Romani peste hotare II  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in ,

Dupa cum incepusem sa zic, . Continui cu cateva cuvinte despre orfani romani adoptati de familii din Utah care se intorc sa-si vada locurile natale dupa 15 ani.

hambur-child Am atins problema orfanilor cand am atins prima data nature v nurture, si-am mai piuit pe tema asta cand cu copiii sidilitici. Dupa cum am mai spus, cred si sustin adoptii cat mai simplificate si mai rapide in interesul copiilor dar nu in interesul statului sau a intrarii in Europa. Motivele sunt simple: cu cat copiii traiesc mai mult timp institutionalizati si in lipsa caldurii si afectiunii umane, cu atat sunt mai ramasi in urma. Iata ca acesti copii, adoptati cu sutele in anii ‘90, nu sunt complet deromanizati precum se-ntampla cu ienicerii din cantecul lui Andries:

Alexandru Andries - Mihai, câti copii îmi dai?

“Acum nu mai e vreme”, se ridica-n picioare Vasile,
“Ne-om aduna si-om vorbi mai peste vreo doua-trei zile…”
“Asculta, boiere, la usa e straja,
Asa ca n-o sa iesi sa te plimbi pe plaja,
Mihai, acuma-i vremea sa-mi spui câti copii îmi dai!”

“Selim”, zice-acesta, “copiilor mei le e foame,
La voi nu sunt cartofi, la voi cresc numai banane”.
“Lasa, nu-ti fa tu griji”, vorba Selim i-o-ntoarna,
“Ca-i pun sa culeaga banane la toamna;
Mihai, acuma-i vremea sa-mi spui câti copii îmi dai!”

“Dar aici s-au nascut”, intervine Vasile din usa,
“Aici au conditii, la voi n-au decât câte-o matusa!”
“Tu ce te amesteci?”, Selim îl priveste,
“Poate ca tocmai matusa aceea-i iubeste!
Mihai, acuma-i vremea sa-mi spui câti copii îmi dai!”

“Ba nu-ti dau nici un copil”, Mihai se burzuluieste,
“Pâna nu ma conving ca asa la voi se traieste,
Vreau sa verific Coranul si bugetul alocat,
Programul lor zilnic si fiece pat”
Selim zice “Hai,
Copiii sunt ai mei, Mihai!”


Cincisprezece ani dupa ce au fost adoptati de familii din USA, acest grup de copii se intorc la orfelinatele unde si-au petrecut primii ani din viata pentru a insufla speranta si poate si pentru a da acelor copii cate ceva din ceea ce le lipseste cel mai mult: cetatenia americana caldura sufleteasca.

Am discutat cu cativa oameni care au adoptat copii din Romania. Impresiile lor sunt in general negative. Acei dintre ei mai putin educati pareau chiar sa aiba impresia ca cel putin o parte din ramanerea in urma sau problemele copiilor adoptati din orfelinate s-ar dator genelor romanesti. Nici unul dintre ei – si nici macar dintre romani – nu pare sa-nteleaga ca in contextul crizei demografice ce va sa vina (rorazvan-migratia-masiva, adevarul-migratia), acesti copii ar fi trebuit crescuti in Romania – pacat ca n-avea cine si cum sa faca asta. Articolul este semnificativ pentru rollercoaster-ul emotional prin care trec familiile si copiii adoptati.

PROVO — Danielle Pulley remembers very little of the Romanian orphanage she lived in until she was seven years old -- the color of the walls, where the cafeteria was and that her best friend there had blue eyes and blonde hair.

But after 15 years, she will return to that same orphanage to "give the kids hope," she said. The orphanage will be just one stop that Pulley and 11 others who were all adopted from Romania will make in September to serve children who were not as fortunate as they were.

"It will be emotional, but a good one," said Pulley, who became teary-eyed just thinking about going back.

