waste, they most need them!) STILL leaves millions of children whom you gave a hand of heavenly help, even with 40 RON in addition to the allowance.

In fact what Guran means in the article I'll let you looking for alone - won't give link to that - is that we should not help raising needy children because the poor have no right to children, and that with this allowance we help the poor to reproduce and vote wrong.

I'm embarrassed to exist on the same planet with Moise Guran, a politruk who every day makes political increasingly cheaper attacks on the back of the poor. Therefore I protest against the use of public television this week that assigns a space to this sad specimen.

Arguably, a bit too emotional, but generally an expected, normal reaction.

To this, one Ramsay Alexander replies (the Romanian name is Radu, which is also the real name of a schoolmate from my childhood).

Bah. Seriously. Do you leave the house? I know that ideals and shit but I doubt that you know poor people. As empirically so, the overwhelming majority are alcoholics. The poor are stupid and alcoholics. Let's not change the definition for some statistical errors. And yes. A non-alcoholic poor is a statistical error.

Go in any village and find a non-alcoholic poor and we'll talk after.

I read the article and it's very fair. And you interpret it wrongly. The man did not say not to give to needy children, but he says not to give the money in a form that can be used as the parents wish. Because many are denatured alcoholics. Which is absolutely right.

From here on things go downhill between the two.

Moreover, a few good men (and one woman, at the end) make a few good points.
  • VD: Presumption of guilt. If you are poor you are an alcoholic. Let's do more bureaucracy that money is not spent as we want. "Hey!" I have a cousin from the country who commutes at 4am to arrive in Bucharest at school. I have a friend who is now Masters student in Holland and comes from the back-country with alcoholic parents.
  • RV: According to the national strategy for the protection and promotion of children's rights (2014), one Romanian child in three is poor, although coming from a family where the parents work, poverty affecting also one in five children in households where the adults work less than 80% the active time. "Only" one in ten children lives in jobless households. In total, 52.2% of Romanian children are at risk of poverty or social exclusion, the second highest level in the EU27, after Bulgaria.
  • CM: Romania is ranked 3 to alcohol consumption per capita in Europe taking into account only taxed alcohol, one made in the back yard I believe we climb one position.
  • FJ: vice tax helps to fund healthcare more than other taxes. Guran's "Alcoholics" do not get anything back of these services. Guran benefits from these charges through state health services.
  • MB: Money is more useful and an aid much more flexible than pre purchased school supplies but if you start with the false premise that there is widespread drinking then maybe start a business to sell such supplies to the state.
  • RV: Well then, let us sterilize the poor for peace, right? And euthanize half the children so that they are no longer struggling. Maybe NCCD should have a point of view on the aberrations of Guran. The child allowance is a universal right of the child, not the parent.
  • RA: But meal vouchers why are they not given as money? Maybe so that the idiot does not waste it on alcohol and cigarettes? Exactly the same thing with the Allowance. It's a state aid for necessities. It's just as normal to have a system by which to care can not be spent elsewhere. Yes start from the presumption of guilt. It is absolutely normal. For protection. As the electrical panel that says danger. Normally you realize alone that it's dangerous and it's unnecessary. But start from the premise that among us are idiots and make a rule for everyone to protect minority of idiots. Same here.
  • VD: Meal tickets are stupid and a fraud. The state assumes that man knows what it takes respectively. Even if a month has food from home and would like to buy some clothes or nails. State knows better. I get to think that Romanians love bureaucracy. Always a problem when we think how to put tickets, permits, authorizations, etc. NAFA eats you and you deserve your fate!
  • AP: Does the baby need nails ?? NO. school supplies, clothes for children, food, books, film or theater tickets, YES! but better prevent those cases of cigarettes bought / alcohol? money is too flexible for an uncivilized and irresponsible people. There is no harm / drawback if the money is placed on the card. Only paranoia that money goes to banks. If you think, it is more bureaucracy to stand in line at the post office to get the money. dumb and wait 1-2 hours in line for 42 lei, than to give the pos card. There's nothing here about bureaucracy, it is efficient and modern.
  • VD: He needs [nails] when it rains at home. But you decided they must go to the theater and buy school supplies because you are treating him like an animal. He can die of pneumonia, but at least he is cultured and did not spend his vouchers on drinking... Congratulations for the presumption of guilt.
  • MB: I wonder how many of you who maintain that the poor should not have the right to make babies would have qualified to be created at the time that you were conceived / born. (..) If the discussion would simply be about giving cash or food stamps or How to prevent abuse of births for child allowance (very low statistical phenomenon anyway) then it would be different, but Guran is attacking the very idea of helping the needy because they are drunks and reproduce  and vote Ponta (he just knows all this).
  • VD: So the person defending must demonstrate his innocence. Interesting. How do I know that I'm not giving you a salary / fee for human and organ trafficking. I must give you food stamps and postage stamps for records of expenditure. Presumption of guilt you start with is not justified, but if it were applied consistently it would mean bar code on the forehead, vouchers instead of money and more bureaucracy. Jail until you prove your innocence. Salary confiscated until you prove that you will spend it "right". Why do you like bureaucracy? Why do you want only preventive measures (bureaucratic) when control could solve 90% of the issues you raise? How many people will die without medication because no health card though bulletin was enough? Let's have more cards, more tickets. We never learn.

