Am discutat intr-un articol recent pasul inapoi facut de recentele reformele legislative din Romania. Iata ca ambasada US si UK intervin si ele AFP: US ambassador sparks row over criticism of Romania law reforms.AFP il citeaza pe larg pe Taubman, ambasadorul american:
"I am quite concerned ... about recent moves by the Parliament to weaken the ability of prosecutors and law enforcement officials to combat a wide range of serious crimes, including bribery and corruption," said ambassador Nicholas Taubman.Interventia ambasadorului american nu este catusi de putin surprinzatoare. Ce este surprinzator este raspunsul penibil, impertinent, VCTudorist al speaker-ului parlamentului:
Senior Romanian officials had briefed him on the "serious, negative impact" that the proposed changes would have, he said.
"The investigative tools and techniques that these parliamentarians want to eliminate in Romania are the very same ones that are widely used elsewhere in Europe and in the United States to protect the public good and to hold officials at all levels accountable.
"This is not just my view," added Taubman.
"A broad spectrum of Romanian and international experts have expressed concern that the proposed amendments, if enacted in law, would represent a real setback in Romania's efforts to fight many types of serious crime and corruption."
Taubman was speaking at a meeting of the Romania Civil Society Strengthening Program. His comments were posted on the US embassy website.
His remarks were supported by the British embassy to Romania, which said in a statement that it shared the concerns of the US government.
Olteanu retorted that Taubman owed his diplomatic appointment to having funded the election campaign of US President George W. Bush, "which in Romania would be considered an act of corruption, an immoral act." "If (Taubman) wants to hold forth on the limits to liberty set out in the laws adopted in the United States after 2001, he is welcome to do so," he added.Tenacitatea cu care noua clasa de lipitori din Romania lupta pentru "the right to suck" este gretoasa.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
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