Citind articolul cu Clastarfac, cititorul meu imaginar ma intreba recent ce-i cu codana, ce-am facut cu ea. Si m-am gandit sa dau si-un exemplu de Clastarfac din filmu' Top Secret.
Top Secret (trailer) este o comedie din vremea copilariei, de pe cand ma uitam la filme in Pampers, poate si fiindca aveam obiceiul sa ma kk pe mine de ras. Este filmul de debut al lui Val Kilmer (acelasi tip care l-a jucat pe John Holmes in Wonderland, Iceman in Top Gun, Jim Morrison in The Doors si titularul din Batman) si probabil singura sa comedie. Val joaca rolul unui cantaret al anilor 50 care traieste o aventura in RDG, se-ndragosteste de o bastinoasa (adica are o relatie fara relatii) si lupta cu ea in Resistance.
Iata si sumarul de la imdb:
This time Zucker and Abrams are spoofing, most notably, Elvis films and WWII spy movies. Val Kilmer stars as Nick Rivers, a handsome American 50s-style rock and roll singer. While performing in East Germany, he falls in love with a beautiful heroine and becomes involved with the French Resistance.
Pana si Ebert a ras de s-a kkt pe el:
This movie will cheerfully go for a laugh wherever one is even remotely likely to be found. It has political jokes and boob jokes, dog poop jokes, and ballet jokes. (..) The movie is physical humor, sight gags, puns, double meanings, satire, weird choreography, scatological outrages, and inanity. One particular sequence, however, is such an original example of specifically cinematic humor that I'd like to discuss it at length. (Do not read further if you don't like to understand jokes before laughing at them.) The sequence involves a visit by the hero to a Swedish bookshop. Never mind why he goes there. The scene depends for its inspiration on this observation: People who run tape recorders backward often say that English, played backward, sounds like Swedish (especially, of course, to people who do not speak Swedish). What TOP SECRET! does is to film an entire scene and play it backward, so that the dialogue sounds Swedish, and then translate it into English subtitles. This is funny enough at the beginning, but it becomes inspired at the end, when the scene finally gives itself away.
Revenind la clusterfuck, exista o scena in film cand eroul si eroina sa tavalesc pe plaja, in nisip si picioarele lor, filmate, devin cu fiecare rostogol mai multe – un spoof din Blue Lagoon (1980). N-am reusit s-o gasesc pe iutub din prima, asa ca am adaugat mai multe clipuri in speranta ca se regaseste in vreunul dintre ele: [best moments] [anal intruder] [shootout] [ballet] [train station] [dance] [2nd concert] [shootout] [tutti frutti] [mi scusi] [skeet surfin] [pizza rug] [lonesome 2nite (clusterfuck)] [intro names] [trailer] [flammond!] [concert (3:48)] [cow] [part1 (10:00)]
Sources / More info: imdb-top-secret, wiki-top-secret!, imdb-blue-lagoon
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