Premiera Mad Men Sezon 3 si film romanesc de groaza in T.O.  

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Citeam deunazi despre un film romanesc si serialul meu favorit de televiziune debuteaza azi in al 3-lea sezon. Nu sunt obsedat de TV, dar asta pare sa creada fiecare despre sine. In orice caz, acest serial este unul din cele 3 motive pentru care inca merita sa platesti pentru cablu TV in Toronto.

Mad Men poster Este greu de zis ce anume mi-a format gustul pentru acest show. Cred ca totul a-nceput cu L.A. Condifential, exercitiul in glamour din decade demult derulate cu Kim Bassinger si Kevin Spacey. Mad Men reuseste sa fie la fel de bine jucat, la fel de “aratos”, la fel de dens dar pe parcursul mult mai multor ore.

Mad Men is an L.A. Confidential that keeps on giving!

Mad Men este un titlu pe care cei care lucrau in industria de advertising, centratata in New York City, pe Madison Avenue, si l-au dat lor insisi. Prin anii ‘60, cand industria americana intelesese potentialul televizorului in a insamanta dorinta de a cumpara in capul oamenilor, contractele au inceput sa curga pe Mad Ave. Iar oamenii care lucrau acolo au influentat cultura unei tari care era deja vioara intai in concertul international.

Cand abia fusese anuntat, eram atat de bucuros incat am dat chiar o petrecere de vizionare si-am anuntat-o pe Facebook (vezi jos in surse), dar din pacate nu toti prietenii mei erau atat de patrunsi de idee ca mine. Am cam renuntat la Mad Men Fad Fan group on Facebook. De-atunci, meme-ul s-a raspandit, si-ntr-un articol publicat tot azi, considera ca daca nu te uiti la acest serial esti un dobitoc. Eu nu sunt chiar atat de transant in opinii, cu atat mai mult cu cat inteleg de la Cinesseur ca serialul nu poate fi urmarit la TV in Romania. Asa ca legal, ce poti face este sa cumperi DVD-urile (care-au aparut si-n format BlueRay), sau eventual cumpara-le de pe iTunes. Exista si alte posibilitati, pe care desigur, nu le recomand, dar le-am pus in Surse la sfarsit ca dovada de cat este de popular serialul.

Societatea americana din anii ‘60, asa cum este prezentata in acest serial, nu este cu mult diferita de cea romana a zilelor noastre, cel putin asa am eu impresia. Oamenii muncesc de se sparg si unii chiar dorm la birou, dar “munca” include petreceri cu curve (tot la birou), consumul de alcool, fumatul non-stop si fara rusine, inclusiv la lucru sau in camera cu copii mici, aruncatul gunoaielor dupa picnic in rau sau pe iarba, inselarea sotiei, sexism, hartuire sexuala ca modus operandi, homofobie rampanta, tratamentul celor de culoare (tiganii, in cazul nostru) ca fiind anmale vorbitoare si lipsa totala sau marginalizarea opiniilor divergente. Pe scurt, daca te enerveaza corectitudinea politica, acest show prezinta o lume poleita in aur unde barbatii inca erau in deplin control iar femeile stateau acasa, cresteau copiii si se plictiseau si nu stiau ce sa faca cu timpul liber; deci este pur escapism!

Premiile colectate in cei 2 ani de existenta sunt superlative (nominalizarile, mult mai numeroase, pe imdb):Applause

  • Excellence in Production Design Award for the episodes “The Jet Set” (2009) & “Shoot” (2008) from Art Directors Guild (ADG)
  • Outstanding International Program or Event from Astra, 2009
  • BAFTA TV Award for Best International, 2009
  • 2008 Artios from the Casting Society of America for Outstanding Achievement in Casting – Television Pilot – Drama
  • 2009 CDG Award for Outstanding Costume Design for Television Series – Period/Fantasy
  • 2008 – DGA Award for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Dramatic Series – Night
  • 2009 Emmy for Outstanding: Art Direction for a Single-Camera Series, Cinematography for a One-Hour Series, Drama Series, Hairstyling for a Single-Camera Series, Main Title Design, Writing for a Drama Series
  • 2008 Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actor in a TV Series and Best TV Series
  • 2009 Golden Nymph for Drama TV Series, Outstanding Actor – Drama Series and Outstanding Actress – Drama Series at the Monte-Carlo TV Festival
  • Television Producer of the Year Award in Episodic PGA Award for Drama 2009
  • 2008 Peabody Award
  • Satellite Award for Best Ensemble, Television 2009
  • Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series from Screen Actors Guild 2009
  • Television Critics Association (TCA) Award for Outstanding Achievement in Drama and (New) Program of the Year 2008
  • Writers Guild of America – WGA Award (TV) for New Series (2008) and Dramatic Series (2009) iata si exemple Not worthy Bucura-te!

