200805A - Stiri de tot soiu'  

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Poti traduce ce citesti pe blogul meu in 20 de limbi apasand pe steagul respectiv. Poze superbe, cum sa-nnebunesti nebunii, Orwell redivivus, si europenii se imbata sa si-o traga... pun pariu ca nu stiai asta! :) Din liderul european la facut muci, BBC ne lumineaza c-un studiu despre motivele de a te matoli. Concluzia (surpriza numai pentru autisti, probabil) este ca tinerii (30% din barbati si 23% din femeile intre 16 si 35 de ani) beau pentru a si-o trage. Studiul a fost facut intr-un oras din fiecare din urmatoarele tari: UK, Germania, Austria, Cehia, Grecia, Italia, Portugalia, Spania si Slovenia. In Vienna, aproape 50% din participanti s-au imbatat si-au avut sex inainte de 16 ani in comparatie cu 36% in Venezia, 37% in Palma si 30% in Liverpool. In toate tarile, uzul prematur al alcoolului si drogurilor s-a corelat cu pierderea virginitatii mai devreme de 16 ani, in special in fete. Genu' asta de statistici in special propozitia precedenta nu va face decat sa induca mai multi pushtani sa bea. Ce ti-e si cu profii astia in varsta care nascocesc tot felu' de "studii" sa mai stea de vorba cu prospaturi pe banii contribuabilului... Tot din Anglia aflam ca toate camerele alea de luat vederi pe care le-au instalat ei, pentru care-au cheltuit miliarde (si care-ar fi cele mai dense din lume, poate cu exceptia Singapore, 2), sunt folosite pentru orice, numai pentru teroristi nu. Mai mult decat atat, numai 3% din crime au fost rezolvate ce CCTV, iar criminalii nu se tem de ele intrucat au impresia ca nu functioneaza (4, 5, 7). Londra a ajuns chiar sa aiba campanii de inspiratie orwelliana, cu panouri cum se vad in imagine: "in siguranta sub ochii atenti" (6). Legile antiteroriste au fost folosite pentru demascarea celor care nu culeg dupa catzel, pentru cei care parcheaza ilegal, etc. Cei carora le pasa de dreptul la confidentialitate considera ca nu ar trebui sa se foloseasca utilaje de demolare pentru spargerea nucilor. Cei insarcinati sa urmareasca ecranele sufera de moral scazut. Imi aminteste de o povestire SF a lui ctp, cu "Informondia" :) Au aparut panouri solare care se lipesc pe acoperis ca niste abtibilduri (8). Ma gandesc foarte serios daca nu cumva sa-mi cumpar si eu. In clipul de jos sunt montate in numai 35 de minute. Pretul insa este probabil prohibitiv. Dipity.com este un site unde poti produce un timeline pentru clipuri youtube pe baza unui anume cuvant cheie. Am incercat cu Romania (9). Camera Deputatilor din US a votat o lege care intareste protectia proprietatii intelectuale. Legea inca nu a trecut prin Senat si inaspreste pedepsele pentru cei care pirateaza (10). Este o lege foarte trista. Scriam nu demult cum niste "crackeri" romani au spart un sit de blogging punand o pagina stil Matrix. Ei bine, niste crackeri mult mai dementi au spart site-ul Fundatiei Epilepsiei si l-au umplut de imagini stroboscopice si caleidoscopice, de genul celor care induc crize in epilepticii fotosensibili (11). Poate razi cu lacrimi, dar dac-ai fi epileptic s-ar putea sa faci spume la gura. Nu demult, o asociatie a organizat un mars impotriva violentei antifeminine, ocazie cu care s-au luat tot felul de pozitii. S-a discutat si de violenta impotriva copiilor. Am gasit si relatarea unui adult care povesteste cum a-ndrumat un pusti catre un profesor sa spuna ca-i batut crunt de ma-sa, si cum poate astfel i-a salvat viata (12). Iata povestea in engleza:

