povesti filmoace II - lars si restul  

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Incepusem sa pove despre TORO 4 si-am zis sa vars intregul sac cu povesti despre film..

Acum cativa ani povesteam despre Lars cu ocazia prezentarii clipului Bakerman, regizat tot de el. Ziceam atunci:

Celebrul regizor danez Lars von Trier este un tip ciudat, crescut de parinti nudisto-comunisti care au refuzat sa-i impuna orice fel de reguli. Ca urmare, el a crescut cu o gramada de fobii si sufera des de depresie debilitanta: "Imi este practic frica de orice in viata, cu exceptia crearii filmelor". In particular ii este frica sa zboare pur si simplu si cand merge la Cannes sa-si ia premiile merge cu masina intotdeauna. Peste ocean n-a fost niciodata din cauza asta.

Iata de ce eu vad dureros-de-rusinoasa sa declaratie din conferinta de presa de promovare a Melancholiei ca fiind o incercare falita de a explica de unde vine.


Mai tine cineva minte serialul Dallas? Sue-Ellen-and-JR_thumb[12]Ei bine, Larry Hagman, actorul care l-a jucat pe J.R. Ewing, crede ca a fost instrumental in doborarea regimului ceausist:

Larry Hagman believes Dallas had a huge effect on international politics, convinced that the TV drama was responsible for revolution in Romania and the death of former leader Nicolae Ceausescu. (..) The show became a massive hit around the world, attracting global audiences of more than 100 million before ending its 13-year run in 1991.

During its peak in the mid-1980s, Romanian President Ceausescu agreed to allow the show to be broadcast in the then-Communist country in a bid to show his citizens the decadence of democratic nations but Hagman is convinced the plan backfired and led to a revolution and Ceausescu's eventual execution.

(..) "Romania put on Dallas to try and show how corrupt the American system was and it ended up with them lining up Ceausescu, who was the dictator, and shooting him 500 times - they wanted all that stuff they didn't even know was out there. He let that show in to show how decadent we were and they said, 'Yeah, we want some of it.'"

Yeah, whatevah.


Daca ai urmarit discutia cu privire la filmul romanesc cu Tereza Barta de acum 2 ani, ai prins poate ideea ca filmul romanesc de azi este similar celui ceh de acum cateva decenii. Iata de ce nu trebuie sa ne surprinda premierea regizorului Jiri Menzel cu cea mai inalta distinctie culturala a statului roman.

"The decoration is an unexpected honour to me. I was surprised since I had not known about it before my departure from Prague. I have been to Bucharest for the fourth time and I always like to return there," Menzel, one of the main protagonists of the Czechoslovak New Film Wave of the 1960s, told CTK.

Menzel attended a retrospective of his films held by the Czech Centre in Bucharest that ends Wednesday. The event was opened by the screening of Menzel's film Cutting It Short (Postriziny, 1980), based on a novel by Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal. Over 500 people took part in the following discussion, Menzel said.

The Cinema Studio in Bucharest also offered his Closely Watched Trains (Ostre sledovane vlaky, 1966), another adaptation of Hrabal's book, which won the prestigious Oscar award for the best non-English speaking film in 1967, as well as Capricious Summer (Rozmarne leto, 1968) and Larks on a String (Skrivanci na niti, 1969), based on Hrabal's short-stories, which was banned and released to cinemas in 1990 only after the fall of the Communist regime. It won the Golden Bear at the 40th Berlin International Film Festival in the same year.

The festival culminated with Menzel's latest feature film, I Served the King of England (Obsluhoval jsem anglickeho krale, 2006), which is also based on Hrabal's novel.

"Jiri Menzel is very popular in Romania among the older and young generations. Moreover, the local audiences can see a parallel between the then Czech and current Romanian film wave that scores success in the world now," Rene Kubasek, director of the Czech Centre in Bucharest, said.

Cateva citate de si despre Hrabal, sa moara Cabral de ciuda:

  • It's interesting how young poets think of death while old fogies think of girls. — Bohumil Hrabal in Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age
  • Bohumil Hrabal embodies as no other the fascinating Prague. He couples people's humor to baroque imagination. — Milan Kundera.
  • To spend our days betting on three-legged horses with beautiful names — Bohumil Hrabal

De unde reiese ca merita citit nea Hrabal asta.

HRmgr si Printesa

Acest film a reprezentat Israelul la Oscars 2011 si este despre un Manager de Resurse Umane care merge cu cadavrul unui angajat in Romania, la rude, pentru a evita un scandal. Filmul este mentionat de mai multe ori cu ocazia festivalului filmului israelit – israelfilmfestival.ca

Mai aflu din 9o’clock si de o agenda romaneasca la Cannes, desi nu mi-e clar despre ce-i vorba. Ceva cu Eva Ionesco si Anamaria Vartolomei.

Sources / More info: 9oc-cannes-ro, ts-hagman, pm-menzel, wiki-hrabal, mg-isr

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