Aferim! to slavery and communism

A friend of mine published an article in medium on communism and entrepreneurship (ana-medium) and Aferim!, a movie a cousin of mine was involved in producing has hit the theatres, and I feel a debt of honour to write about each one. So hard to stay focused and write meaningfully is. 

aferim-radu-jude-film-romanes-aferim-ursul-de-argintFirst, let me tell you about Radu Jude’s Aferim! even though I haven’t watched it, much like I have yet to listen to a theatre production that won a Uniter prize.

The movie earned the director a Silver Bear at Berlinale 2015 and can finally be watched in theatres in Romania. There’s nowhere I can watch the movie right now and if I was in Romania I’d really go to the theater to watch, which is pretty much what mofo’in’ ctp is saying as well.

LE: Since the Digi24 interview linked previously, ctp came out with a laudatory, almost panegyrical chronicle (ctp-aferim), stating, claiming that this movie bests all the other Romanian historical movies before it.

Toate filmele cu acţiunea plasată în timp mai jos de sec. XX, de la Independenţa României, Munţii în flăcări, Falansterul, Tudor, Haiducii, Cantemir-Muşchetarul român, trecând prin Întoarcerea lui Vodă Lăpuşneanu, Mihai Viteazul (I, II), Ştefan cel Mare 1475, Sentinţa, Mircea cel Batran (1989), până la Columna, Dacii, Burebista, arată ca nişte înscenări, mai bune sau mai proaste, structurate din perspectiva secolului XX.  Aferim! încearcă, şi în bună măsură reuşeşte, să fie de-acolo, nu despre.

It pains me that I had to read it for lack of an original source; yet we should not forget that the same ctp had been fined by CNA back in September 2014 (hn-ctpcna) for the publication of an article in the newspaper The Thought (“Gandul”) which prejudices the Roma and creates a degrading and insulting atmosphere for the Roma people, with the following content:

This fall I attended an international meeting in Paris. The most unpleasant situation that I encountered was the confusion, whether or not intentional, of serial offender Gypsies in France with Romanians. I tried as best as I could to explain that these Gypsy thieves, beggars, criminals, have no connection with the Romanians. That they have an international culture of lawlessness, pertaining to their own ethnic group, which the entire Europe must cope with and not Romania alone. (gnd-fambas)

After CNA having fined him, ctp wrote an article claiming essentially that the fine was incorrect but he does not have the resources to fight it and that he is so free of prejudice that he would actually vote a Gypsy president (ctp-clarif). I could not help wondering if his movie chronicle is not itself part of his attempt to come to terms with his antiziganism. Sadly, he doesn’t get it and never will: it is one thing to claim that Roma / Gypsies are a different ethnicity than ethnic Romanians (even though some may share the same citizenship); what is wrong is to assign negative particularities to the entire group.

Like I said, I haven’t watched the movie, but as far as I can tell, it is an attempt to explore the issue of slavery in Romania’s past, inspired most likely by similar Hollywood explorations (I’m thinking mostly of 12 years…, Selma, the Help, etc). I don’t subscribe to the “Cartarescu school of thought” (linked in Roma are impolite again and republished in Poc-Rrrom I) which holds that the Romanian majority has some kind of collective guilt over its treatment of the Gypsy minority (i.e., slavery). This kind of slavery was prevalent in the medieval era and Gypsies as well as Romanians were tied to their land; I make my choices and decisions based on sounder principles than the feeling of guilt extricated by a logically inconsistent article, be it as well written as it was. In short, if this is not obvious by then, I believe like him that the Roma must be helped on their road to emancipation, I just don’t find lachrymose prose to be particularly helpful in convincing me, partly because I am already convinced due to other reasons. And I would be watching this movie not because a cousin of mine was involved in its production, but because even though I do not fully agree with the movie premise, it is a milestone in Romania’s exploration of its not-so-proud moments of its history (8.3/10 on IMDB with less than 130 votes at the time of writing). Aferim! (2015) on IMDb

As for my cousin, he is definitely not my favourite relative. I came up with a trick to better interact with him. We are quite different and vibrate at different stimuli. He is a “doer”, he had a rock band in his youth, has five kids (or more, I lost track) and I think by the time he was my age he was already divorced. I tend to overthink and underachieve (Othello complex?) – definitely not his problems. Interacting with him, as frustrating as it may sometimes be, is (or should be) for me a reminder of what is important in life.

