Vreau sa dau un martisor unei femei din trecut. Si m-am gandit, ce-ar fi sa-i scriu o poezie in cinci minute, care sa-i placa si s-o doara in acelasi timp, caci numai asa poti ajunge la sufletul ei, sau, cel putin, acolo unde ar trebui sa fie un suflet?
In the country I sprouted in
today iz da day
when boys give grlz
a li’l smthg
to awaken their soul from hibernation
and prepare them 4 sweet summer sweat.
Well, it was actually yesterday,
but so is our luv
and u weren’t exactly punctual
when I used to live between your thighs.
Still remember how you did not like it
when they touched each other
so you started to wear my long underwear,
then my T-shirt,
then my heart on your sleeve.
No other woman has ever been so
a total bitch and supreme goddess
all into one
not even zoso
and nobody else will probably
ever make me taste pleasure and pain
so wholesomely sewn together
because no other woman
has ever held so much power over me
only to piss it so serenely
into the summer wind.
You never called me on my birthday
or Christmas, when I gave you my heart,
or NYE, when someone else returned it.
Now that I have white hairs in my beard
I could never be with you again
I will not call you on your birthday,
even though you put it in your hotmail address
and I will not let my children, when they’ll B born
play with yours.
Surse: yt
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