    You have Child Protection Services that can take children away if something goes wrong. You want to give them vouchers to make it harder for them to buy nails when they need it because it's raining in the house (the state says you should eat that money not to repair the roof). But tickets can be sold and that you can not stop it so you get nowhere in that you make life more difficult for people who would do something useful with the money. You allow alcoholics to continue to drink. You even pay for a system of vouchers and cards. Everyone loses .... WTF ....

  • VD: We are all criminals. We must wear collars with GPS and neck C4 to decrease crime. And vouchers!
  • RA: You are outraged that they make laws like we are all guilty. but THAT'S HOW SOCIETY WORKS. Why are guns prohibited? most people would use them only to defend. why make a law for that 1% who were maniacs and would shoot random people? ooowait, you're starting to get it.
  • MB: If the parents 20,000 thousand of children drank allowance for children is very ugly and should be admonished. That is kind 0.006% of pupils and not a reason to stop the allowance unless you're Guran and lie and exaggerate and make your political platform of poor-bashing to feel better those who are not poor because you tickle their superiority and they vote you.
  • VD: See, your answer can be civilized. That's something I can answer myself. It is a huge difference between guns and money. Guns are made to kill and is likely to be used to injure. We can not erase any and all differences between the things we prohibit, regulate or allow. Your level of fear of the use of money is unjustified and starts from the false premise that all / most / a significant percentage of parents are distorted. If your premise is true, the allowance would be a pointless discussion and those children should be taken away. Or that's not the case ... So if that assumption disappears, disappears also the need for vouchers ...
  • MO: Not to mention the problem that in enormously many cases alcoholism is a disease, or a method of treating depression, not a moral deficiency, no matter how much those who always associate poverty with bad morality want to see it that way.

The arguments put forward by Victor Draghicescu, Monica Olaru and Michael Buciuman are excellent and sadly, Ramsay Alexander (previously quoted in Hajduks..) comes across as a monumental moron, incapable of grasping basic logic and insulting those who try to help him. The benefits of the allowance outweigh the potential downside by such a humongous margin that the very discussion seems a waste of time.

