scuse me while i kiss the sky

The way I experience love, or at least what most people mean by it, is dumb and I haze it. I get jealous, obsessive, cheesy. This kind of love is not enjoyable for me, likely not for the other and I try to avoid it, yet this is the kind most girls I had dated in the past seemed to want.

Triangular_Theory_of_Love.svgAs expected, we owe most of our understanding of love to the Greeks, who were collecting words to describe it. Some scholars prefer to talk about four kinds, others five, others seven and some go as high as thirty. Here are the most used Greek terms:

Hendrick^2 & Slapion-Foote^2 (1985) found (hsf-gdisa) that men were more likely to show the ludic type of love, while women were more likely to be storgic or pragmatic – though their research was done on undergrad students.

Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things don't seem the same
Actin' funny but I don't know why
'Scuse me while I kiss the sky

In his 1973 book (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .IT, .ES), John Lee compared styles of love to the color wheel, basing them on the aforementioned Greek words.

Lee’s 6 Styles of Loving

  • Three primary styles:
    1. Eros – Loving an ideal person
    2. Ludos – Love as a game
    3. Storge – Love as friendship
  • Three secondary styles:
    1. Mania (Eros + Ludos) – Obsessive love
    2. Pragma (Ludos + Storge) – Realistic and practical love
    3. Agape (Eros + Storge) – Selfless love

Now that we have the basic vocabulary, we should also know that there are a few theories of love.


In general, theories moved from a clinical standpoint to a more psychology and socially-based stance.

  • Freud’s theory of love centered around the need for an “ego ideal”, which is the person one aspires to be, patterned after those whom one holds in great respect. (On Narcissism, Bourdieu-Lacan, Freud-Lacan)
  • Maslow takes the view that only those at the top of his pyramid (self-actualized) are capable of love (Heylighen, Francis). 
  • Reik conceptualized a more altruistic, agape type of love in Being love. (Amir, Mathes)
  • Zick Rubin proposed that romantic love is based on three elements: attachment (the need to receive care, approval and physical contact), caring (valuing the other person’s needs and happiness as much as your own), intimacy (sharing of thoughts, desires etc). Based on questionnaires, he determined liking vs loving.
  • Elaine Hatfield felt that compassionate love is characterized by mutual respect, attachment, affection and trust while passionate love is made of intense emotions, sexual attraction, anxiety and affection. According to her, passionate love is transitory, lasting 6-30 months and it arises when cultural expectations encourage falling in love, when the person meets your preconceived ideas of an ideal love, and when you experience heightened physiological arousal in the presence of the other person. It ideally leads to compassionate love.
  • As psychology became more socially based, Sternberg’s (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .IT, .ES) triangular theory of love emerged (not to be confused with Bizarre Love Triangle) and became dominant (w-triang). This theory, illustrated above, holds that “consummate love” is the most complete, as it involves Intimacy, Passion and Commitment. The other types of love involve a combination of only 2 or just one.

The Attachment Theory (w-att) is very important in psychology and it deals with patterns learned in early childhood and how they determine people’s response within relationships when hurt, separated from loved ones or perceiving a threat. Four different attachment classifications have been identified in children: secure attachment, anxious-ambivalent attachment, anxious-avoidant attachment, and disorganized attachment.

If you can imagine the central point of the triangular theory – consummate love – being elevated (through the power of love, of course) out of its planar complacency to a pyramidal vertex and what do you get? Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, of course! :)

Purple haze all around
Don't know if I'm comin' up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me
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Purple haze is not to be confused with Purple Rain.

LE: Two things: I know about the "languages of love" and I think it's BS - the main idea being that most women prefer "words", while men, actions, so there goes that "theory" and secondly, Hendrix probably talks about love as an excuse for getting high with "illegal dreams" which is not my thing.

Sources / More info: inbo-jealous, w-4l, w-gw4l, w-triang, w-att, w-rolo, w-losty, hsf-gdisa


  1. Alta acuma...!

    Teoria coțăitului... urmînd țianiada și bătaie de dentiste la colțu' străzii!
    Urmează post cu poziții dă hamor, la un loc cu teoria dăspre cum băgăm aia-n aia!

    Că nu-i cum se știe dîn bătrîni... nOOO!
    E cu schepsis; trebe dezbătut, măsurat, amușinat, cîntărit!
    Drăgosteala, zic - nu ce vă gândiți voi, în nerușinarea voastră!


    Hai să vă esplic io cu regula dă una-simplă:
    Copuleala egzistă ca să ne înmulțim!
    Și ie plăcută - " gîghilă plăcut..." ca să-ne'mpuiem!
    Orice altceva... e caterincă Zemoasă, aiureli 'telectuale, prostii mioritice.