Quite frankly, this “different vibrating range” is one of the main themes of this blog. For instance, I recently watched the last episodes of the 3rd season of HBO Girls. I’m sure my previous attempt to explain what the show is about didn’t sell it much to anyone. A better attempt would involve describing the anilingus scene in the first episode of the season, involving Marnie, the hottest of the bunch and the daughter of NBC anchor Brian Williams who had recently been suspended because of a scandal of his own making. But in that particular scandal, I’d have to go to Jon Stewart’s coverage (awesome!) and also explain why his announcement of retirement and what he meant to me.. By the time I’m done, nobody would be left following the narrative or knowing WTH I’m talking about. Or how the second last episode (S04E07, Ask Me My Name [Mimi Rose]) of the season is really about sogori and sogorie, the kind I have previously described here.

I have a similar problem with my friend’s article, which blames communism for what she calls, in an excess of self-criticism, “entrepreneurship failure”. She claims that communism had programmed her to comply, but I take a [once again] different view. I think she just happens to “care too much” and that’s not due to communism – a subject that has its own category on this blog, and was treated previously in old Romania, western communism and 1974 – or the slow squeeze.

But to tell you the whole story, I’d have to reveal my own entrepreneurial beginnings together with more personal stories, and I’m not prepared to do all that yet.

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Sources / More info: ana-medium, mihnea-medium, ctp-aferim, hn-ctpcna, gnd-fambas, gnd-clarif


  1. Iar articole neterminate?!?
    Ce dreaq' bre, nu ejti în stare să duci o idee la final?

    Hai, io-s bleg, nu poți avea pretenții... dar de la d-ta se cam cer.

  2. Oricum... la subect.

    Serialul mi s-a părut trist. Mi-a adus aminte de necăjiții ăia cu "cargo cult".
    Oameni la periferia centrifugă a societății.
    Genu' de oameni pe care n-ai cum să-i scoți din starea lor; ce sunt... aia e - și cu aia defilează.

    Mi se pare singura scuză valabilă pentru socialism, ajutor social, uelfer or cum îi zice în diferite locuri.

    Da, unii sunt mai isteți, o mai dau cu jmecheria, cu furtișagul și hoția.
    Dar... mai sunt și restu'... ăia care nu-s buni de nimic, rebuturi sociale.
    Vor și ei să trăiască.
    Cu ăia ce faci?

  3. Vaxalbina!

    E știut că ortodocsismu' mioritic curent a fost impus dă serviciile secrete hamericane, precum a dovedit Lorin Fortuna - D-zo să-l aibe-n pază!

  4. You should write a synopsis of Mr Fortuna's teachings for those of us not sharp enough to listen and understand his wisdom :)

  5. So you think that's a valid excuse - you don't want to kill them? What kind of Compassionate Conservative are you?

  6. I wanted to comment on it, not just summarize/describe it, but ran out of time..

  7. Uochei... deja devine un obicei.
    Să închei un harticol cu "neterminat".

    Hai, io înțeleg cum stă treaba... da' protestez în numele TĂU!

    Te faci de cacao!

    Cum adică... nu ești în stare să scrii un articol ca lumea?
    Introducere, cuprins și încheiere?
    Păiii... te reclam la profa de limba română, ce dreaq'!

    Sugestie: încetează să împănezi orice scrii cu melearde de lince la terțe saituri - exprimă-ți părerea - simplu și la obect. Cine citește amețelile tale e oricum capabil să guglească chestii.
    Dacă vrei să ataci ceva specific... atunci dai linc; da' nu mai pune toată felozofeala, că nu suntem boi.

    Ne insulți!

  8. Except that I write so that I don't forget. How I got to my ideas is important for me, not just for the reader.

    (not an excuse)

    You can't get back to "eugenics" - that moment is already gone.
    It's a moral thing - and I believe we got past that. In an alternate history/society, Romania of present time would not exist.

    Yes, I think that killing them is not a solution. Feeble-minded people will always show up in society, like it or not.
    Yes, they are our brothers and sisters.

    Our job is to make sure they live their lives in peace.

    Yeah, it's gonna cost some... but not much: a TV, a crummy housing... some handout food... no big deal.

    After all, they're not asking for yachts or personal jets.

  10. Râzi ca prostu'!
    Lorin e simptomatic pentru ortodocsia mioritică.

  11. UauuUUU!...
    A finished article!

    I'm starting to think that "unfinished" are better.

