Girls on HBO and my Irish X  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in ,

I just discovered a new TV series and it's awesome but you shouldn't watch it because you're not going to understand it. Only I can.

Bai, deci – plm! – chiar e superba! Seria / serialul / soap opera – cum se mai cheama – merita efortul sa te uiti la ea. Din pacate, nu cred ca multi romani ar inghiti-o asa ca explic in engleza.

Girls-HBO-Explained_-Marnie-Jessa-Hannah-ShoshanaAzi noapte m-a trezit un zgomot ciudat, care s-a repetat. N-am reusit sa vad ce-i, n-am putut sa re-adorm, asa ca m-am trezit si m-am uitat la un serial. Care s-a-ntamplat sa fie asta.

Pentru cei fara HBO si mai ales fara HBO Go (se pot face misculatii in Canada cu Unblock-US), downloading Girls is not an easy proposition. Like all most HBO series, it’s available only on HBO and torrent sites (see the Game of Thrones (trailer) “HBO, please take our money campaign” and Astral in Canada). Searching for it on a BT site will result in a bunch of “2 girls and a cup” variants, such as 2 Broke Girls or The Girls’ Guide to Depravity.

(Click below to reveal download instructions.)

Reading reviews, one might get the impression that the show is the exclusive brainchild of Lena Dunham who’s also playing Hannah, but it’s not. It’s a collaboration with Judd Apatow, who in 2007 was ranked #1 on EW’s The 50 Smartest People in Hollywood. In a joint interview with Hollywood Reporter they (well, mostly she) said:

"I think it's interesting for guys to get an insight into realistic females. I think there are some hotties on the show. A 24-year-old girl is not the easiest creature to dissect."

Reviewers are generally upbeat.

You can see even more photos and trailers on Starcasm and cele|bitchy is one of the few who cringed:

I found the characters whiny, hard to relate to and unlikable. They did things that made me cringe, especially the lead character Hannah, the show’s writer/creator Leah Dunham. (..) There were some great lines in this final episode though, I have to admit. (..) Maybe Dunham thinks it’s clever to poke fun at herself as a younger, presumably less thoughtful person.

Belva (Irina) se complace in superlative:

Iar deliciul serialului este personajul principal, Hannah – o evreică răsfățată, extraordinar de complexată și absorbită de sine care, în ciuda talentului de a scrie, întâmpină greutăți enorme în a-și termina și publica prima carte. O tânără femeie care se autoanalizează excesiv și care se comportă ca o fetiță predispusă să rateze, dar pe care nu aveți cum să nu o iubiți pentru excesiva candoare de care dă dovadă.

Hannah este probabil nume de evreica, dar personajul nu-mi evoca asta (not that there's anything wrong with that). Evreicile pe care le stiu sunt sexy si opinionated numai daca au un corp care sa le permita; cand arata ca Hannah sunt deosebit de placute. De-asta o si asociez cu o irlandeza care se ingrasase nitel temporar dar nu era chiar ca Hannah – arata bine, plus ca eu o cunoscusem cand era zvelta.

Pana si Makavelis are cateva cuvinte de spus:

Daca vrei sa:
- razi de prostia femeilor
(..) urmareste Girls “Fetele”, un serial original Hbo, in regia Lenei Dunham (joaca rolul uneia dintre fete), care ma distreaza in serile cand ajung in camera cu televizorul.

Pe tocuri prezinta fiecare personaj, fara a mentiona ca Hannah este, totusi, arhetipul generatiei sale:

“Hannah are o personalitate unica, un amestec de incredere in propriile puteri si ura fata de propria persoana. Isi doreste un iubit, dar refuza obligatiile pe care le implica o relatie. Isi doreste o slujba, dar nu este dispusa, totusi, sa munceasca.”

Mai departe, “Aici nu intalnim femei ireal de fabuloase cu slujbe care nu invadeaza timpul liber si cu disponibilitate financiara de a cumpara jumatate din Madison Avenue intr-o singura zi, dar nici iubiri ca-n filme, menite sa reziste in pofida tuturor obstacolelor.”

Ykroh intra tare in Hannah:

La doi ani după terminarea facultăţii, Hannah crede că e destul de talentată pentru a deveni romancier de succes, deşi n-a reuşit să-şi termine cartea de memorii (memorii pe care, desigur, încă nu le-a trăit). (..) Hannah e dispusă mereu să-şi pună pe tavă trupul şi sufletul cu la fel de multă uşurină, e genul de persoană care face în mod constant alegeri greşite, dar e destul de onestă şi simpatică pentru ca publicul să-şi dorească ca ea să îşi depăşească condiţia.

One thing that Hannah could’ve done is borrow money from that guy, admit publicly that she got a loan and then claim she won’t pay him back because he didn’t treat her right. That way, she’d have something to write about and she could also pose as a victim.

Watching the trailer (or even the Boys parody: there’s a “charge of nepotism leveled against Dunham; the show is "directed" by Wolf Blitzer's fictitious son Bear (Allison Williams is the daughter of NBC news anchor Brian Williams) and Daniel Craig's fictional son, Craig Craig, plays the exotic English role handled by Jemima Kirke in Girls”) may leave you with the impression that this is yet another crappy TV show designed to give teenage girls role models and make them feel comfortable with their lack of self-esteem, lack of job opportunities and a society that is pushing all women to be superheroes while it has obliterated manliness to the point where the only attractive guys are alcoholics, emotionally stunted and / or unemployed. But for me it is so much more than that. It reminds me of an ex-girlfriend that is now returning to Toronto married and with at least one child (I generally lose track of Xs kids after the first one).

Back to the show, Marnie is hot but she’s too much like a Barbie for my tastes: fuckable, but extremely annoying in conversation, stubborn and devoid of personality, at least of the pleasant kind. Jessa is the free spirit, a bit retarded in some ways (sexual exploitability FTW?), but full of life and personality. Though she’s not as hot silhouette-wise as Marnie, she more than compensates in other departments – which happen to be the ones that matter for me. Shoshana is not only a virgin, but she’s an annoying, poorly socialized freak and the only way I’d fuck her is if she’d worship my mast every night for a year, she’d give me massages and she’d teach me something I didn’t know and couldn’t learn on my own; probably not even then. Hannah is the one I identify with my Irish ex, who as a swimming champ gained some weight after stopping training, who was half-insane, extremely opinionated but had many, many secret features and I sometimes regret letting go.

(BTW, I wrote this article a while back.)

Sources / More info: Girls HBOca, Girls ro, wiki, hr-promo, hr-nepotism

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