In prima parte ne-am uitat la faimosul “test” de dominanta emisferica cu dansatoarea. Continuam sa ne delectam cu alte iluzii optice, si-ncepem sa cugetam la liberul arbitru si viermi de creier.
Un studiu facut de O’Boyle cu olimpici de mate a demonstrat ca acestia s-au descurcat mult mai bine in teste care necesitau cooperarea emisferelor decat studentii obisnuiti. Un alt articol din SciAm zice ca “Notiunea populara a unei emisfere drepte emotionale care contrasteaza puternic cu cea stanga, rationala, este ca o ciorna cu creionul facuta inaintea unei picturi”.
Daca mai vrei iluzii optice, mai am 20 (apasa pe pauza si-apoi pe bula din stanga jos daca vrei sa te benoclezi pe-ndelete, fara s-apara instructiunile):
Si-uite-asa am ajuns si la viermisori si creieras. E o chestie care pe mine ma pasioneaza puternic, dat fiind ca intreaga cultura occidentala, individualista si plina de nabadai, este bazata pe ideea de liber-arbitru. In clipa in care anumite caracteristici psihice ale unei populatii pot fi puse pe seama unui parazit sau a altor cauze similare, idealul democratiei se naruie precum sistemul financiar.
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MNo. Exista mai multi paraziti care schimba personalitatea, (dupa cum se vede in clipul din prima parte) dar cel mai sinistru este, fara doar si poate, toxoplasma. Cand infecteaza un sobolan sau soarece, il face pe acesta sa infrunte si sfideze pisicile. Este interesant ca desi ii stopeaza frica de pisici, nu-i stopeaza alte frici soarecelui, cum ar fi frica de spatii deschise sau de mancare cu miros ciudat. Odata inghitit de pisica, ciclul parazitului este inchis.
In oameni, efectele sunt mai putin intelese, dat fiind ca noi (mai bine zis voi, eu sunt o maimuta in stadiu de amoeba cu pseudomaini, bwuhuhahaha ) suntem mai complecsi. Se stie insa ca la femeile gravide poate provoca avort si moartea fatului si exista chiar paralele intre infectie si schizofrenie si paranoia. Alti factori de risc pentru aceste tulburari psihice ar fi nasterea in lunile friguroase si expunerea la caldura. Infectiile endemice par sa provoace de asemenea alterarea sex ratio prin cresterea nasterilor de baieti 2.6:1. Toxoplasma are simptome acute numai la infectie, cand pare sa fie o viroza, si poate ucide exact ca viroza (cei cu HIV, batranii, copiii). In starea latenta este de obicei asimptomatica.
Bine-bine, vei zice, e naspa toxoplasma asta, dar de-aici si pana la a schimba o cultura intreaga e cale lunga! Tare-as vrea sa fie asa. Iata punctele de baza ale unei lucrari publicate in 2006:
- Toxoplasma are rate de infectie diferite in diverse tari, variind intre 4.3% (Coreea de Sud) si Brazilia (66.9%), in functie de dieta si clima.
- Schimbari in personalitate induse de toxoplasma:
- neuroticism (self-doubt & insecurities), evitarea riscurilor si nesigurantei
- barbati: mai putin interes in chestii noi – devin mai de casa
- femei: devin mai umane si miloase
- Societatea si trasaturile acesteia sunt agregatul personalitatilor oamenilor care o compun – chestia asta e destul de evidenta, dar exista si-un studiu daca nu crezi (abstract, pdf).
Iata si chestia asta in engleza, poate-ti vine mai usor s-o crezi:
You are not the only one controlling your mind.
Approximately one-quarter of Americans (50 mil) host a parasite that has been shown to affect personality in both rodents and humans. According to a recent study, this single-celled organism may be able to shape entire cultures.
In a paper published in the online edition of Proceedings of the Royal Society, United States Geological Survey researcher Kevin Lafferty argues that a significant factor in why some countries exhibit higher levels of neuroticism than others may be the prevalence of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The study also indicates that it may influence a society's preference for strict laws, an expression of uncertainty avoidance, and its valuation of 'masculine' priorities such as competitiveness and financial success over 'feminine' values like relationship-building.
"Toxoplasma appears to explain 30% of the variation in neuroticism among countries, 15% of the uncertainty avoidance among Western nations and 30% of the sex role differences among Western nations," Lafferty said via e-mail.
So--has Lafferty discovered why the French are neurotic (Toxo: 45%) and Australians are not (28%)? As he admits, this is just a first pass. A number of countries--particularly from Africa--are missing from the analysis. I'd also wonder how Lafferty could take into account the fact that Toxoplasma rates have probably been changing over the decades. Scientists I've spoken to suspect it is falling in the United States, thanks to better handling of meat. But since Toxoplasma can infect people for decades, a simple measurement of prevalence may miss a steady decline. Are Americans becoming less neurotic?
Lafferty also notes that many other factors shape a nation's culture--which actually raises another interesting question: what about other parasites? Do viruses, intestinal worms, and other pathogens that can linger in the body for decades have their own influence on human personality? How much is the national spirit the spirit of a nation's parasites?
Enquiring (and possibly parasite-harboring) minds want to know.
Mai departe,
Flegr, who advised Lafferty on his analysis, said in an e-mail that the new study jives with some of his own lab's unpublished results, especially with respect to masculinity. "We have the data showing that Toxoplasma-infected men are scored as more dominant and more masculine than Toxoplasma-free men by female observers."
Desi ciclul sau este destul de clar, nu este foarte clar ca se ia intotdeauna de la pisici. Alti factori de contagiune ar fi ingestia unor vegetale nespalate, lucrul in gradina, nespalarea mainilor, carnea preparata necorespunzator, clima mai calda.
Poti trage o gramada de invataminte interesante din studiul asta:
- Daca nevasta iti face numai fete, fa-i cadou o pisica!
- Daca fi-t’u vrea sa-si ia motor, fa-i cadou o pisica!
- Daca gagica-ta e chienne mechante, fa-i cadou o pisica!
Zice Lafferty:
There could be a lot more to this story. Different responses to the parasite by men and women could lead to many additional cultural effects that are, as yet, difficult to analyze. This is not to say that the cultural dimensions associated with T. gondii are necessarily undesirable. After all, they add to our cultural diversity.
In episoadele urmatoare ne vom uita la stanga si dreapta politica.
- Teste: wu, sm, tc, aiv, af, bt, sd, tk, is,
- Deconstructie test vizual: nb, sl, gb, pk, fk, apa, sa
- Iluzii audio: The Tritone Paradox, subconscious words
- Lateralitate: np, ns, wikipedia
- Toxoplasma: wikipedia, rt, ts, na, tl, pdf, nyt, prs
Parasite Rex : Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures: Carl Zimmer: Books
ISBN: 074320011X
ISBN-13: 9780743200110 - yt-suisq
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