    Băi frate... nebunia cuprinde homenirea!

    Sanchi ne iubim apropele... ori nevasta lui... ori fata lui, aia minoră.
    Sanchi ne iubim patria - care o fi ia.
    Sanchi ne iubim mașina - c-o fi buleftrică, hibriză ori pă motorină.
    Sanchi iubim o cutie dă poștă, sub influențe dă droage.

    Nu nene, coțăiala e pă planu' doi.
    Pă primu' loc e iubirea dă sine.
    Supraviețuirea piersonală, gen.

    Restu' e caterincă aiurea.

  2. 4 types of attachment. This is new to me. :)

  3. No, it's not. It's like scuipinol (beer), tzuica, palinka, vodka

  4. Gee ..., I don't drink. I mean right now I have some sour cherry syrup with seltzer water, but I can't have the above.

  5. Nu se mai zice prostitutie (mioritica) pentru ca este consensual, intre 2 adulti. Se spune escort service. ;)

  6. I see your point. You are naturally drunk.

    Look up that theory on Wikipedia, it might not be what you think (see the link in sources).

  7. BLEGOO (scuturîndu-se ca un câine plouat ce este): "DOAMNE FEREȘTE!"

  8. Then this may not be for you. But people who use these words might want to know what they mean and, most importantly, how to reply to a "and what does that mean" or something like that :)

  9. BLEGOO (indignat): "Hadicăă... tu-mi propui iubiri grecești... și ievaluezi că n-ar fi pentru mine?!?
    Ai hăz niuz făr iu: aia care folosește cuvintele... știe ei cum se practică iubirile astea!

    Și nu, nu-i dă moșie, dă căpitănie ori dă pulitichie!
    Să practică cu undălemn sfințit dă la muntili Hathos - căci se știe că homu' sfințește locu'..."

    (pălit dă idee):
    "Te pominești că pregătești harticolu' vieții tele... dăspre cum să ne iubim hunii cu halții, indiferent dă echipamentu' natural, ori dă prescripția mamii Omid..., pardon, Natura zic - care este ea, cum e.
    Și dă ce e bine să milităm păntru drepturilii Nambla, ori ceva gen.
    Că deh, dacă o iei la bani mărunți... căsnicia merge și la grămadă, și la trenuleț; dă ce n-ar merge și la copii?"

  10. BLEGOO (îngrozit): "Hacileaa... să practică practice necurate ori almanahe, mă muară fram, frigideru' pular dacă mințăsc!"
    (iese cu coada-n jos, pîn dreapta scenii; publicu' hapaludă furtunos; Blegoo scoate capu' dîn cortină, clipește apreciativ, dispare. Pauză 'nainte dă actu' 3, lumea iese la o țigară, o cafea, un ciubuc, o încercare iuțită dă iubire greșească)

  11. purple haze, purple rain, purple veil (:P), purple ice cream,
    de ce când mă trezesc de dimineaţă, găsesc pe jos fulgi din comforter?
    dacă există îngeri sau îngeriţe? :)

  12. Nu fii ejprost. Copiii au lumea lor.

    But apart from "what do you mean by 'I love you'" there is also the good old "I know you love me, but it's not like I want it". And that usually ends the conversation, because people tend to lack the vocabulary to move that exploration further.

  13. You know what's better than purple ice cream? Pulpe de pui! Moar protein! :)

  14. ok, ok, am mancat si proteine. Adica pulpe de pui, adica pulpe de mici dinozauri. :)

  15. BLEGOO (serios): "Fin'că dai dîn chicere pîn somn... noaptea. Vine luna lu' Florar, ce vrei? Pînă și Zeamo, hîn zeitatea lui hînchipuită... simte chemarea iubir... err, chemarea însămînțărilor dă primăvară, vreau să zic."

  16. I just managed to pick up a fight back in romania.
    I'm not proud of myself.

  17. So you want me & dawg to kick some Dacian butt for you?

  18. BLEGOO (înfiebîntat): "Cine-a dat în tine băh? Hai, venim cu șareta, batem tot ce mișcă... dă la rîme la țigani... 'tu-le alea și alea!
    Zeamo e 'telectual, nu le are el cu bîta... da' știe să facă reportaje... să flemeze, chestii... da' io dau cu paru', nu mă uit în laterală!"

  19. Sunt niste nenorociti care au trecut prin multe si imi incearca rabdarea cum nu mi-au incercat-o altii pana acum ca apoi tot ei sa se intrebe de ce sunt agitata.