  12. So you translate "scuză valabilă" by "VALID REASON (not an excuse)"?

  13. "I'm starting to think" - that's a good start!

  14. Watch your back now! He might put a masonic curse on you.. Maybe that's what happened to your sno-plo!

  15. Never mind the start, daca vrei sa ridici mai sus categoriile, ar fi mai interesant. De exemplu, vreau sa citesc despre diaspora in ziarul asta mare, si sa pot localiza articolele rapid.

    Si lincele in text fragmenteaza. Redu!

    'Overthink and underachieve.' You got it right! Get your stuff organized and pleasant to the eye!
    Il vad de 13 ori pe Ioan Pop alaturi si visez urat la noapte.

  16. The article's categories are listed right under the title in the desktop version and again at the end. Placing categories higher would waste space, people don't know what they are and that they can be clicked. You can subscribe to the diaspora news feed, see the feed icon under the article.

    I'm only using links in the article for interior links and youtube / docs, which are marked with an icon in the desktop version. I need those for myself, to watch later (the movies in the ctp's list, for instance).

    Would you like to contribute a diaspora story from where you are?

  17. Ok, I see them. Thanks!
    Pentru povesti de la mine vezi
    Hope it helps unless you wanna come over and check the reality with your own eyes.

  18. Interesting, I'll read more. The Dean Thompson headline grabbed my attention.

  19. BLEGOO (uluit): "Păii... ce faci d-voastră aici... semantică ori discuție?! Te joci cu cuvintele ca ologii cu iepurii?"

  20. Nu crez: era un defect între conducător și utilaj - butonu' dă uon-uof era la uof - d-aia nu mergea.

    Oricum, la subect: dacă românii-s proști, vor biserici, ortodocsism dă stat, pupat icoane, moaște, alea... io zic să-i lăsăm și la școală.
    Păi... nu-s românii ăia care încheie certurile și scandalurile cu "Doamne'ajută!"

    Ete - ovreii... ori mahomedinanii saudiți de ce să poată?
    Să facă stat religioz, zic.
    Hai și noi, că dacă luăm paregzamplu dă la ei... poate ajungem și noi la nivelu' lor, nu?

  21. It's not irony, it's encouragement. As in "when you smile, the world smiles with you" - see the article heretofore known as "Blegoo strikes (debates?) again" - look for the links under "encouragement" and longer version in the intro.

  22. Sanchi.

    Io pricep ce vrei tu să comunici - că deh! - mă dujmănesc cu tine de ani de zile, nu de alaltăieri... da' cititorii nevinovați habar n-are cum stă treaba.

    Hîncearcă să fii OBIECTIV în comentarii, lasă tu încurajările - care or fi! - că zăpăcești popolația cititoare.

    Numa zic.

    Uoftopic: cică se va impozita șpaga în Ro.

    Ceea ce devine precum că șpaga o să fie legală - că nu-i ca în Hamerica, unde impozitu' nu ține cont că vinzi legal ori ilegal - taxele trebe plătite!

  23. Interesting with bribes, will read. But I cannot possibly be "objective" in comments - I'm objective in articles enough. In comments I "relate" to people, such as yourself. I know, you're not a person just like you're not Romanian, but it's a fantasy I have to enter as part of "relating" to you.

  24. BLEGOO (cu modestie): "E greu să menții un secret; alții au remarcat că sunt fie un 'bot de la NSA ori un troll. Există uameni care afirmă pozitiv că sunt și una, și cealata.
    Nefiind capabil de minciună, n-am cum să contrazic nici pe unii, nici pe alții."

  25. "But I cannot possibly be "objective" in comments."
    This is a good one and you just made me smile. I'm gonna turn off the computer and read my books. I'm a geek.
    Good night!

  26. Don't worry, nobody's perfect :) Nighty-night!

  27. That's "altii"'s problem. I just don't care :)

  28. BLEGOO (exasperat): "At this point... what difference does it make?"

  29. So this article is dedicated mostly to a movie you haven't watched and an article you've read but gets only a few words?

  30. It's equally to both of them, but since you don't have access to the passworded section, you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

  31. did you know that BOR has "religion labs" in schools, like other subjects (chemistry, biology etc) :))

    we won't just reach Muslim level, we shall surpass it!

  32. Da.
    Ca-n vorba aia:
    "Tovarăși - capitalismu' se îndreaptă cu pași repezi spre prăpastie - noi îl vom ajunge din urmă și îl vom depăși!"


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