A venit iar week-endul si poate nu strica sa ne-amintim ca Angela merge inainte si nu mai e mult pana cand nominalizarile OWA iau sfarsit, am inceput sa iau comenzi pentru .TEL si tu vei ramane fara. In cinstea recesiei, am bagat si o lista de muzica. E vorba de Neptuni (Neptunes). Cine sunt si ce fac – prinde-te ascultandu-i. Inainte de Neptuni am bagat Sunrise, c-am tot fost intrebat ce-i aia, apropos de .TEL. De fapt, m-am razgandit si-am scos Neptunii – ii voi pune la alt articol Duminica asta este data limita pentru nominalizari in premiile Open Web (OWA). Poti nominaliza cate si care tehnologii vrei tu, incepand cu Opera, Chrome, Blogoree, Photoree si terminand cu Trilulilu si Desfacatorul. Daca nu-ti poti urni mouse-ul sa nominalizezi niste romanasi pentru aceste premii (sau ce alta tehnologie sau sit te-am mai bucurat pe tine anu’ asta), sansele sunt minime ca-ti vei urni poponeata sa stampilezi un pehlivan la alegeri.. Sunt de asemenea surprins ca nici un roman nu-si promoveaza mai activ creatiile. Am primit vreo 5 emailuri de la altii, cum ar fi autorul CommentLuv, care ma bombardeaza de la-nceputul nominalizarilor: Hi zamolxis I just wanted to give you a quick email to let you know that the Mashable Open Web Awards are only allowing nominations until Sunday 16th November. If you enjoy using CommentLuv, please take a moment to nominate it in the Blog Plugins category by visiting the CommentLuv home page here. http://www.commentluv.com P.S. There are now thumbs up and down on the active sites list P.P.S. The prizes page now shows if a prize is open P.P.P.S There are still 4 Asus Atom 901 XP notebooks avaiable with a 10% discount to anyone who receives this email (contact by phone) (uk only) with kind regards and my eternal luv for being a CommentLuv user, Andy Bailey si echipa AddThis: Dear AddThis Publisher: The 2nd Annual Mashable Open Web Awards are now accepting nominations and their selection process is based on nominations and voting generated from the Web at large. If you can support us by voting for AddThis, we would really appreciate it. It’s quick and it’s easy. Click on the links below. All you need to do is enter an active email address, hit the submit button and then verify your nomination when they send you a confirmation email. You can vote for both categories. - vote here for the AddThis/Social Bookmarking category. As the #1 Bookmarking and Sharing tool on the Internet, AddThis helps publishers like you extend your audience on the Web. We are dedicated to making it as easy as possible for your site visitors to bookmark and share your content. And, best of all, AddThis is totally free. So, if you have a moment, please vote to nominate AddThis before 11:59 PM on November 16, 2008. Thanks! Thank you for your support. We have a lot of new features coming up. Look for announcements on our blog next week. - the AddThis team Da un click pe patratul albastru din coltul de sus si nominalizeaza OWA! Dupa cum era de asteptat, ce e cu .TEL ramane neclar. Cum am mai explicat, este un nou domeniu care nu necesita hosting. Este ca o carte de vizita pe care poti trece o gramada de chestii si este folositoare in special unui om de afaceri, politician, etc. Daca esti blogger, evident ca poti pune aceste informatii intr-o pagina de contact – singurul avantaj .tel ar fi ca este accesat mult mai rapid, mai usor de modificat, mai usor de gasit de catre cei care te cauta si este mai reliable. Poti testa modalitatile de utilizare ale acestei noi tehnologii (pe care, btw, o poti nominaliza la OWA
I'd really appreciate your help in getting CommentLuv noticed by as many people as possible so we can all share the luv!
- vote here for the AddThis/Blog Plugin category. .TEL
), mergand la pagina VIP – este un program de testare unde, pana pe 3 Februarie. Ia-ti propriul tau nume si vezi cum functioneaza. De pilda, poti usor avea CelmadashteptBloggerRoman.vip.tel (cel mai coios l-am luat eu)
Aici vei găsi ştiri inedite, articole hazoase, perspective originale in politică, societate, economie şi relaţii interumane. QUESTIONS (Intrebări)? We got Answers (Răspunsuri există)!