If you are not persuaded by the above, it is unlikely that I can do any more in that direction. After all, it is quite obvious that the sadism (see the first paragraph) manifested by those who take pleasure in making the poor’s life more difficult, is completely illogical and motivated by what may have happened to them in their childhood. Let me just reiterate an argument I’ve been making in existentialism/suicide, as well as Quo Vadis, mah coin? (I and II): in a deflationary recession of the kind most of the world is traversing, it is essential to pump money into the poor, not only for their own good, but to avoid the deathly downward spiral of plunging demand that accompanies such a recession (Blegoo rebuttal). Yes, Romania is not yet in such a recession, but its growth of 2-3% p.a. is anaemic considering how far behind its targets it still is and the central bank is moving into QE territory. Giving money to people with children is not only moral, it is REQUIRED by the state of the economy and it’s the best welfare money the state could spend, even if 50% would be wasted (and it won’t be) by constipated individuals’ standards. That would be true even if Romania wasn’t in a demographic crisis, but it is even more so knowing that it is.

LE: Two TED speeches I came across since publishing: Gary Haugen (ted-haug) and Chrystia Freeland.

There are of course other solutions to the demographic crisis (especially since when the tide has turned toward depopulation, you have to give a lot of money to parents to get them to have children, and a national childcare program goes farther than giving them money straight), but Romania could never rely on immigration (too many closed-minded imbeciles): it cannot retain inside its borders even born-Romanians who speak the language!

Not only that the government should be increasing the aforementioned allowance, as it is doing, but a program should be started to revamp the education system with an eye to Finland and start giving money directly to kids who do well in school, based on performance.

Part of the problem is some sort of “proximity bubble” left behind Romanians seem to be living in. In this bubble, the many retirees everybody stumbles upon in the bus are not there because the population is aging, nobody’s having babies anymore henceforth their proportion of the living retirees has visibly increased, they are there because they are insufferable and forget to get off. The poor and the unemployed are not so due to systemic issues and a worldwide recession, but rather because they don’t want to work. People who resort to alcohol en masse end up unemployed, and nobody drinks because they ended up unemployed through no fault of their own. Finally, whoever makes a good living does so because of personal merit; luck and parents have nothing to do with it. Romania has low living standards because of pensioners who suck any surplus out of the system; they should be euthanized, and all those who think this way will never get old or be in their shoes.

Ramsay-Idiot-SandwichLet me conclude with yet another Ramsay’s saying, which goes from my heart to all “intelligent”, “rich” Romanians who think giving money to the poor is a mistake.

LE: It seems that even one of RA's colleagues at Catavencii (Mihai Radu Ramsay) sees through Guran's deceit.

Sources / More info: buciu-alex, r-mg, ted-haug


  1. I am one of the people "translated" above and I'm not sure I agree.

  2. Oh how nice! You presented diverse voices in some sort of bouquet.
    And people do not appreciate the effort you put into it? What a shame!
    I still don't get it why or how some folks believe that it's always, everyone and everything about them. :)

  3. BLEGU' (clefăind dezgustat): "Cum era vorba aia... cu "Românii mereu surprinzîndu-se pă ei înșiși încheindu-se la șliț ?"

    Așa și cu gloaba/bloaga lu' nea' Zeamo.

    Românii... fie ei diasporezi, căpșunari ori hautohtoni... au un helement comunitar:

    Halucinatu' cu ochii dăschiși!

    Că-i vorba dă religie, dă țigani, dă negri ori de copii... aruncăm la gunoi rațiunea și datele obiective și ne dăm cu sania pă derdeluși dă pietroaie; doare la funduleț, da' e "moral".

    Pla mea, bre uameni și fimei cititori și cititoare... momentu' la care cineva se uită-n ochii tăi și zice că tre' să dai bani ca o pereche dă alcoolici moldoveni (nu neapărat soț și soție) să producă ceva regulându-se - dă preferință un copil... pă ideea că ăla o să-i plătească pensia lu' nea Zeamo... ăla e momentu' la care rațiune s-a dat d-a berbeleacu'm și a căzut dă la etaj.

    Trebe să dăm alocație la ăia care produc urmași - susține dom' Zeamo.

    Chestia e... CE FEL DE URMAȘI?!?

