Claudia Covalciuc, a Romanian-Italian-Aboriginal Canadian  

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I have previously echoed on this blog news about Romanians in the #diaspora. This time, we’re discovering the story of a girl born in an #Austrian refugee camp to a Romanian mother and an (absent) Italian father, who was reborn in an aboriginal village.

Covalciuc Claudia

As Canada celebrates 150 years (sesquicentennial), there are numerous parties, freebies, exhibitions, and taxpayers money splashed lavishly on well-connected contractors with little oversight or justification (cbc-duckfiasco).

I recently visited on such exhibition, dedicated to immigrants and immigration.

The exhibition had a few interactive screens with info on the history of immigration, and, on such a screen, a set of stories of immigrants. Among them I found the name Claudia Covalciuc, which sounded to me Romanian. That name ending is common to Ukrainian names as well as Moldovan and Bukovinan names (Bucovina in Romanian is the Northern part of Moldova, but many people there reject the “Moldovan” label). I clicked on it and, after hearing the beginning “my father wasn’t much part of my life, even before I was born”, I resolved to find the video online.

And I did:

The story is interesting and it stands out among the others. You can find more below, in sources.

Other videos on Canada: Brand Canada Episode 1 or checkout Al Jazeera’s Upfront segment.

Sources / More info: pc-covalciuc, cbc-duckfiasco

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