Well, I tend to use the computer at home a bit, and every now and then people add me to their list at random. This person wasn't an exception. I ignored the "Hi M8" things and the "ASL?" requests, but no matter what, this annoyance kept on coming back. Sometimes it'd be abusive, sometimes just annoying, but oneday I was bored though, and I decided to accept the challenge of a conversation. The grammar was non-existent, the spelling was horrific, and the phraseology was right out of Charver 101. I usually Like talking to random lasses, but this one was unreal. Stupid and mind-numbingly immature. I fired off the usual 'off the shelf' insults "work at McD's?" etc... and got a reply that I didn't expect. "Not old enough to have a job" oh... alright.. how old was this person? I'd assumed they were about 19... "Fuck off.. why whould I tell you" Because I've just been slamming the hell out of you because of your childishness, but maybe you ARE a child and I should be cutting you some slack!! "Oh... well, I'm 11" Riiiight. In which case I'm sorry for being mean. I had no idea you where that young Needless to say I can't remember everything that happened or how it was said... but I'll do my best. The conversation continued, and we spoke on and off for a few days. I had been wrong. It wasn't a girl either. It was a little lad. He told me he was in the 'web to find some friends or at least someone to talk to, and he asked where I lived. I sent a couple of google links to Swedish picture searches, and he seemed to love the idea of other countries etc. He then said that he wished he could live in another land, but he had to move to London with his mum. "Really? Why are you moving there?" My mum says I have to, or she'll chuck me out on the street "Woah... that's a bit mean. She's probably joking..." No she's not. She hits me, it really hurts. *Humpty stops and takes stock*: An 11 yearold Manchestor kid has confided in me... he's unhappy, in need of mates and claims that his mum is violent towards him. 2 options... he's taking me for a ride... (look out for requests for financial support) or he's serious. No harm in talking to the lad... What could possibly go wrong? "She hits you?" That's not good, why does she do that? I don't know. She said she wishes I was dead, and that I'm ruining her life. Have you told anyone? No, I don't want to. My sister and my mum like each other. Right. Let's get this straight. Your mum hits you, and it makes you unhappy.. and you haven't told anyone? Yeah... Well that's wrong. Your mum is supposed to help you as you grow up, not hit you. You *really* need to tell someone and talk to them about it. Yeah, but who? Teachers. You could try telling them? I'm not good at school, the teachers don't like me That doesn't matter. This is FAR more important than school, and they will know that. They'll help. It doesn't even have to be one of your teachers. Pick someone you like, or one of your friend's teachers and ask if you can talk to them... Tell them everything that you've told me. Are you sure that'll be ok? Yes. Absolutely. That's what teachers are for. Teaching is only a bit of their job, looking after pupils is what it's ALL about. Ok. and I'll be here as usual... ok? yup. ****************************** I heard nothing for a couple of days... then a girl named Haley added me to her list. She started out with "You don't know me but you know my brother." *Oh shit... here we go: Kiddy-fiddling accusations..* "I just wanted to say thankyou. I think you may have saved his life...." It turned out that the day after I took the time to speak with him properly, he'd walked into school, and with a thumping heart, had walked up to his maths teacher - for whom he had some respect - and told him exactly what he'd told me. According to his sister who'd been at home that day, police turned up at her mum's doorstep at midday and took her away. Both she and her brother were now living with their biological dad, and they were both really enjoying it. The night that all this had happened and after social services had spoken to them both, Her little brother then went and sat on her bed and pulled his shirt up - for the first time ever his sister found out that her mum had been beating him. He was covered in bruises - all over his body. He told her about talking t me, and he told her that he's been thinking of killing himself: his classmates had surmised that this was probably his only option anyway. So... she thanked me for being there when he needed someone, and giving good advice in a way that he could identify with it. It was a pretty cool feeling. ************************** Kids might type like shit... They may not embrace correct grammar.. They may really piss you off... They might swear and spit... ...but underneath, some of them are just lost little kids. Don't write them all off.. not yet
Un interviu cu un fotograf profesionist si imaginile sale luate la Opera din Paris ramane cu tine (13). Interviul e-n engleza, dar acum poti folosi Google Translation sa-l traduci in Romana. Iata ce zice:
With the Paris Opera House series, you spoke about a universal primal reaction to music that is beyond class distinctions. What I was interested in terms of Paris Opera series was that whole strange business of finding oneself with a whole lot of other people gathered in a darkened space, such as the opera, awaiting some special event. There is something quite magical about it. I've always found that people sitting in the dark just waiting for something is the most haunting sort of experience. It seemed to me it was a common experience, a universal thing that everyone feels, really, at some point or another.
Un tren canadian a fost pus in carantina cand o pasagera a murit in buda si ceilalti s-au simtit nasol. Pana la urma nu s-a descoperit cauza si varianta oficiala este ca totul a fost o coincidenta (14, 15). Se pare ca eBay nu creaza probleme numai romanasilor pusi pe fraude, ci si celor care vor sa-si vanda una bucata laptop. Un simplu cetatean relateaza povestea dementa prin care a trecut incercand sa se comporte logic cu robotii eBay (16).


1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7389980.stm 2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/334853.stm 3. /. sids: 08/05/07/1525236&tid=158, 08/05/09/2047200 4. http://www.cnet.com/8301-13739_1-9939635-46.html 5. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080507-problems-with-the-panopticon-uks-cctv-doesnt-cut-crime.html 6. http://www.art-for-a-change.com/News/eyes.htm 7. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/may/06/ukcrime1 8. http://www.triplepundit.com/pages/peel-stick-solar-fulfills-the--003101.php 9. http://www.dipity.com/mashups/timetube?query=femei&submit=Build+Me+a+TubeLine%21# 10. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080508-house-overwhelmingly-passes-controversial-pro-ip-act.html 11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24510864/ 12. http://b3ta.com/questions/kids/post145106 13. http://blog.photoshelter.com/2008/05/bill-henson-at-the-opera-1.html 14. http://www.torontosun.com/News/TorontoAndGTA/2008/05/09/5523156.html 15. http://news.google.ca/?ncl=1211391134&hl=en&topic=h 16. http://consumerist.com/5007790/its-now-completely-impossible-to-sell-a-laptop-on-ebay

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