Romania pare sa-si construiasca o reputatie de “tara a concertelor”. Ceea ce nu-i catusi de putin surprinzator, dat fiind ca multi romani gandesc ca “da, suntem saraci si prosti, avem bube, mai dar ce stim sa ne distram!”.
Ceea ce nu-i intru totul fals, (vezi si cum au trecut romanii criza) ne spune Corina Dumitrescu in Business Review (b-ro). Piata concertelor creste cu 1 milion de euroi in fiecare an.
It all started in 2006 with the Depeche Mode concert that brought over 30,000 to the national stadium Lia Manoliu, prior to its renovation. Major names had graced Romania before, but most of them were past their peak, believed most music fans. One exception was Michael Jackson, who came to Bucharest twice in 1992 and 1996, during the golden years of his career – but this was a rarity. How things have changed. Since 2006, the Kraftwerk, Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Nelly Furtado, The Killers, Shakira (hips), Kylie Minogue, Metallica, Lenny Kravitz, Bob Dylan and Madonna, among many others, have performed locally. And always in front of very large and responsive audiences, which has persuaded some, such as Metallica, to keep returning.
Suntem, care va sa zica, entuziasti. Malaise-ul occidental nu ne-a prins inca si pe noi, dar asta nu-i din cauza ca am inventat stiloul ci din cauza ca inca n-am ajuns inca la stadiul de societate capitalista multilateral dezvoltata. Romania pare ca-ncearca sa parcurga istoria postbelica a Occidentului intr-o singura decada. Am fost intai excitati de ziare, apoi am trecut la bloage, sedusi de cea mai buna conectivitate din Europa. Am votat in masa in primele alegeri, dar deja am inceput sa intelegem ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca, suntem confuzi si probabil, in ciuda show-ului pe care politicienii se caznesc sa-l creeze, abia ne mai urnim catre urne. In privinta concertelor, complexul nostru de inferioritate si lupta acerba pe care credem ca tre’ s-o dam pentru relevanta (nu se poate fara noi fiindca noi am inventat stiloul!, de parca si-a mai pus cineva vreodata problema asta) ne-mping sa-mbratisam simbolurile culturii occidentale cu entuziasmul oricarui popor ramas la coada istoriei.
Ghici cine vine la cina?
Chiar, cine? | Cum? | Cand? | Cat? (RON) | Unde? |
Bon Jovi | | 10 Iulie | 160-480 | Constitutiei |
Shakira | Emagic | 7 Mai | 120-380 | Constitutiei |
Damian Draghici (prof) & Nigel Kennedy | | 8 Mai | 80-190 | Constitutiei |
Sting (Fragile, Englishman, Rose) | | 6 Iunie | 135-395 | Constitutiei |
B’estfest (Mika, Skunk Anansie, Flogging Molly, Asian Dub Foundation, Lamb, Pendulum, House of Pain and Hadouken) | | 1-3 Iulie | 125/zi 265/festival 15/camping | Parc Tunari |
Rock the City (Judas Priest, Whitesnake, Mike & Mechanics, Prodigy, Papa Roach, Hatebreed, Therapy, Sabaton and Boom) | | 1-3 Iulie | 155-185/zi 230-280/fest | Romexpo |
The Mission Dance Weekend (DJ Moby) | 5-6 Aug | Navodari | ||
Amy Winehouse (no good, rehab) | | 15 Aug | 130-600 | stad. I. B. S. |
Peninsula (europe, NIN, prodigy) | 25-6 Aug | Targu Mures | ||
Stufstock | August | Vama Veche | ||
EUROPAfest (prez) | 7-13 Mai | Bucuresti | ||
Inna | | 17 Mai | 80 | Arenele Ro |
Roxette (listen, dangerous, look, joyride) | | 30 Mai | 120-350 | Zone Arena |
Suede (beautiful, trash, animal, stay, she’s) | | 4 Iunie | 130-180 | Arenele Ro |
Tiesto (elements, power, 213) | | 18 Iunie | 50 | Arenele Ro |
Zucchero (senza, life) | | 21 Iunie | 100-250 | Arenele Ro |
Bryan Ferry (slave, dance, live, these, smoke) | 18 Sept |
Cati bani se fac din concerte aflam de la Sorina Burlacu, Events general manager:
The estimated value of the concert market this year is EUR 10-12 million, with a yearly growth of about EUR 1 million since 2006, when it began to develop in Romania. (..) We are hoping for a slight increase against last year, as we are putting more focus on quality events, rather than large-scale concerts, but which are sure to bring profit. For larger events, the financial risks are much higher. (..) We’re expecting a crowd of around 15,000 at this concert [Amy W, most profitable]. Of all our events, it has the largest production budget. (..) Although the number of bands or artists who could fill the Lia Manoliu stadium in the current context is rather small (factoring in purchasing power in Romania and the public’s openness towards such events), these artists are the most eagerly awaited by Romanian fans.
Rivalitatea intre Rock the City si B’estfest reiese si din interviu, Marcel Avram (D&D East Entertainment) acuzandu-i pe cei de la Emagic ca si-au trantit festivalul peste zilele in care Whitesnake si Judas fusesera deja anuntati. Emagic CEO Laura Coroianu ii acuza la randul ei pe cei cu Rock the City ca si-au pus festivalul cu in acelasi timp cu B’estfest, luni dupa ce fusese anuntat. Sigur, competitia-i acerba si asta nu-i neaparat un lucru rau, dar nu cred ca fanii sau solistii au de castigat din astfel de soparle.
Din aceeasi revista, aflu ca nu numai concertele au “decolat” ci si industria self-storage care e renascuta dupa faliment
Sources / More info: b-ro, bro-selfsto
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