Consumatorul Nesatisfacut - Escort  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in , , ,

Mai deunazi, in timp ce-mi verificam emailul, privirile mi-au fost atrase de un "Sponsored Link" pe care Gmail mi l-a oferit. Era vorba despre "About [EscortAgency]", un site care, dupa descrierea din Google Ad, este dedicat nemultumirii cuiva, vorbind despre un "bad agency and the girl was bad too".
Hmmm, m-am gandit, cum nu se poate mai interesant. Asa ca am vizitat site-ul si am gasit un o pagina foarte simpla, fara macar un copyright notice, care continea urmatoarele:

about [EscortAgency] Escort Service
Bucharest Romania
by an unhappy customer

Agency Review
I booked a girl for a 3-day visit, in Romania. I was required to pay the entire fee at the beginning of the visit. However, after only one day, the girl disappeared (with all of the money). The agency ignored my inquiries, so I hired my lawyer to work on it. He contacted the agency owner, who claimed that the girl said that she was not comfortable, so she left. No refund (not even partial) was offered. My position is that IF there was a problem (and sometimes, these things can happen), the girl should have contacted the manager to discuss the situation with me and either (i) resolve the alleged problem or (ii) arrange that we terminate the visit early, with an appropriate refund. Instead, they chose to "take the money and run". I would not use this agency again.

Girl Review
I booked [girlname] for a 3-day visit. She arrived late, and immediately started complaining about things. The next day, we went to a restaurant, ordered a meal, Louise went to wash her hands, and disappeared, without a word and (of course!) with all of the money. Total time with me, less than 24 hours. There is really no point in reviewing her "services".

for more info, you may contact me [yahooname]/at/yahoo

Created: September 2007
Last Updated: October 2007

Am decis sa-i scriu domnului cu pricina cat de repede. Dar inainte de a-i scrie, am facut un whois query, in speranta ca autorul nu a aflat despre private domain registration si iata ce-am aflat:
[Lname], [Gname]
[st#] LaRochelle Cr.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
[Lname], [Gname]
[st#] LaRochelle Cr.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Domain created on 28-Sep-2007
Domain expires on 28-Sep-2008
Last updated on 28-Sep-2007
Interesant. Foarte Interesant.
Dar oare este posibil sa aflam mai multe? Adresa de email suna ca si cum ar fi o firma care activeaza in IP (intellectual property) law. Whaddya know, that's one of my interests! Ia hai sa dam un google pentru asta... BINGO! Gasim 3 rezultate: unul, un post pe un forum de IP law, dar chiar primul link este un link catre o firma. Pagina acelei companii este la fel de simpla ca prima si nu contine decat un simplu resume:
[Gname] E. [Lname]
email: [bname]

1979-1982 Franklin Pierce Law Center (Concord, NH), JD degree
1975-1976 Weber State College (Ogden, UT), BS degree Physics
1969-1972 Cornell University (Ithaca NY), EE studies

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (1981)
State of Pennsylvania (1982)
State of Connecticut (1983)

Preparing and prosecuting several hundreds of US and foreign patent applications;
performing infringement and validity studies; drafting and negotiating license and
confidential disclosure agreements; providing litigation support; advising upper-level
management and implementing their objectives; training and supervision of patent attorneys.

Representative arts include: Semiconductors, computers and software, control systems, lasers,
robotics, aeronautics, avionics, mechanical systems and devices.

Senior Patent Counsel for Pitney Bowes Corporation
Patent Counsel for [some corp] (division of United Technologies)
Assistant Patent Counsel for [another corp] (division of United Technologies)

EMPLOYERS: 1989-Present [Gname] E. [Lname], P.A. (private practice)
1988-1989 [some law firm] (Southport, Connecticut)
1987-1988 Pitney Bowes Inc. (Stamford, Connecticut)
1982-1987 United Technologies Corp. (Hartford, Connecticut)

Wow! Un resume destul de tare. Tipul asta probabil ca face de la $500/h in sus, poate chiar mai mult...

In primul rand, versiunea acestui domn pare destul de verosimila, doar nu s-ar apuca sa faca astfel de pagini fiindca nu si-a facut Viagra efectul. Deci a cumparat serviciile unui escort pentru 3 zile, in Bucuresti, a platit in prima zi conform perceptului "business before pleasure" si tipa a plecat a doua zi de dimineata cu banii.

Ca avocat, este probabil obisnuit sa nu fie tras in piept ci mai degraba sa-i traga el pe altii. Oh well, welcum to Romania, have a great day! :)
Am verificat si website-ul acestui escort agency si-am descoperit ca ei spun clar ca sexul pe bani este ilegal in Romania iar fetele au dreptul sa refuze ceva ce nu le place si sa intrerupa orice relatie cu care nu sunt comfortabile. Intrebarea este in ce masura un client "intrerupt" are dreptul la un partial refund. Chiar sunt curios daca au semnat un contract si ce scrie in contract...
Pe de alta parte, sa nu uitam ca poate avocatul si clientul nemultumit nu sunt neaparat una si aceeasi persoana. Este posibil ca pagina de web sa fi fost facuta de acest avocat urmand instructiunile unui client. Cred insa ca asta este putin probabil, dat fiind ca IP law are putin de a face cu international tort si deci sunt sanse mici ca un avocat de IP law s-ar ocupa de un astfel de caz. In orice caz, macar pana aflam mai multe, vom incerca sa protejam pe cat posibil identitatea celor in cauza, motiv pentru care am "cenzurat" /inlocuit cu variabile numele proprii si orice altceva personally identifiable.

Intentionez sa investighez aceasta ciudata problema, mi se pare deosebit de interesanta..
UPDATE: Am decis sa abandonez aceasta serie; nu am suficient material, si nu ma intereseaza suficient. Iata cateva articole care au o oarecare legatura cu acest subiect:

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