Judecatorul de imigratie gasit vinovat de luare de mita  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in , ,

Daca ai obiceiul sa ma citesti, iti amintesti poate de articolul in care descriam situatiile de mita din imigratie, ca raspuns la interviul cu o prietena unde ea imi spunea ca nu exista spaga in Canada. Ei bine, judecatorul cu pricina a fost gasit vinovat de "tradarea increderii" si "luare de mita".

Steve Ellis drawing Nu-s foarte multe de zis aici. Judecatoarea Thea Herman a acceptat versiunea prosecutiei. Steve Ellis, 50 de ani, a vizitat aplicanta de 25 de ani de doua ori la locul de munca zicandu-i, printre altele,

I know you've got a boyfriend. I've got a wife, so I mean, if we do things together on the side that's OK. That's fine. (..) Don't worry. I'm not going to be demanding ... I'm not going to fall in love with you.


Stiu ca ai gagic. Am nevasta, deci, daca ne ocupam si de altii, e cul. Nu te impacienta, nu voi cere multe … Nu ma voi indragosti de tine.

Tehnica lui Ellis imi aminteste de George Michael si paianjeni.

Comentariile la articol sunt, ca de obicei, mai interesante decat articolul in sine (dedesubt).

In alte stiri, un ofiter din Vancouver (aka Vansterdam) a fost concediat pentru ca a vandut iarba, atat in timpul orelor de servici cat si in cel liber si ca a jefuit cateva case. O lesbiana care a primit in gura un sut ca la o lovitura de 11 m si a stat ceva vreme in spital n-a avut nici macar un raport de la politistul care a anchetat cazul. Capitanul echipei de curling care a castigat aurul la Paralympic Games a fost arestat pentru trafic de Viagra si Cialis.

Sources / More info: cbc-ex-immigration, cbc-ex-immigration-video, lesbian-victim, BC-weed, BC-viagra

Althgouh I agree this judge is a creep, Ji-Hye Kim should have never even made it past the gate trying to obtain refugee status from South Korea because of domestic problems... How did she end up in Canada in the 1st place? Did she come as a tourist and then attempt a refugee claim? Why didn't she marry her boyfriend and have him sponser her to become a permanent resident (like honest people do) JosephJo

hmmmm i just watched the tape now i can see why their going to appeal it,
all i heard him say was we can do things on the side, he knows she has a boyfriend and he at admits he's married.
i didn't hear anything sexual.
shes afraid of a spanking from her father and she owes money and that makes her a refugee.!!!!!!!
i always thought it had something to do about a persons life, that she might die, so shes fleeing to Canada for fear her life will end in her homeland. well let's hope Steve Ellis is truly going to jail for sexual misconduct, i don't see it.
i hope he wins his appeal
i think maybe cause shes new here, that perhaps he was misunderstood,
that's happened to me Lot's of times where i explain something to someone and they twist what i was saying.
they didn't understand me.
i think perhaps she jumped to conclusions...
oh well that's my thought........
P.S are you allowed to wire tap someone like that PANisPETERLESS

watcher64 - he was already judged and found guilty by a Judge, what make this so heinous is that he was a judge himself and now he is getting judged by a Judge and will be judged by THE JUDGE of all - God. He was caught on tape-red handed. To let him go free is a miscarriage of justice which is an attribute of God. BTW God gave man permission to appoint Judges - see the book of Judges. We are not to judge peoples motives or even our own motives - it does not mean that when you see someone kill another person or committ adultry your not allowed to speak the truth or state the obvious - judgement of the heart, thoughts, and motives are up to God - judging an action or behaviour and calling it what it is - is not judging a persons heart, thoughts, or motives. straitalk

Another illustrious LIEberal appointee gone down in flames.
This winner was appointed by the infamous Chretien ADSCAM regime because of his exemplary experience as a Toronto city councillor. And true to Liberal moral standards, he certainly showed his fine form expecting sex for favor in who remains in Canada. Wow!
Too bad Iggy didn't have a chance in recruiting him into his inner circle of 'special' advisors on immigration policy for any future Iggy Liberal gooberment. mtltechwriter

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