Zeus ca tatic  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in ,

Ma-ncearca o durere de cap. Dac-as fi muritor de rand, m-as gandi ca am o problema la falca. Dar fiind si eu un zeu protoroman, imi imaginez ca-s bortos la cap, ca Zeus.

Grecii au o boala pe proprii copii. Cea mai mare parte a mitologiei grecesti e caracterizata de pruncucideri si un sadism ciudat, indreptat impotriva celor mici si natafleti. Probabil asa s-au nascut cei mai mari ganditori ai acelor timpuri, intr-un foarte crud proces de selectie:

La micul dejun, in timp ce se-ndoapa cu Feta si Gyros, tatal ii spune fiului, calm, demn si cu gura-plina: Sper c-ai dormit bine. Acum pregateste-te sa mori. Dupa masa, tatal vine cu toporul, intrerupandu-si progenitura din jocul de Go, Tintar sau – stiu si eu – ce Nintendo sau HC-85 B.C. aveau ei pe vremea ‘ceea. Tatal zice: Mno! Copilul se-ntoarce catra el si-ncepe: I hate to break it 2 u, da’ ce crezi tu ca ai in mana, nu este topor. Nu este nici macar o d-aia mare. Toporul tau nu exista. Mana ta nu exista. Aia mare nu exista. (Infricosat, tatal se pipaie.) Noi nu existam. Totul este relativ. Tatal: Whoa! Never thought of it this way.. Evident ca nu toti copiii ziceau asta. Cei care nu ziceau, intrau in mitologie, devenind zei. De unde se vede ca vorba “Daca taceai, filosof ramaneai” ar trebui sa se refere la zei. Sau poate ca zeii si filosofii sunt facuti din aceeasi plamada, de oameni care se cred cu mult mai tari decat sunt ei cu-adevarat.

Un articol despre Zeus nu poate fi scris fara cantecul Cubuletelor de Zahar (Sugarcubes) despre Deus, tot astfel cu n-as putea scrie despre Zeus fara sa fi scris despre Horus intai. Si fiindca Deus nu-i nimic far’de Venus, am bagat si Venus as a boy.

An agnostic anthem, isn’t it? Islandezii n-au fost crestinati cu aceeasi cruzime ca restul Europei. Ca urmare, pastreaza un amestec de crestinism si credinte pagane cu spirite si spiridusi nemaiintalnite la alte popoare. Si nu intamplator se afla pe unul din primele locuri in topul celor mai fericite popoare. Poate ma-nvrednicesc sa scriu mai multe despre ei intr-o buna zi. Check out the lyrics:

1 Björk
Deus does not exist.
But if he does, he lives in the sky above me,
In the fattest largest cloud up there.
He's whiter than white and cleaner then clean.
He wants to reach me.

2 Björk
Deus does not exist.
But if he does I always notice him.
Getting ready in his airy room.
He's picking his gloves so gently off.
He wants to touch me.

3 Björk
I'm walking humbly down a tiny street,
Pulling my collar it gets bigger,

5 Björk
To create a universe
You must taste
The forbidden fruit.

7 Björk
Deus does not exist,
But if he does
he'd want to get down from that cloud,
First marzipan fingers then marble hands,
More silent than silence and slower than slow,
Diving towards me.

My collar is huge room for two hands,
They start at the chest and move slowly down.

9 Einar & Björk
Deus, Deus, Deus, Deus
He does not exist

( Repeat 'til the end )

4 Einar
I once met him,
It really surprised me,
He put me in a bath tub,
Made me squeaky clean,
Really clean.

6 Einar
He said hi. I said hi,
I was still clean.

8 Einar
I thought I had seen everything,
He wasn't white and fluffy,
He just had side burns,
He just had side burns,
And a quiff,
He said hi.
I said hi. I was still clean,
I was squeaky clean.
I was surprised.
Just as you would be.


his wicked - sense of humour
suggests - exciting sex!

his fingers - they focus on her
touches - he's venus as a boy

he believes in a beauty
he's venus as a boy

he's exploring - the taste of her
arousal - so accurate

he sets off - the beauty in her
he's venus - venus as a boy

he believes in a beauty
he's venus as a boy


Stiu ce te gandesti. Fragmentul de mai sus pare mai apocrif de felu’ sau. Si poate-asa e. Hai sa ne uitam la ce stim pi buni despre Zeus, folosind about.com ca sursa.


