Continui discutia imigratiei in contextul canadian descriind si regurgitand cateva din luarile de pozitie ale ministrului imigratiei cat si cateva din particularitatile sociatatii si sistemului canadian.
Cateva date importante despre Canada si imigratia canadiana:
- Unul din cinci canadieni (20%) nu s-a nascut in Canada. Canada este cea mai primitoare tara din lume, judecand dupa numarul de imigranti acceptati raportat la populatie.
- In 2006, dupa StatsCan, cei care nu se nascusera in Canada erau din UK 9.4%, CN 7.5%, IN 7.2%, PH 4.9% and IT 4.8%
- Imigratia recenta vine cu precadere din Asia. Pentru Toronto, in 2001 sursele sunt:
1 India 147,170 7% 2 United Kingdom 142,990 7% 3 Italy 138,990 7% 4 China, People's Republic of 136,140 7% 5 Hong Kong 110,740 5% 6 Philippines 103,170 5% 7 Jamaica 92,200 5% 8 Portugal 78,900 4% 9 Poland 70,500 3% 10 Sri Lanka 68,790 3%
- In prezent, 20% din canadieni vorbesc o alta limba iar 11.9% vorbesc acasa o limba straina, comparativ cu 10.4% in 2005.
- Desi s-a discutat recent reducerea imigratiei pe perioada recesiei, s-a decis ca aceasta sa se mentina la 250000 PRs pentru 2009. “Canada is facing a long-term labour shortage so the government is not going to turn off the immigration tap only to have to turn it back on later,” stated Minister Kenney. British Columbia and Alberta alone are going to need an additional 600,000 foreign workers over the next five years, he went on to say, as aging workers retire and their economies continue to expand.
- Canada este de departe tara considerata de Natiunile Unite (UN) ca fiind cea mai “traibila” tara din lume (de 8 ori Number One).
- 6 din 10 Canadieni nascuti aici (60%+) nu pot trece examenul de cetatenie (Dominion Institute Survey) continand cateva intrebari simple despre istoria si geografia Canadei; imigrantii au un scor mult mai bun – numai 30% au picat.
- Ca urmare a crizei din Liban din 2006, cand s-a descoperit ca unii dintre cei “salvati” din Liban, desi cetateni canadieni, n-au trait niciodata in Canada. Nu este clar cati “cetateni de convenienta” exista, dar din 15000 de oameni adusi in Canada la un cost de $94 de milioane, 7000 s-au intors inapoi in Liban dupa 1 luna, cand situatia s-a calmat. Ca urmare, ultima lege de imigrare a decis ca acei copii ai cetatenilor canadieni nascuti in strainatate care ar fi mostenit cetatenia de la parinti nu o vor mai primi automat.
- Imigrantii recenti – veniti in ultimii 20 de ani – nu s-au descurcat la fel de bine economic ca predecesorii lor. Noii veniti par sa ramana in urma din ce in ce mai mult. Dupa Statistics Canada, un om ajuns inainte de 1970 se putea astepta sa ajunga sa castiga la fel de bine cu unul nascut aici dupa 10 ani. In 2000, cineva ajuns in Canada cu 10 ani mai devreme facea numai 80% din venitul celui nascut aici. In 2005, numai 63%.
- In ciuda retoricii progresiste din legea multiculturalismului lui Trudeau, politica imigratiei canadiene a fost pragmatica si legata de performanta economica – tot Trudeau a introdus sistemul “punctelor”. Mai mult, pe vremea lui Trudeau (Liberal), in anii ‘70-80, Canada accepta 100000 de imigranti anual. Abia pe vremea lui Mulroney (Conservator) in ‘90 limita a fost ridicata la 250000.
- In 2005, the Fraser Institute released a report by economist Herbert Grubel that showed immigrants who arrived in Canada during the 1990s cost taxpayers $18.3 billion in various types of welfare payments in 2002 alone. When asked about it, Joe Volpe, who was the Liberal immigration minister at the time, slammed the Fraser Institute as anti-immigrant. "There doesn't seem to be an immigrant that they've seen that they wouldn't want to send back," he said at the time.
- Cea mai buna sursa de informatii referitoare la imigratia in Canada este sit-ul Guvernului Canadian, CIC (vezi in surse / more info). Poti de asemenea discuta cu un avocat sau consultant de imigrare, care iti poate face un rezumat al datelor oferite gratis de guvern pentru $100-500/h.
Noua imigratie sub Progressive-Conservatives
Recent, Jason Kenney (conservativ), ministrul federal al imigratiei a inceput o campanie de convingere si reforma a societatii canadiene si a ministerului sau. Campania sa vizeaza o diminuare a multiculturalismului si o subliniere a abilitatii de a vorbi limba engleza sau franceza, abilitate pe care el o considera esentiala in integrarea imigrantilor in societatea canadiana. Iata cateva date, idei si comentarii despre Kenney:
- Multiculturalism: "Marvellous, established, irreversible." Just don't expect taxpayers to foot the bill for cultural festivals. "We don't need government grants for cultural communities to celebrate their customs."
- diverting the focus of the multiculturalism department from anti-racism programming to what he calls community "bridge building."
- "The best way to combat bigotry, racism or stereotypes is for people to get to know each other," he said. "I'm a little skeptical that sending people to sterile sensitivity-training seminars is going to address those who harbour racist sentiments."
- current pet project is a pilot program in Toronto that matches Jewish-run businesses with Somali teens for internship and mentoring. "Chances are that a young Somalian refugee has never met a Canadian Jew ... and chances are that most successful Jewish professionals in Toronto don't socialize very much with Somali refugees."
- too many people become Canadian citizens without having basic competencies in either official language. That's why he's working to have Canadian immigration officials enforce existing rules on citizenship more consistently -- including failing people who don't pass a basic test. "They don't need to be able to write a PhD thesis, but they should be able to turn on the news and follow the debate in this country."
- wants to avoid the types of ethnic enclaves that exist in some parts of western Europe. Not that he thinks it's currently a major problem, but "we cannot take for granted the relative success of Canada's model of pluralism." With 80 per cent of immigrants ending up in Canada's three biggest cities, it's natural newcomers would want to first settle in neighbourhoods populated by their cultural group. "I just want to be sure we're not locking people into those communities without a chance to move outside of them, to get jobs in the so-called mainstream."
- It all sounds very reasonable -- "Integration does not mean assimilation. It's not about forcing people to cut themselves off from their religion, their faith, their customs. It means keeping those things, celebrating them, but not staying locked in a mini-version of one's country of origin" -- but it's the boldest shift an immigration minister has made in decades.
- The general public may be of a similar mindset. When polled, Canadians overwhelmingly support immigration as a concept. But 60 per cent believe newcomers are "too slow" to adopt Canadian values. What those values are is not exactly clear. Learning English or French is one. Accepting gender equality and embracing tolerance are two more.
Pragmatism sau altruism?
Is it about altruism or pragmatism? Do we have a moral responsibility to welcome those looking for a better life? Or is it about finding people to do the jobs, both skilled and unskilled, that Canadians can't or won't do? | Ar trebui politica de imigratie sa fie bazata pe altruism sau pragmatism? Are Canada o responsabilitate morala sa-i primeasca pe cei ce cauta o viata mai buna? Sau politica de imigrare se refera la a-i gasi pe cei ce pot face muncile pe care canadienii nu pot sau nu vor sa le faca? |
Prefer ca discutia sa aiba loc in comentarii.
Surse / More info: Can2009req, Mclns-Jason-Kenney, OttCit-Jason-Kenney, Weak-Identity, CIC
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