Desi doamna prezentata de New York Times se afla in Brasov si nu in diaspora, povestea ei ar trebui sa fie interesanta si pentru noi, daca-i interesanta pentru cei de peste ocean, din orasu' care nu doarmie niciodata.
Semnat de Doris Sangeorzan si cu poze de Cristian Movila, articolul ne-o prezinta pe d-na Judecator Valcu de 48 de ani, care si-a cumparat apartamentul in 2008, platind 142000 de euroi sau US $174476. Podul era-mpartit in mai multe camarute; ea a daramat peretii si-a facut ce se vede in galeria foto de mai jos.
Judecatoarea graieste ca o poezie Sadoveniana, daca asa ceva ar exista:
She had always wanted a bohemian attic, “suspended above the world, where I could imagine that I was anywhere,” Ms. Valcu said, who now refurbishes antique furniture. (..) After a long search that exasperated real estate agents, she said, she found an attic that was buried in plaster and divided into five rooms. She knocked down all the walls to create an open loft. “Suddenly I could see old, but strong beams,” Ms. Valcu said of the renovation. “The height, the peacefulness made me think of a cathedral.” She painted the walls white to offset the wooden beams and oak floors. “Because of the light coming through the windows,” Ms. Valcu said, “the house has acquired an abstract, unearthly, other-worldly feel, suspended in time and space.” (..) Other pieces came from local furniture workshops and flea markets, such as a petrol lamp, an antique scale (which made her think of her former profession) and a hat box made of painted wood (it reminded her of the bowler hat from Milan Kundera’s “Unbearable Lightness of Being”). (..) “This loft allowed me to influence its spirit with eclectic furniture,” Ms. Valcu said. “It has become a refuge from the mundane, a space I wanted to turn into something personal, an extroverted expression of an introverted person.”
Iar eu aud urletele de ciuda ale unora din romanii plecati din tara in cautarea linistii si pacii. Un astfel de articol face mult mai mult pentru imaginea noastra decat toate campaniile de PiaR ale guvernului puse coada-n coada.
Sources / More info: nyt-pod, attic-design-gallery
[tags]imaginea romaniei, romani peste hotare, little pleasures, quiescence[/tags]
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