Friday night these 12 young adults served food to a couple hundred people at a dinner and auction put on by the Natalia Foundation in the Eldred Senior Center in Provo to raise money for their trip. The Natalia Foundation is a nonprofit organization started in Utah that aims at doing humanitarian projects in Romania.

This September will be group's fourth trip to Romania, but for most of the 12 young adults, it will be their first time returning to their homeland.

Pulley's mother, Annette, said she had to wait three years to get her daughter because of complications in finding the biological parents.

She said Danielle would wait at the window, watching for her to come back.

"It was horrible," the adoptive mother said of the experience, her own eyes filling with tears.

Annette Pulley already had five children when she adopted Danielle and another little girl, Mickelle, from Romania, but it was something she said she knew she had to do. Many of the other parents who adopted from Romania and who attended the event said they feel the same way.

While Annette Pulley is a little nervous about the memories her daughter may have as she steps back into the orphanage, where she was chained to her bed because there was not enough adult supervision for the number of children, she is also excited to be able to help the Romanian children in need.

The group will be taking with them homemade blankets for newborns who would otherwise be taken home without any warm wrapping, shoes for children at several different schools and many willing hands that will be painting orphanages and making a safe house for soe of the estimated 6,000 to 9,000 Romanian children who live on the streets, having either run away from orphanages or homes because of neglect or abuse or who have been abandoned.

Daniella Brady, 18 who was adopted from Romania when she was just a few days old and has been to Romania since, said she is most excited about being with the youngsters living on the street.

"I don't know how they do it, but every time you see them they have the biggest smiles on their faces," she said of the children, many of whom live in sewers or bushes on the sides of roads.

Not only will they be working at making Romania better for the children in need there, many of these young adults will try to reconnect with their biologic parents.

One of those who is excited and a little nervous to do this

is Corey Beus, 18 from Highland. He was adopted when he was a few months old and said his birth family are "like strangers" to him but they do remember giving him up.

He said he spoke to his mother on the phone a while ago, but she only got the word "hi" out before she became too emotional to speak.

"You do feel a connection talking to them," Beus said.

Chance Worsley, an 18-year-old from Provo, who was adopted when he was two days old, said he is not as interested in finding his parents as he is in helping all the children there.

He said the only thing he is worried about is not having time to get everything done that they want to.

"It's not just that I want to make myself better," Worsley said, thinking about what his life could have been like, "but that I need to give back. There's never going to be enough to give back compared to what I've been given."

Excursia a fost organizata de Natalia Foundation, iar pozele sunt de la un fundraising care a avut loc in Provo’s Eldred Senior Center. Provo se afla in Utah, unde o proportie foarte mare din locuitori sunt de religie mormoni (voi scrie despre ei mai tarziu). Biserica lor este foarte puternica, ultimele stiri fiind despre arestarea a doi barbati care se sarutau in fata ei de catre politia bisericii.

Aceasta calatorie este o idee excelenta atat pentru adoptatii americani, cat mai ales pentru orfelinatele si orfanii romani, care au o nevoie disperata de astfel de atentie. Oricum, zic unii ca vacantele romanesti ar fi divine (vacante-divine)Star.

Sources / More info: deseret-adoptees, ro-meps-euractiv, Asculta mai mult Andries, rorazvan-migratia-masiva, adevarul-migratia, lds-anti-kiss, vacante-divine, wiki-adoption

I Wished for You: An Adoption Story (Hardcover) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child: From Your First Hours Together Through the Teen Years (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Whole Life Adoption Book: Realistic Advice for Building a Healthy Adoptive Family Updated Edition (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn)
Labours of Love: Canadians Talk About Adoption (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) We Belong Together: A Book About Adoption and Families (Hardcover) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Making Sense Adopton (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Attaching in Adoption: Practical Tools for Today's Parents (Hardcover) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn)
Over the Moon: An Adoption Tale (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) The Post-Adoption Blues: Overcoming the Unforeseen Challenges of Adoption (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Raising Adopted Children, Revised Edition (Paperback) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn)

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