Inca o data, Romania trimite o dezmintire - de data asta scrisa si oficiala - celor de la Brussels: BBC NEWS | Europe | Romania says it had no CIA bases. In ciuda raportului lui Dick Marty, care acuza Romania de a fi gazduit centre de detentie CIA alaturi de Polonia, Romania sustine ca nu este adevarat. Romania este parte din NATO si este printre putinele tari entuziasmate de politica externa americana, oricat de stupida ar fi aceasta. Nu demult, pe la sfarsitul anilor '90, o istoriografa franceza al carei nume imi scapa a afirmat intr-un articol ca Romania ar fi devenit un fief CIA, serviciile romane de informatii aservindu-se de buna voie americanilor. Este foarte greu de determinat cine minte. Sunt convins ca Romania a participat in extraordinary renditions, lasand avioanele CIA sa treaca prin spatiul nostru aerian si poate sa se si opreasca pentru refueling, dar este posibil sa fi spus nu inchisorilor. In plus, torturile s-au petrecut cel mai probabil in Syria, unde exista mai multa expertiza in domeniu.
Motivul cel mai probabil pentru care guvernul roman ar nega existenta inchisorilor in pofida realitatii ar fi teama de pedepse judiciare. In principal, datorita coruptiei si lipsei de etica, este posibil ca EU sa refuze sa mai recunoasca hotararile judecatoresti din Romania, si asta ar fi umilitor.
Un document secret egyptean, interceptat de serviciile secrete elvetiene si publicat de presa elvetiana, sugereaza ca Ucraina ar gazdui o astfel de inchisoare. Intrucat Ucraina nu este supusa acelorasi legi europene ca Polonia sau Romania, aceasta posibilitate este mult mai plauzibila.
Iata ce spune AP:
CIA Spokesman Mark Mansfield declined to comment directly on the charges regarding Ukraine and extraordinary renditions — moving terrorism suspects from country to country.
"Separate and apart from these allegations, there are several points I would make about renditions," he said. "They have been conducted within the law. They have been carried out responsibly and with purpose."
Mansfield said the practice had disrupted potential attacks and allowed the U.S. and its allies to gain intelligence on terrorists.
In a report earlier this year, Swiss investigator Dick Marty accused the CIA of running secret prisons in Poland and Romania to interrogate key terror suspects. He said prisoners were typically shackled and handcuffed, kept naked and in isolation.
The CIA, while stopping short of a denial, said the report was "distorted." Poland and Romania vehemently denied the charges. (...)
A purported Egyptian government fax intercepted by the Swiss foreign intelligence agency, published in a Swiss newspaper in 2006, singled out Ukraine as one of the countries allegedly housing a U.S. detention facility. (...)
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