Parents of Aphrodite and Hephaestus

Although they may have been Zeus' children, the lineage of 2 second-generation Olympians is in question:

  • Some claim Aphrodite (the goddess of love and beauty) sprang from the foam and severed genitals of Uranus. Homer refers to Aphrodite as the daughter of Dione and Zeus.
  • Some (including Hesiod in the introductory quote) claim Hera as sole parent of Hephaestus, the lame blacksmith god.
    • "But Zeus himself gave birth from his own head to bright-eyed Tritogeneia (29), the awful, the strife-stirring, the host-leader, the unwearying, the queen, who delights in tumults and wars and battles. But Hera without union with Zeus -- for she was very angry and quarrelled with her mate -- bare famous Hephaestus, who is skilled in crafts more than all the sons of Heaven."
    • -Hesiod Theogony 924ff

It is interesting, but to my knowledge insignificant, that these two with uncertain parentage married.

Zeus as Parent

Many of Zeus' liaisons were unusual; for instance, he disguised himself as a cuckoo bird to seduce Hera. Two of his children were born in a manner he might have learned from his father or grandfather: Zeus swallowed Metis while she was pregnant. When the fetus was fully formed, Zeus gave birth to their daughter Athena. Lacking the proper feminine apparatus, he gave birth through his head. After Zeus had frightened or burned his mistress Semele to death, but before she was completely incinerated, Zeus removed the fetus of Dionysus from her womb and sewed it into his thigh where the wine god-to-be developed until ready for rebirth.


Tragand linie, aflam ca in Olymp, zeii si restul vietatilor s-au nascut din Chaos si Uranus si-n general pe cai obscure si nesigure. Tot ce se stie cu siguranta este ca cei nascuti din UrAnus sunt avocatii. Cei cu forme maimutoide s-au acuplat in d(r)aci, pana au facut copii. S-au acuplat si cu copiii, pana au ajuns asa multi, ca i-au batut cu Cu pe ceilalti Ti. Cam toata mitologia greaca e plina de tati care-si omoara tatii si apoi isi mananca ai lor copii, temandu-se ca daca astia fac ochi vor repeta ciclul (iti vine sa te-ntrebi daca exista si la ei pensia alimentara sau daca tatii sunt vaduvi negri). Femeile speciei salveaza si ascund cel putin unul, care se-ntoarce precum fiul risipitor si risipeste creierii babacului, indeplinind soarta cruda si imuabila. Zeus rezolva ciclu’ de broblem, inghitindu-si fomeia gravida, care nici in burdihanul sau nu tace si continua sa-i zica de ce e rau si ce e bine, precum Maiakovsky. Norman O. Brown considera ca Zeus a reusit sa intrerupa recursia fiindca a stabilit o noua ordine mondiala, cum a vrut si Ceasca, sau mai nou, Hugo Chavez. Dara ordinea lu’ Zeus era bazata pe lege, el devenind Statul si deci deasupra legii, motiv pentru care ordinea a rezistat. L’etat c’est moi, si liniste ca va sparg!

Revenind la durerea mea de cap, cred ca termenul englezesc de splitting headache vine de la asa ceva. Adica o durere asa de mare, ca simiti cum capul tau e pe cale sa se crape-n doua si din el sa iasa un stol de porumbei, sau TrigogeneiaAlien. Oricum, pe mine nu ma mai doare fiindca ti-am pasat-o tie. O simti? Wave

Surse: olympians,

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