Un crud paradox al societatilor avansate este ca pe masura ce devii economic si "free-time-wise" mai capabil de a avea copii (adica te apropii de varsta pensionarii), devii incapabil biologic. Asta-i motivul pentru care un numar atat de mare de Conservatori – inclusiv fömei – se pronunta impotriva drepturilor reproductive ale femeii (avortul) si sprijina adoptiile internationale de zici ca viata lor depinde de asta.
Am scris recent despre documentarul lui Alex King – un copil adoptat din Romania la 5 ani cu probleme deja – iar cei ce cauta in acest articol imagini si povesti lacrimogene le pot gasi acolo, in secventa din documentarul sau.
Un regim prea liberal de adoptii ofera unui numar maxim de copii sansa de a trai in familii normale, dar este inevitabil ca unii dintre ei sa ajunga in situatii de sclavie. Un moratoriu asupra adoptiilor internationale elimina orice sansa a vreunui copil de a creste intr-o familie “occidentala” dar ma-ndoiesc ca elimina posibilitatea retelelor de pedofili de a cumpara copii. Chiar in ipoteza ca sistemul ar fi functional si imun la coruptie (), pedofilii tot pot cumpara copii direct de la parinti. Cei care sprijina moratoriul – cea mai cunoscuta fiind Baronesa Nicholson – au presat pentru introducerea unei legi care sa cimenteze interdictia adoptiilor internationale:
Legislation to cement the ban in law was put into place following pressure from the EU. Former member of the European Parliament, Baroness Emma Nicholson was a key figure in pushing for this as a special rapporteur for Romania's EU accession.
"I unveiled a huge network of global corruption and global trafficking," said Nicholson. "We really uncovered horrors of a scale and dimension you would wish never to know about."
"I'll give you the example of a poor Romanian boy, who was trafficked to London, on a false passport. From London they changed his passport again and he was trafficked to America, on a false passport."
Corruption remains a central theme in the debate
"Uncovering that (trafficking) ring, uncovered one of the biggest pedophile rings in the globe. That boy has never been seen again."
Statul nu poate inlocui o familie – nu poate nici in tarile civilizate, cu atat mai putin in Ro.
Madalina grew up in a children's home from the age of two, where she suffered serious abuse. Catharsis [group leading a campaign to resume international adoptions] found Madalina an adoptive family in Italy, to whom she herself said she became very attached. Unfortunately, the timing was wrong. Madalina was a victim of the moratorium on international adoptions and the move was blocked.
"They asked if I'd like to be adopted by them, and I said yes," said Mandalina. "Only, then we found out that international adoptions had been blocked. It felt terrible for all of us."
Once the children leave full-time education, those who have not been adopted often end up in homeless shelters - such as Marius.
"It's a shame they stopped international adoptions," said Marius. "There are many, many kids in children's homes and they have no future. Most of them either die of hunger on the streets or they're in prison."
Azota Popescu from Catharsis argues that it is time to change the law, as the issue comes up for debate in the Romanian parliament. She denies the claim by Baroness Nicholson, and organizations such as the group Against Child Trafficking, that corruption is too rife in Romania for the system to be trusted to prevent trafficking.
"There is no corruption in Romania in the domain of adoptions," Popescu told Deutsche Welle. "If Emma Nicholson has an example of corruption, she should show us, to present it to everyone."
Author: Tom Wilson, Brasov, Romania / rc
Editor: Rob Turner
In ce ma priveste sunt convins ca un regim liberal de adoptii este preferabil unui moratoriu. Iata si un “decision matrix” bazat pe game theory:
Outcome \ Situatie | Adoptii Libere ( I ) | Moratorium / Interdictie ( II ) |
Best ( + + ) | Toti copiii sunt adoptati de familii iubitoare. Statul si contribuabilul roman nu pierd bani si au de castigat din gratitudinea parintilor adoptivi. | Nici un copil nu este luat de pedofili. Copiii cresc armonios in scoli curate si aerisite precum ienicerii si spahiii. |
Worst ( - - ) | Toti copiii sunt adoptati de pedofili gaunosi care ii chinuie in fund, ii folosesc in scopuri de kkt si apoi ii dau inapoi pentru re-fund. | Copiii continua sa putrezeasca legati cu lanturi si in camasi de forta, decimati de boli, inanitie si ingrijitori pedofili. Politicienii se folosesc de copii ca de piese de sah in jocul politic, lasandu-si prietenii si si aliatii sa adopte in regim preferential. O parte insemnata din banii alocati sanatatii si educatiei copiilor cu parinti se indreapta catre copiii fara parinti. |
Tu ce crezi ca-i preferabil: I sau II?
Sources / More info: dw-ro, roelie, gbook-essentials, gbook-effects, wiki-nich, wiki-adoption, wiki-list-scandals, [livianu] [brussels] [basescu] [Bostinaru] [ties] [trip] [VoA] [sanctuary] [sighisoara]
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