    Fizicieni nucleari? Matematicieni-artimeticieni? Injineri? Strungari? Gunoieri bețivi? Hingheri calificați? Curve centuriste? Cerșetori bronzați dă la natură? Hoți, derbedei, pușlamale, bătăuși, pițipoance, monica-tătoaice?

    Asta vrea Zeamo să procreeze și să încurajeze dînd BANI la ăia care se regulează în neștire?

    Asta consideră el "MORAL" ?!?
    Asta consideră el "REQUIRED" să facă statu'?
    Asta consideră el că e "Bani cheltuiți cu folos" ?!?

    Să cităm, că nu ne doare botu':
    "...the best welfare money the state could spend, even if 50% would be wasted..."

    Deci, să cheltuim bani, ca să sprijinim înmulțirea (prin futai iresponsabil) celor cu aichiu redus; genetic/statistic vorbind, sunt slabe șanse să produci oameni de valoare din material defect.

    Nu poți face din rahat bici, să facă sfîrrr!... și să și plesnească!
    100% waste of money!

    Nu-s sprijinitor al teoriei eugeniei - dăparte dă mine gândul.
    Nu zic să-i omorâm pă moroni, pă dobitoci ori alcoolici... nu!
    Trebe păstrați, ca egzemplu!

    Da' nici să dăm drumu' la o politică de "eugenie" pă invers, cum susține Zeamo nu-i o soluție. Nu înmulțim cretinii la număr, nici ăia dependenți de uelfer.

    Hau-hau-chelalau încercat hamericanii treaba... și au ajuns la generații după generații de idioți, stînd la mila statului, plătiți din munca altora.

    Asta vă propovăduiește nea Zeamo... să procreăm, creștem, îngrijim și plătim GENERAȚII de imbecili, de rebuturi umane, fabricanți de alte deșeuri umane."

    (dînd dîn cap cu înțelepciune):

    "Da, băh... asta vrea Zeamo... dacă nu credeți... mai citiți ce zice el mai sus. Săriți peste jumatea dă harticol tradus cu goglea - chestie jenibilă, menită să umfle postu' - și esplicați-mi mie că-s prost și nu pricep zemuri 'telectuale profundiste.

    Hai, încercați.

    Oi fi io bleg... da' nu-s prost!"

  4. Se pare ca ai luat bruftuluiala de Romania. Las' ca iti prinde bine! :))
    Ia zi repede propozitia inversa pentru "Oi fi io bleg... da' nu-s prost"!

  5. Un sclipitor exemplu de conversație mioritică.
    Unu zice: "Băăă, ce plouă afară!"
    Altu răspunde: "Mai dă-i în aia mă-sii dă popi!"
    Ș reciproca, desigur.

  6. You can find rebuttals to your "argument" in the Facebook "debate" and also in Buciuman's article on his site (there's a link in text as well as in the Facebook debate).

    Your theory is so wrong I'm not going to bother discussing it. I suggest you read, apart from the aforementioned resources, the Wikipedia articles Race_and_intelligence and google "correlation between poverty and iq" - you will find that poverty (just like leadership and power) makes people dumber.

    As a dog, you might find reading articles difficult - or you might be able to pretend that you read them, but deriving meaning is where you stumble. Incidentally, this is also the situation of Brian, the family dog in Family Guy. In "Our Idiot Brian" (S13E08) he flunks the SAT, despite all the high hopes placed on him and his appearance of intelligence. In "Stewie is Enceinte" (S13E12) Stewie impregnates himself with Brian's DNA, with rather catastrophic results, even though they are both supposedly geniuses: https://youtu.be/aCZwcv53GNs?t=135

    The point of the above is that though you may have difficulties reading scholarly articles, you can certainly resonate with Family Guy episodes! :P

  7. Răspunsu' tău e în categoria: "Ai văzut cum se pișă țînțaru'? Ei, ceva mai fin, 'telectual considerînd..."

    Mioritic vorbind, tu susții că enterlocutoru' e prost și prin urmare incapabil să hînțeleagă hargumentația ta.
    Desigur, îți scapă total ironia implicită - tu militînd pentru dat bani la proști, căci așa e "moral".

