doctorii romglezi  

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Imboldit de intrebari cum ar fi cea a Dianei Coman, am decis sa sparg tacerea asternuta pe acest blog cu o stire din UK. Aflu dintr-un recent articol in Daily Mail ca britanicii sunt pe cale sa interzica sau sa restrictioneze accesul doctorilor si asistentelor medicale din Romania la piata muncii, urmand exemplul spaniol, francez si italian, violand spiritul normelor UE.

winstonLordul Winston, un bulibasa de doctori britanici cu mustata de porn star al anilor ‘70 si coincidental “professor of fertility studies at Imperial College London” declara ca doctorii si asistentele medicale din Romania si Bulgaria pun pacientii in pericol fiindca nu sunt in stare sa vorbeasca engleza, ca nu sunt obsinuiti sa comunice cu pacientii si ca nu sunt capabili sa comunice nici macar in propria limba:

Nurses from Eastern Europe put NHS patients in danger because they can’t speak proper English, one of Britain’s top doctors has warned. Lord Winston said yesterday that he was particularly worried about those from Romania and Bulgaria who had limited communication skills ‘even in their own language’. He told the House of Lords they had been trained in a ‘completely different way’ to British nurses, and were not used to speaking to doctors or their own patients.

Mai departe, aflam ca britanicilor nu le este permis sa testeze cadrele medicale pregatite in alte tari din Zona Economica Europeana din pricina unor reguli antidiscriminare, dar ca francezii fenteaza regula facand testarea la nivel local, ceea ce-i permis:

Under strict EU laws, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) watchdog is banned from testing nurses coming in from European countries on either their language or clinical skills. Such tests are deemed to restrict the ‘free movement of labour’ – the same rules apply to doctors.  Some countries, however, including France, get round the rules by ensuring candidates are tested by local health boards rather than a national watchdog.

Lordul Kakka(na)r, chirurg, este insa si mai meserias decat colegul sau mustetat:

He told peers the situation was ‘intolerable’.

‘It is not right for fellow practitioners to have to work with these individuals,’ he said. 

‘But most of all it is not right for citizens of our country, who at times when they are unwell and becoming patients in our healthcare systems need to be absolutely certain that the practitioners to whom they are exposed are competent, meet the standards required of medical practitioners in our country and therefore can with certainty provide the quality of care that citizens in our country deserve.’

Hearing evidence at the Lords’ inquiry into free EU movement of medical workers, the peers were told that patients were being put at risk by incompetent doctors and nurses who cannot speak English or understand basic medical terms such as ‘nil by mouth’.

“nil” inseamna “nema” adica zero, zilch, nada – chiar daca suna ciudat, greu imi vine-a crede ca vreun roman n-a priceput-o.

Lord Winston said his own experience working abroad had shown him that nurses from Eastern Europe were not used to communicating with doctors or patients. (..) In one case, a GMC spokesman said, a foreign doctor’s husband contacted the council to register her because she could not speak English herself.

Scriam inca din 2007 despre migratia masiva a celor educati si bine-pregatiti. Taierile salariale recente nu au putut decat sa sporeasca migratia medicilor care, cum spuneam in nesanatatea rumuneasca, erau deja cu 40% sub media europeana in 2008 (222 la 100000 de locuitori). Oare cat o mai fi acum? Pe baza datelor furnizate de britanici si stiind cati erau in 2008 putem calcula, ca in clasa a II-a din lumea a III-a:

The number of European nurses registering to work in Britain has doubled since strict checks on their competence – including language skills – were scrapped last October. In the first five months alone, almost 1,500 new nurses arrived.

The General Medical Council said that 22,060 – around 10 per cent – of doctors licensed to work in the UK were from the European Economic Area, including 1,862 doctors who qualified in Romania and 722 with Bulgarian qualifications.

UK va urma asadar exemplul francez de misculatii:

'But we want to go further, working with the GMC, to strengthen the whole system of local checks on the suitability of doctors, including their communication skills. Responsible officers will have a key role to play in this.'

Cam asta fu articolu’ mama. Ian sa videm in continoari daca-i broblem real.

Sources / More info: dm-winston-xenophobia

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