…si nu toti cei de pe asistenta sociala sunt milogi. Dupa ce am relatat ca IHT s-a uitat la o familie de romani din Spania (stirea 4 din 10), iata ca si NYT, simbolul presei libere ucigatoare de copaci, descrie cazul unui cuplu de romani in varsta care au preferat sa faca foame decat s-ajunga pe welfare. Este greu de zis daca o duc sau nu mai bine in New York decat oriunde altundeva in Romania.
Inainte de a continua, este util sa clarific diferenta intre imigrant si emigrant, diferenta data practic de sistemul de referinta. O clarific in special pentru mine, intrucat uit tot timpul. Desi ambele cuvinte practic se refera la aceeasi persoana, e~ este cum persoana respectiva este numita de catre sine sau conationali, in timp ce i~ este numele pe care i-l dau cei din tara gazda. De pilda, romanii vor numi capsunarii emigranti, in timp ce spaniolii ii vor numi imigranti. In mod similar, romanii ii vor numi pe somalezii sau arabii ramasi in Romania imigranti, in timp ce ei isi vor zice emigranti. NB: in engleza se scrie immigration, emigration si exista si migration, dar asta nu importa
(migratie e mult mai impersonal, referindu-se la grupari mari demografice sau chiar animale sau placi tectonice). De pilda, putem spune ca Majoritatea romanilor vad emigrarea ca solutie la problemele personale dar si ca VC Tudor, Becali si Neika s-au luat de mana si-au plecat in coloana de Capalna catre Zimbabwe, intr-un fenomen numit de istorici Migratia Natangilor.
Asa cum spaniolii si italienii au invatat in ultimii 2-3 ani (iht, 4) romanii si tiganii romani nu le vor parasi tara indiferent la cate porcarii, umilinte si manarii vor fi supusi. In mod similar, oamenii continua sa zboare cu avionul in ciuda masurilor de securitate din ce in ce mai demente. Tot astfel, romanii nu se-ntorc pentru simplul motiv ca in Romania este in continuare mai rau decat in Occident si ca multi considera ca nu se pot intoarce acasa cu mana goala (in Spania se gasesc mai greu manusile, probabil). Unii isi vor inventa chiar o realitate alternativa, in care sunt bogati, si vor incerca sa-i convinga pe altii si pe ei insisi de ea (“vai, dar ce se-ntampla?”) Si daca asta-i situatia oamenilor tineri si proaspat plecati din tara, cu atat mai dificil este pentru cei care practic si-au trait viata in NYC. Moise G. Balan si sotia Steriana, romani refugiati politic traind in Manhattan, au fost exilati in 1981 de Ceasca, care le-a dat un pasaport ce expira in 6 luni, sperand sa scape astfel de ei si de greva foamei lor.
Viata celor doi este deosebit de interesanta. Dl Balan a fost nascut la Auschwitz, unde parintii lui au murit. NB: asta nu-nseamna neparat ca-i evreu, putea foarte bine sa fie tigan sau din parinti saraci; oricum, nu asta-i important. Cert este ca medicii nazisti au facut cateva experiente pe el, inlocuindu-i un ochi si lasadu-i cateva cicatrice pe fata, aruncandu-l in final la gunoi, de unde a fost recuperat de bunic. Acum traiesc din asistenta sociala, dar refuza uneori ajutoare, preferand sa faca foame. Steriana nu a primit cetatenia americana, desi traieste in US de mai bine de 10 ani si el este cetatean.
Forbes publica un articol (frbsc) despre un sondaj facut intre expatriati, care incearca sa afle ce tara este cea mai prietenoasa din lume – prietenoasa insemnand unde cunosti localnici cel mai usor. Rezultatele HSBC Bank International's Expat Exploreer Survey arata ca 95% din expatriatii canadieni si-au facut astfel de prieteni, urmati de 92% in Germania si 91% in Australia. E interesant ca USA e abia pe locul 6, dupa UK si respectiv India, iar Spania-i pe 7, la egalitate cu Hong Kong. Cei mai tristi sunt cei din UAE, numai 54% – probabil d-aia tot fac sex pe plaja.