    Ce să spun... mi-ai turtit fesu' cu rebiutalu' lu' Buciuman.
    Sanchi... "corelația nu-i cauzație!"
    Săracii are dreptu' să facă copii cît îi ține scula și bascula iar restu' are dreptu' să le dea bani pentru activitate în câmpu' patului!

    Io am cunoscut mulți săraci. Nu toți erau bețivi, da' TOȚI erau proști.
    Absolut toți, fără excepție.
    Și nu erau proști din lipsă de dat bani să se ducă la școală și să-nvețe programare dă pieicipi, erau proști de la natură.
    Asta e, nu putem fi toți genii.
    Da' na... zice Zeamo - în pustietatea geniului său daco-mioritic - că corelația nu-i cauzația.

    Da, băh!

    Dacă în România se fură masiv și se dă șpagă de la vlădică la opincă, nu-i dîn cauză de români - ie dîn cauză dă... altceva, nu s-a descoperit încă, da' mai trebe studiat!

    Țiganii cerșesc și fură - finlandezii nu. Clar, e din cauză de mirificul sistem de învățămînt finlandez. Ia să-l facem și la noi!
    Aaaa, țiganii fură și cerșesc ȘI ÎN FINLANDA?!?
    Cum dreaq' bre, că acolo e școală gratis, ajutoare dă la guvern, alea-alea...
    Oricum, nu-i dîn cauză că unii e țigani și alții finlandezi... NoOO!
    Doamne ferește!
    E fin'că țiganii n-are bani, săracii dă ei... să dea dă mîncare la puradei, mîncați-aș...

  8. Era cît p-aci să dau o replică cu rimă, da' m-am habținut.

  9. Ia mai gândește tu la rime de "popi".

  10. "iar restu' are dreptu' să le dea bani pentru activitate în câmpu' patului!"
    unde citesti tu chestia asta in articolul lui zamo?
    da cu ghilimelele sa te cred!

    cineva te-a invatat sa citesti. mai tii minte cine?

  11. eu n-am zis nimic de rime, tu ai zis si tu esti de vina: te-ai dus la romania si te-ai intors cu alte obiceiuri. :P

  12. Nu.

    Nu mai țin minte.

    E un fapt dovedit științific că memoria la câine e foarte scurtă.

    Acuma... să cităm:

    "...it is essential to pump money into the poor, not only for their own good, but to avoid the deathly downward spiral of plunging demand that accompanies such a recession [....] Giving money to people with children is not only moral, it is REQUIRED..."

    Eu am reformulat recomandarea Zemoază ceva mai tranșant, adevărat.
    Dar ca să continui desenul, dacă dai bani la oameni cu copii, apăi reiese că ei vor continua să producă copii. E discutabil dacă ei fac asta pentru "alocație" ori pentru băuturică. E neclar (liberalo/democrato/socialiștii sunt veșnic în ceață despre detalii) dacă se dau bani PENTRU COPII indiferent de starea materială a părinților.
    Chestia e... "să se dea bani pentru copii!"
    C-așa e moral.

    Ori eu, în blegeala mea, nu înțeleg raționamentul care duce de la o activitate secsuală a unora la obligația altora (neparticipanți) la a plăti bani pentru rezultatul plăcerii scurte - temporal vorbind.

    Nu amușin unde-i "moralitatea".

    Caterinca cu "păii... ne trebe generații noi, alea..." e o absurditate cu parfum comunistico-socialist. Ultimul care a încercat faza cu "Avem nevoie dă copii, tovarăși!" a sfârșit împușcat.
    Asta DUPĂ ce a încercat faza cu dat bani pentru copii, mame eroine, medalii, etc.
    Posibil tu nu știi, dar guvernul român chiar a dus o campanie de încurajarea natalității ÎNAINTE de a interzice avorturile. Rezultatul o fost un mare fîsss...