Ce zic actorii si cum isi inteleg rolurile (Mad Libs, din Eye Weekly):

Jon Hamm on Mad Men Jon Hamm
Don Draper: creative director, imposter
“Don is somebody who, as we know from his history, has certainly worn a lot of hats — no pun intended — and changed quite viscerally. He’s adopted another man’s identity. But does he fundamentally change? He tries to and very often he backslides to his actual way of being. He’s trying to be a better man. And maybe he’s not cut out for that.”

January Jones on Mad Men January Jones
Betty Draper: wife, mother
“In Season One she kept everything inside. You could tell something was wrong. Every once in a while she would have an explosion of emotion. Season Two she had evolved into a stronger person. She had the courage to kick Don out of the house. And Season Three, without giving too much away, so far she’s been happy — which has been bizarre for me to play.”

Elisabeth Moss on Mad Men Elisabeth Moss
Peggy Olson: copywriter, proto-feminist
“Peggy is not out to break through any glass ceiling or take a stand because it’s the ’60s. She just loves advertising, has good ideas and wants to be heard. She’s lucky enough to have, in Don Draper, a mentor who recognizes that she’s good and gives her a chance. If you said ‘feminist,’ she would probably think it was some female product.”

John Slattery on Mad Men John Slattery
Roger Sterling: senior partner, divorcee
“Roger is someone who has the courage of his convictions. Socially there was a lot more permission to do some of the things Roger does: screwing around, smoking, drinking during the day, sexist comments in the office. What I like about him is he makes a decision and then deals with the fallout afterwards.”

Vincent Kartheiser on Mad Men Vincent Kartheiser
Pete Campbell: account executive, schemer
“I find it funny when I talk to a guy who is obviously a Pete Campbell and he’s like, ‘Your character is so weaselly.’ And I’m thinking, ‘Yeah dude, it’s you.’  It’s me. We all became Pete Campbell. We’re all whiny little bitches who think we should get everything today. Being born in the Western world is pretty much being born with a silver spoon in your mouth.”

Christina Hendriks on Mad Men Christina Hendricks
Joan Holloway: office manager, bombshell
“I think sexuality is incredibly powerful and I don’t think Joan is necessarily being aggressive with it. When a woman is confident like she is, men respond and it is a very powerful thing. The one thing about the costumes is that they might be tight and fitted but they are not vulgar and Joan never really says anything sexual or anything with innuendo.”

Matt Weiner, the genius behind Mad Men Matt Weiner
creator, writer, show-runner
“Mad Men is every aspect of my life. It is destroying every relationship in my life. I am having an affair with it. I am obsessed with it 24 hours a day. I am constantly in a terror about failing, like all artists. I feel very secure that I’ve done something permanent that I am very proud of but here we are. You don’t want to be miserable but the show runs on my discomfort.”

Daca toate cele de mai sus nu te-au lamurit inca despre ce-i vorba si nu te-au umplut de palpitatii, iata o ultima incercare cu un album de poze si scans, din care unele spun o poveste:


Filmul romanesc

Cat despre filmul romanesc din titlu, n-am timp sa-l vad, dar iata ce-i cu el:

Strigoi **
Dir Faye Jackson w/ Catalin Paraschiv, Constantin Barbulescu. 105 min. Aug 17, 9:29pm.
Gore and so-deadpan-it’s-hardly-even-there comedy jar sharply in this tonally challenged British production. Catalin Paraschiv stars as a college graduate who returns to his Romanian village to find a wealthy landowner is dead and that a vampire plague may have broken out. Despite a nice sense of atmosphere, Strigoi is more self-consciously odd than funny, and is hampered further by a dull lead performance by Paraschiv.  WS

Filmul a primit numai 2 stele din 5, din pacate cel mai slab cotat din festivalul filmelor de groaza, Toronto After Dark Festival din 2009, desi pe IMDB vad ca are 8.1/10, un rating foarte mare.

Sources / More info: MadMen-ConsumedConsumer, MM-on-Facebook, cinesseur-mad-men, cinemagia-mad-men, mediafax-mad-men, mad-men-tv-blog, AMCtv-MM, MM-on-wikipedia, MM-episode-guides, cracked-u-idiot, lj-scans-MM, mmm-MM-EW, MM-flickr, MM-torrents-mnv, MM-isohunt, Eye-toronto-after-dark-2009, Finala sezonului 2, imdb-strigoi, yt

Kings of Madison Avenue: The Unofficial Guide to Mad Men by Jesse McLean (Paperback - Sep 1 2009) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Mad Men: Season 1 (DVD - 2008) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Mad Men: Season 2 (DVD - 2009) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn)
V2 Mad Men: Music From The Ser by Various (Audio CD - 2009) - Compilation (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Mad Men: Season 1 [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray - 2008) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn) Mad Men: Season Two [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray - 2009) (.CA, .UK, .FR, .DE, .JP, .cn)

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