It's no wonder they likely find Canada so welcoming. It has an accessible language, diverse culture and low levels of government corruption, says Patricia Linderman, editor of Tales from a Small Planet, an online newsletter for expats.
It also has other expats. This is important, Linderman says, since even the most gracious locals already have busy, established lives and can be unwilling to put in the effort to befriend someone they know could leave within several years.
"I'm not suggesting that it's good to live in an 'expat ghetto'. It's immensely rewarding to live among local people and make friends with them," she says.
Linderman says other expats are important because they share similar needs like making friends and adjusting to life in a new country. They also understand the frustrations daily life brings.
"A significant expat community," she says, "also means that there will be at least one truly international school, expat support groups and amenities like English-language bookstores."
Joining a recreational sports team or community group can help speed integration. Almost half of respondents reported taking this action, with Germany leading the pack at 65%. Churches, organizations and schools provide good places to forge friendships with people who possess common interests and beliefs.
"When I was an expat in Hong Kong, I became a member of the local football club and found it was a fantastic way of meeting like-minded people," says Paul Fay, head of marketing and communication at HSBC Bank International, of his expat experience in Hong Kong. "Particularly in Asia joining these clubs works to your advantage."
Australia scored high in friendliness but ranked last when it came to joining a group. That's because expats in Australia tend to be younger, with 51% in the 18-34 age group, and may not need organized groups to facilitate meeting new people.
Groupthink is less of an issue in Germany, since meeting people there is relatively easy.
"I'm not surprised that Germany is a popular choice whether you are going for a short-term cultural experience or a long-term job assignment," says Robin Pascoe of expatexpert.com, a Web site for families living and working abroad. "Germany has fantastic international schools for the kids of expats."
Germany is also considered middle-of-the-road culturally, according to Neil Payne, who works for Kwintessential, a translation services company in the U.K. Anyone you stop on the street can talk to you in English, he says. What's more, "working conditions are also very well respected and there is a nice delineation for work life and social life, which we don't have in England."
China,India and United Arab Emirates scored low overall because cultural differences from the West made integration difficult.
This doesn't surprise Payne.
"Our experience is that people do struggle and find it hard to adapt," he says. "It's the psychological difference: so far removed from what Western expats are used to."
Still, says Fay, don't eliminate a country simply because of a language barrier.
"Cantonese and Mandarin can be very challenging for Western expatriates," he says, "though for those who are resilient and do invest, it can be an incredible experience."
Articolul de sus e mai important pentru barbati, dat fiind ca femeile au in Forbes un articol dedicat special lor (forbsf), si anume unul dedicat WEF’s Global Gender Gap Index, un studiu care masoara in ce masura fumeile au ajuns la egalitate cu ele insele (ca barbati nu prea mai sunt, in multe din aceste tari), la urmatoarele categorii:
- participare, remunerare si promovare in munca
- sanatate si speranta de viata (habar n-am cum si mai ales de ce se mai masoara)
- educatie (cand m-am uitat la statistica asta erau aici 3 univ grad f la 1 m)
- participarea in viata politica nationala
Cum era de asteptat, Norvegia e pe primul loc si o tara araba (Yemen) pe ultimul.
The Philippines ranks sixth, Sri Lanka 12th and Lesotho, Mozambique and Cuba roll in at 16th, 18th and 25th respectively--all ahead of the U.S., at 27th place, and Canada, at 31st.
To be sure, the study doesn't claim that these countries have high levels of opportunity or freedom overall--just that, while Lesothoans may be poor and Cubans oppressed, men and women are these things equally. But I still consider some of the findings dubious. My impressionistic takes are just that--impressionistic. But here are what some of them tell me.
Consider the placement of France, a country I lived in for two years, at 15th place--12 spots ahead of the U.S. I don't buy it. Or rather, while I'm prepared to believe the report when it says that in two of its four categories, health and political empowerment, women in France have achieved greater parity with men than in the U.S., I don't feel it.
