Restante de lepse (papa-prince)  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in , ,

In calitate de erou al mai multor lepse mogulitoare, m-am gandit ca daca nu pot raspunde tuturor, pot macar sa le aplaud si eventual sa inventez propria mea leapsa.

My snowboardPrima restanta ar fi catre Catalin cel, care a-nceput o fotoleapsa de zapada. Am pus o poza-n dreapta a legaturii mele de snowboard. Mai multe pot fi gasite pe contul de flickr de acum mai bine de 2 ani, unde-am pus poze aiurea pana s-a umplut (winter-flickr). Dar, mai mult decat poze, am pus chiar si-un filmulet cam tot de-atunci, dintr-o Sambata seara de iarna.


Am primit apoi cate un premiu SS (de Scriitor Superior sau Superior Scribbler) de la Karla si FB Ronnie, dar le voi ruga sa nu se supere pe mine daca nu-i dau curs dupa reguli. Mai degraba, ofer acest premiu tuturor celor mentionati aici, si-i invit sa citeasca si sa urmeze regulile lepsei de pe unul din blogurile respective, la alegere.

cel mai

Apoi vin mai multi oameni buni, care m-or sorcovit cu premii:

  • Catelul Alpha ma plaseaza in companie selecta si ma considera “Cel mai bun blog de discutii/dezbateri – nu neaparat despre politica” – onorat, maestre!
  • Incultura-si face tara si ma ridica la rangul de ZEU – nici mai mult (ca nu se poate), nici mai putin!
  • Marius Ola ma considera si el “Cel mai bun blog de discutii/dezbateri - nu neaparat despre politica”
  • Flavius ma considera, in mod neasteptat, Cel mai cunoscut dintre bloggeri, ceea ce-i o foarte mare onoare, dat fiind ca desi tot incerc de cand sunt mic, nici macar eu insumi nu ma cunosc bine TongueParty

E vorba de concursul Blog de Blog al Luciei Verona, nu :D

Pai cand sunt Zeu intr-un guvern si-s tare-n dezbateri dar nu neaparat politica, e ca si cum as fi Papa din cantecul ce pare a fi facut de Prince pentru Obama, chit ca-i facut in anii ‘80. Zice el:

So u can be the President (U can be the President) [Kick it]
I'd rather be the Pope (Rather be the Pope)
(I'd rather be... so happy)
Yeah u can be the side effect (U can be the side effect)
I'd rather be the dope (Rather be the dope)

N-ai decat sa fii tu presedintele, eu prefer sa fiu Papa – fericit. Fii tu efectul secundar, eu voi fi substanta activa! Mai departe, “ce sa fac daca Presedintele nu poate trage (nici o lege)”?!? Si cand te gandesti c-a facut cantecul cu mult inainte sa vina Obama..


Imi dau seama ca lepsa SS s-ar putea sa nu incante, cu atat mai mult cu cat nu i-am respectat regulile. Asa ca voi folosi una mai interesanta. In articolul precedent am luat primele 10 PA-uri din concursul Trilema si am incercat sa le ghicesc sexul. Fa si tu la fel cu alte 10 PA-uri. Nu uita ca pe langa cele de pe T, Calin Hera are si el o selectie foarte larga!

Daca nici asta nu-ti place, ia leapsa lui Catalin – cu poze sau filmulete de iarna.. (Vezi exemplul Paznicului de Noapte!)

S-apai daca nici asta nu-ti place, mai astepta o vreme pana reusesc sa concretizez mental leapsa care-mi sade pe limba Sleepy

Sources / More info: winter-flickr, cartim-daca, bucuresti-iarna, karla-ss, fbronnie-ss, alpha-buchet, alpha-blogscar, Ola-vin-blogroll, incultura-tara-II, flavius-Dzeu, brontozaurel, blegoo, ionutu, bdb, Paznicul-Winter-Army, mp3

(U don't understand, I ain't scared of u mutha fuckas) [Kick it!]
(Stir it like coffee)
The Pope
(Stir it like muthafuckin' coffee)
The Pope
(The hell)
This is the Pope
Oh, your car got mags that be dippy dippy dope
But the whole damn nation got the same
Honey only flock 2 the bee that's the Pope
Not the President with government lame
Put me on a slow movin' parlimentary hackin' bandwagon
U could put me little ass in the grave
Everytime u want it I'll be live, bring a date
I mean computer when its over press save
So u can be the President (U can be the President) [Kick it]
I'd rather be the Pope (Rather be the Pope)
(I'd rather be... so happy)
Yeah u can be the side effect (U can be the side effect)
I'd rather be the dope (Rather be the dope)
(I ain't scared of u mutha fuckers) [Kick it]
Call your girl named Sally and u figure u were chill (Chill)
Then u find out I'm the reason Sally's on the Pill (Pill)
What am I supposed to do when the President can't get nothing passed
Find an alley, find an alley
Undress Sally right in front of your ass
(Well she helped me once again)
I say u can be the President (U can be the President) [Kick it]
I'd rather be the Pope (Rather be the Pope)
(I'd rather be... so help me)
Yeah u can be the side effect (U can be the side effect)
I'd rather be the dope (Rather be the dope)
(Fuck that)
The Pope
(Oh no motherfucker, not today)
U can be the President (Rather be the Pope)
So help me
Who's the funky drummer with the crooked little sticks (Sticks)
He might have better luck if he was drummin' with his dick (Dick?)
If u don't play the piccolo, why u wanna lick?
(Ch-check) Now check the drum solo and tell me not to kick it
(Seek and destroy. It'll fuck u up)
I love the taste of unpredictable licks
A loop is a loop is a loop
A loop is a loop is a loop [Fuck that]
A loop is a loop is a loop is a loop is a loop is a loop is a loop
Your car got mags that be dippy dippy dope
But the whole damn nation got the same
Honey only flock 2 the bee that's the Pope
Not the President with government lame
Put me on a slow movin' parlimentary hackin' bandwagon
U could put me little ass in the grave
Everytime u want it I'll be live, bring a date
I mean computer when its over press save
(So) So u can be the president (U can be the President) [Kick it]
I'd rather be the pope (Rather be the Pope)
(I wanna be... so happy)
U can be the side effect (U can be the side effect)
I'd rather be the dope (U, u, u) [U can be the dope]
The Pope
U can be the President (Fuck that)
Rather be the Pope
Baby, so help me please
Press Save
I Love u
(U don't understand)

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