    Problema mea cu teoria Zemoasă nu-i legată de câți bani să dăm de cap de copil - ci de motivul pentru a da bani.

    E o problemă similară cu ajutatul țiganilor să se integreze, cu ajutatul săracilor să devină bogați ori transformarea proștilor în deștepți - prin metode științifice, desigur.

    Este chestii care se poate și chestii care nu se poate - indiferent de câți bani bagi. Proștii nu vor deveni deștepți, copiii nu vor devenii genii iar țiganii... eh, vor rămâne țigani.

    E o prostie cu "P" mare.

  13. Aha.


    Alo, circul? As vrea sa prezint un numar de mare atractie: “cainele vorbitor”‘ – Desigur, veniti sa discutam conditiile! – Momentan nu pot. Stapanul m-a incuiat in casa.

  14. "C-așa e moral." - no, that is the argument made mostly by Buciuman. I agree with him, but the gist of my argument is the state of the economy + demography. Your argument with stupidity is not only wrong/false, it is also not a counterargument / rebuttal to mine.

  15. Ai atatea date si teorii, dar de legat nu legi corect. Inapoi la gradinita!
    Si nu e vorba ca ai un feeling despre acestea, e sa transpui in realitate ceea ce predici. Ori tu ce ai facut pana acum? Ai dat cu balagaste sa le trazneasca pe ele nu pe tine. Esti fricos Blegoo.

  16. Give me numbers, not ambiguous opinions. Is any of your examples comparable with Romania in terms of economy stage of development (developed vs developing), GDP per capita, population density, or are they outliers?

    The main demographic problem in terms of economic growth Romania is facing and will increasingly face is the changing ratio of population of working age to pensioners. The explosion of retirees will make economic development (i.e, the transformation of an archaic economy into a developed one) very difficult to sustain. If Romania could remake itself into an immigration target, that wouldn't be a major problem, but Romania can't do that.

    Norway, for instance, is a rich country, blessed with massive petroleum resources and a developed economy. Having old people it's not an issue when you're developed. If, however, it had more young people to pensioners it'd be doing much better. If a country like Somalia would have Romania's ratio, it would be doing even worse.

    Again, my contribution to the argument above is utilitarian / economic, mostly on deflation and how to counter it. If you want to argue the moral argument, come up with something new, not stuff that's already been discussed in the quoted or linked debate. I can rehash that debate with you based on my stated rules and as long as you pay me (you also have a money-back guarantee, see /likeadacian and "Ad Kalendas Dacas".

    In an ideal world, I'd have a troll that thinks before she types. In this world, I have you.

  17. If you want to debate demographics and economic growth, arguments can be made in both directions, but intelligently, not from your belly button. Read this first:

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_growth#Demographic_changes

    2. http://www.jstor.org/stable/985714

    3. http://www.nber.org/papers/w8685

  18. Ooo, vaiii... nu era argumentu' tău moral, era a lu' Buciuman - tu doar agreezi cu el...
    Jenant - dacă ăsta e stilul de discuție.

  19. Bre!
    Realitatea bate teoria!
    Cantitatea de nașteri la nivel de națiune n-are legătură cu creșterea economică la nivelul aceleiași națiuni - dăcât în capu' tău amețit dă socializm liberalist!
    Orice argumente ți-aș da, tu te sucești ca rîma-n cîrlig: "că unii e dezvoltați, că alții e în curs de, că mai e unii care..." etc.

    Nu nene, teoriiili are locu' lor, da' nu în viața reală!
    Kmerii roșii avea o teorie sclipitoare, mergea la fix pă hîrtie - ca și marcsism-leninismu' sovietic. Cam știm rezultatele.

    Evident, tu, ca un bun membrache dă partid, ai să zici că hîrr-mîrr... s-a făcut greșeli în aplicarea practică!
    Trebe încercat dîn nou!

    Numa' 'telectualii francezi comuniști mai avea tupeu d-ăsta!