France is a society obsessed with correctness. There's a correct way to speak, a correct way to dress and a correct cheese to eat with a bottle of Sancerre in the month of June. Which has its charm, but is also part of the reason that even as women advanced professionally, France never experienced their revolt against expectation.
While perhaps taken to excess in North America, the U.S. strain of bra-burning feminism, the one that said "I will not look pretty or behave properly," achieved some refreshing results. Like American men, American women have much more permission to self-invent than citizens of most of the rest of the world.
France, like many European countries, has imposed gender quotas for political office holders at various levels of government--in effect affirmative action for women. (Which is odd, because the government has a history of rejecting affirmative action for minorities despite obvious discrimination.) And yet French legal rigidity in other areas makes social change difficult.
For example, you can't really buy groceries on a Sunday in Paris because of labor laws. Likewise in Germany--11th place for equality--it wasn't until 2006 that the government did away with a federal law banning stores from staying open after 8 p.m. on weekdays. It's pretty much impossible to have a two-career family if you can't buy groceries in the evening. Heavy meddling in the economy reduces everyone's options.
I was also surprised to see how high South Africa scored--22nd--given the number of times I've read about the country's high rape statistics; at least one study has reported that it leads the world.
South Africa ranked highly--9th place--in just one of the four categories, political empowerment, which brought up its overall rank. Underlying that score was a high ratio of women to men among government ministers, at 0.81 to 1. Outgoing President Thabo Mbeki may have admirably led the way in appointing female ministers, but maybe such high-level political participation shouldn't be weighted as heavily when measuring equality. There's no parity when basic safety for women doesn't exist.
One final observation: I was surprised that the Philippines, at 6th place, beat out not just the U.S. but uber-egalitarian Denmark and the Netherlands, places where it's unusual for the guy to so much as pick up the check. The Philippines gets top marks for female heads of state, to be sure--prior to current President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo there was Corazon Aquino--and is among the minority of countries where female unemployment is a little lower than male unemployment.
But that statistic made me think of all the Filipinas around the globe working as nurses and housekeepers. Women are the country's expatriate workers, remitting their earnings back home, some lucky enough to be legally employed in well-to-do democracies--and some toiling with virtually no rights in places like the Gulf states. Certainly, they get a status boost from being their families' breadwinners. But is exporting the female population as labor a sign of equality?
As far as measuring what it claims to measure, the Gender Gap Index is sober enough. But true equality may be too slippery to compute. Social pressure and cultural attitudes are impossible to quantify but still have a dramatic effect on one's quality of life.
As totted up by the WEF, I'd rather live in a less equal U.S. than a more equal South Africa, Cuba ... or France.
Eu am tot scris despre feminism si diferentele culturale intre Canada si Romania. Ce-as vrea eu sa desprind dintr-un astfel de studiu este cum poti integra in sistem o femeie care nu-si doreste altceva decat sa apartina cuiva, de obicei unui barbat, care vrea sa fie iubita, si-n rest sa-i lase pe altii (de obicei barbatii) sa-si bata capul cu procente si locuri in parlament. Si-as mai vrea sa stiu in ce masura majoritatea femeilor se identifica total cu feminismul cu par scurt si belciuge pe fata, sau este asta o forma de protest impotriva barbatilor care n-au rabdare si termina mult prea repede?
Pana una-alta, aflu de la limpede (lmpd) ca romanii iar fac coada sa plece in Spania la cules de corcoduse, chit ca somajul este in crestere acolo, majoritatea fiind romani care nu vor sa vina inapoi in Ro nici macar platiti. Si cum ar putea romanii sa aiba incredere in economia si guvernul roman, daca pana si prim-ministrul desemnat nu vrea sa aiba de-a face nici cu una, nici cu alta (evz1-4, cl, st)?!?
Surse: NYT, evz, evzi, frbsc, frbsc-ss, frbsf, lmpd, evz1, evz2, evz3, evz4, c1, st
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