  20. Nu se zice a da cu parul, se zice a mirui. :)
    Da sa speram ca noaptea e un sfetnic bun si le vine mintea la cap pana maine dimineata. :)

  21. You should provide a link or something so that whatever you're talking about starts to make some sense..

  22. Tot ce afla de la mine, posteaza fara nici un fel de scrupule, asta le e stilul. Nu se face chestia asta nici la animale. Cat despre ospitalitate, omenie: e zero.
    Ca si am ce lua din Romania. Rusine sa le fie!

  23. 'telectual w00t?
    I will have you know, sir, that I have studied debating and I can outspeak and outargue any graduate of the fine schools of the Commonwealth! Should you fail to heed my advice, my lawyer will be contacting yours post-haste!

  24. I just did. Not you, silly.
    It's their problem now.

  25. I'm sure they are now wailing in pain, cursing the day when their mom and dad got horny. If not now, soon.

  26. It should hurt. When I was disrespectful to a dead person, I hung up my skin on a rusty fence. I still have the scar of 'good behaviour'.

  27. I suspect you have an "ir" extra in the first sentence.

  28. I hope the above are metaphors. Otherwise, pics or it didn't happen!

  29. Let's be decent, though. It's a lesson, he'll need to learn. It's not a put down, nor an encouragement.

  30. Like I said, it's no longer on my responsibility and as such, you could see it as it did not happen.
    However, I'm out to take a walk this evening.

  31. BLEGOO (cu milă): "Vai dă capu' tău dă orășean prăpădit... o tufă dă leuștean nu ejti capabil să pui... mi-e milă dă ciorba ta, băh!"

  32. Asa ie... "miruială", cum zici.
    Ai stend corected.

  33. BLEGOO (halucinat): "Năbunia... cuprinde Zămoșia lu' Zeamo!..."

  34. With the scar is very simple. You have to trust me that the people in charge of Bucharest started and probably finished an operation I would call, "Intarcarea". It's about surrounding all possible gardens and green spaces with iron fences. You like it or not, it's history.

  35. I'm a fast learner, am I not? :)

  36. I find his answer fine.
    Some people go by leustean, others go by telina, still others by parsley or onions. It's everyone's freedom of expression.

  37. It sounds like you were profoundly influenced by my article on "Levisticum": /2011/04/halimos-leustean-aka-levisticum.html

  38. I almost forgot. This evening/night if you look up, you might see a Lyrid meteor shower. You don't need any particular devices or to look in any particular direction.

  39. You lost me at Freud (just like he lost most of his credibility over time) :P

  40. zaMo, go ahead and kiss the sky, but do it on the Right cheek!
    Let's see what happens!

  41. All u need is love. And take your mind out of the gutter :)

  42. I wouldn't use Freud and credibility in the same sentence, because he wasn't aiming for that, in the same way a road builder through the dense forest is not necessarily aiming for accuracy, but rather to open up the land and shed some light onto the unknown. Freud did most of his work high on opium. A lot of it is crazy, but he also had some remarkable insights and he wrote interesting sh**, still fascinating today. Considering that he was one of the pioneers of psychoanalysis, that's not such a bad achievement.


  44. "kiss the sky" may refer to Jimi being high. Which is quite symbolic, since we just passed 4-20. And the first video clip in the article I filmed in Kensington Market, the 420 HQs of Toronto.

  45. (dreamlike): It was a nice, daring, fleeting thought on my part. It's gone now. :)

    What about Jimi? I'll have to see before I comment.

  46. The problem is there's a lot of people referencing his theories, as if they actually had any scientifical value today (I know this was not the case, but I saw an opportunity to digress :P).

  47. Some of his theories are still valid, it's not like if he was wrong about something he's wrong about everything. In much the same way if some "Dacologists" exaggerate certain things, it does not mean that Dacia is entirely a figment of their imagination :)

  48. Quoting him on matters of modern psychology is rarely correct though (if you know specific quotes, you probably know what's wrong/right with his theories too).

  49. I just discussed penis envy here: http:///2015/04/in-uterus-envy-ilie-nasty-nastase.html#gynos

  50. not sure what you mean, but feel free to derive your own meaning

  51. Have you discussed penis envy by yourself :P? (it was more like "you can't be envious on yourself", but the structure didn't allow this phrasing :P)

  52. "by yourself" means "alone". It's true, there aren't many commentators, but still. Or are you saying that you're not writing your articles alone, it's more like a group thing, and you want all other bloggers to do the same?

  53. Penis Envy => By Yourself (Mate, you overcomplicate things so much :)) ).


  55. Now this music it's much more enjoyable.
    Quite artsy, I would say.

  56. You edited your comment to the point where my reply makes no sense. It's a bit difficult to have a conversation under these circumstances.

  57. As an immigrant myself I hear you this evening.

  58. Your sky is purple, mine is light blue.


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