Dupa oaresce framantari si emotii, aflam ca Festivalul Filmului Romanesc din Toronto va avea totusi loc, dar mai tarziu. Pre-Festival screening incepe maine, Sambata, 16/04/2011.
Aflat la a 4-a editie, festivalul ne-a obisnuit cu o calitate super-profesionala a “productiei” – ghilimelele exista numai fiindca nu-s sigur ca “production” se traduce astfel in romana. Iata de ce am fost surprins sa aflu ca Festivalul, care a avut loc in trecut prin luna Februarie (ff3, c&e, ff2), a fost “rescheduled”. Sigur, as putea pune mana pe telefon sa sun organizatorii si sa-i intreb ce se-ntampla dar tre’ sa fug si oricum ghicesc ca ce mi-ar spune este ca in Mai vor veni cateva personalitati ale filmului romanesc si poate exact de-aceea a meritat amanat. Sau poate-or fi prea multi directori si prea putini cu sapa, stiu si eu?!? (da’ nu-i bai, ca-i sap eu)
vlad popescu - director
andrei tanasescu - director
seb cimpean - director and creative director
salome nikuradze - director and creative director
ilinka mihailescu - regional public relations liaison (canada)
alice madolciu - financial controller
ruxandra moise - regional public relations liaison (romania)
alexandra madolciu - sponsorship coordinator
Pana una alta, pentru nerabdatori, iata si anuntul PRE-screening-ului de maine:
Dear ToRolinos and ToRolinas,
Every newspaper has a comic strip section, so we believe it to be fitting that as we near the 4th edition of the Toronto-Romanian Film Festival we take a look at Romanian animation. This is not, however, your average Saturday morning cartoon line-up! So come and join us on the evening of Saturday, April 16th, at the Toronto Underground Cinema as we kick off the ToRo Fest season.
Gopo & Beyond
It is a little known fact that Romania first took home the Palme d’Or at Cannes in 1957, for an ingenious animated film titled “A Short History / O Scurta Istorie.” Its director, Ion Popescu-Gopo, would go on to direct numerous live-action and animated films and become a staple figure in Romania’s animation industry.
Unfortunately, the long tradition and history of Romanian animation that started with Gopo would stagnate and ultimately decline soon after the fall of Communism. In the new millennium, however, animations are making a comeback, not least due to Romania’s most important international animation film festival, Anim’Est.
As the 4th edition of the Toronto-Romanian Film Festival is approaching, this double-bill will look back at the work of the father of Romanian animation, as well as forward, at his successors.
The screening will be held on Saturday, April 16th at 7 pm, at the Toronto Underground Cinema, located at 186 Spadina Avenue between Dundas and Queen West.
Tickets are $5 and will be available for purchase at the door before the screening.
We invite you to take a look at our event poster, appended below. If you wish to get in touch or find out more about our events, please write to us at office@toroartsgroup.com.We look forward to seeing everyone on the 16th!
Sigur, vor fi unii care sa spuna ca filmuletele lui Gopo Scurta Istorie si Sapte Arte pot fi gasite si pe iutub, dar daca citim programul (si chiar si numarul 2 al revistei IV, descoperim ca sunt o gramada de alte filme, ceea ce face costul biletului de $5 o valoare senzationala!
Simultan cu evenimentul Gopo si Beyond are loc si Concertul de Pasti al Coralei Armonia. O idee nu tocmai buna iar cifrele FB par sa confirme: Corala are 8 confirmati, 19 “maybe” si 201 “awaiting” in timp ce TORO are 31 confirmati, 31 “maybe” si 493 “awaiting”.
Sources / More info: TORO-BLT, fb-event-TORO, fb-armonia
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