    Cu tine nu merge cu discutatu' rațional - tu ejti material de dus la gulag dă reeducare ori zețe la funduleț, ca-n Singapore!

  20. It's ok.
    I hope I was not too rough on him, though.

  21. "Parcă deflația duce la scăderea prețurilor, nu?Dacă e așa, hapăi toți românii visează la ea - la deflație!
    Efecte negative?
    Unde... care?"

    Look it up on Wikipedia. This is shameful.

    "Bănui că-n capu' tău, Finlanda e comparabilă cu România. Tre' să luăm egzemplu dă la finlandeji. "

    Finland was going through a crisis of sorts only a few decades ago. It put it behind by reforming its education system.

    Read the links above before discussing demography and economic growth, otherwise you're wasting everybody's time.

  22. BLEGOO (batjocoritor): "Doi țuțăriști mioritici cu care ne stimăm și mîndrim: zeamo și ocarina. Aproape ca Nelson Mondialu' și Mario Canadianu'"


  23. "Cresteti si va inmultiti" e comanda din Biblie. E greu sa scoti din
    natura umana sexul. E drive-ul care zicem noi ca duce specia umana spre
    viitor (sforaitoare). Daca vrei sa faci ceva cu banii pe care ii ai
    zamo, gandeste-te ca nu ai multi si fa practica pe un domeniu limitat,
    dar nu direct suprapus peste comanda din Biblie. E nu numai bizar dar si
    apare inutil sa vrei sa adaugi ceva la un Univers care deja are
    legitatile lui. Populatia se inmulteste mai cu spor atunci cand o
    zgaltai putin, atunci cand se intrezareste spectrul mortii pe scena.
    asta incerca una din oras sa mi-o bage pe gat inainte de 2000 ca e cine
    stie ce descoperire epocala sa favorizezi nasterile. Dar faza cu ea era
    ca ea nu investea, era doar la nivel de intentie.
    De atunci si pana mai recent, am invatat si lectia inversa: cum sa te descurci sa n-ai copii.
    Se cheama ca te-am prins exact in momentul cand trebuie. :))

  24. Ma lasi? Si lumina abereaza si eu n-am voie? :P

  25. BLEGU' (cu mărinimie): "Dă la Blegu' Cîinele Vorbitor... pentru carina... cu dădăcație... să ne trăiască!"


  26. Io sunt Nel-daughter, hahaha!

  27. Multumesc, apreciez gestul!

  28. Ce fericire pe tine că la Canada înfloresc trandafirii!

  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MspSOf4LZc

  30. E ametitor de romantic la Canada. :)

  31. and that, my friend, is how you sell a book of fiction :)

  32. "This is generally a human tendency, but it is particularly problematic with vociferous atheists in that they suffer of the same intellectual laziness they accuse “people of faith” from suffering."
    I can't ever thank you enough!

  33. If the sandwich is idiot, then it's lacking salt. Therefore, when you go shopping, buy the 'sweet cream' butter. Think sweet, sweet, sweet and you'll be fine!
    If you buy the unsalted butter, you'll turn into an idiot because the girl says so. :)
    I hope I helped someone today.

  34. How are you zamo?
    Did you hear about the young man who killed innocents of a group of Bible study?

  35. Gata, ai coborat drapelul?

  36. Daca toata savoarea e la voi, ceilalti ce mai pot face?

  37. BLEGOO (scîrbit): "Neee... o freacă cu duioșie pă feisbuci, tumblerește și ciripește pă tuităr. Jalnic frate, să vezi un om în toată firea, căzînd pradă alcolis... err, soșialmidiei vreau să zic. Nu c-ar fi mare diferență, zic, afirm și latru!
    Tragedia... cuprinde România și molipseșteDiasporazia! "

  38. Too bad it happened!
    There was a short time when I was looking forward to log on to disqus and come to talk here.
    RIP zamo!
    former companion,

  39. 8/29/15 Toronto time 17:00
    How are you, zamo?


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