Scenele de abundenta extravaganta de la festivalul rromilor din Costesti, unde fiecare familie pare sa aiba un Mertzan sau BemVe, sunt in contrast cu viata pe care o traiesc majoritatea. Rromii, veniti cu secole in urma din nordul Indiei, sunt 8 milioane in Europa, din care cei mai multi ar fi in Romania (2 milioane).Cei doi regi rivali nu sunt numai vecini, ei sunt chiar veri. Florin Cioaba a mostenit tronul de la tatal sau, un supravietuitor al lagarelor de concentratie naziste, care s-a incoronat in 1990.
King Cioaba usually wears a suit and tie, the trappings of a modern monarch, as he likes to call himself. On special occasions, he pulls out the good stuff - a gold crown, sceptre and medallion.
"As a king, I fight to defend their rights, because the Roma have to have a symbol to believe in - a man that they know is on their side and fights for them," King Cioaba said.
Regele de peste drum ar fi mai democratic si se numeste Iulian Radulescu, si tatal lui a fost votat de mii de tigani nemultumiti cu regele "uns". Vorba lui Iulian Radulescu este ca versul manelesc:
"Everybody you ask will say I am the greatest leader, that is what everybody will say,"(...) Their long-running feud has descended to the level of personal slurs, with the Emperor accusing the King of "crowing like a rooster". He says he thinks the King might be "sick in the head" and has told him to go check himself in to a mental hospital.Cu demnitatea si pompa caracteristice aristocratiei, King Cioaba retorts:
"Anybody can call himself the king of soccer or the king of beer, but I am descended from a family who led this nation and everybody knows that the real King is Cioaba,"Din pacate, nu toti supusii sunt multumiti cu domniile respectivilor imparati. Zic unii ca nimeni nu misca un deget pentru binele comunitatii. Si totusi, tiganii vor supravietui, asa cum o fac de secole.
Dupa Romanian Gypsy royalty embroiled in leadership struggle - Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
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