Un ziar local din Pennsylvania descrie pe cateva pagini, in amanuntime, povestea unui preot imigrant. Daca ei pot atat, pot si eu cateva paragrafe, nu?
Povestea acestui om de 40 de ani este induiosatoare. S-a nascut in Ardeal si-a avut o mama credincioasa, cu care mergea la biserica in fiecare Duminica. Mama sa a murit cand avea numai 10 ani si el s-a mutat in Moldova, cu tatal. In Romania a lucrat ca sudor, in State a lucrat intr-o fabrica. Si-a cunoscut sotia, Jamie Wintermoyer, in 2001, iar ea s-a convertit la Ortodoxie in 2003. A urmat apoi 5 ani cursurile Saint Tikhon din South Canaan. Si-a cumparat apoi o casa si-a-nceput sa lucreze in schimbul de noapte la Inter Metro Industries ca sa-si sustina sotia si cei 5 copii.
Airinei endured long days and tough coursework and donated much of the rest of his time to community service but said, “If you have the will, God will help you.
“Everything is possible.”
He graduated from the seminary during Memorial Day weekend and said he could not have done so without the support of his wife.
“She was glad for me to go,” he said.
If your family isn’t on board, you can’t live the life of a priest, said Airinei, who has been a deacon for more than two years and previously taught Sunday school at St. Joseph Orthodox Church in Hazleton.
Airinei’s ordination this morning will go something like this: He will be escorted to the front of the church, where he will walk around the altar with Martin, kiss each corner of the altar while songs are sung and have his vestments put on by the diocesan bishop, who also will give him a prayer book and cross.
“He’ll do a great job,” Martin said.
While Airinei doesn’t know where he will be stationed, he said, “The hope is to serve the Christ church wherever I’m called to.”
Povestea sa este asemanatoare cu povestea multor preoti emigranti. Nu poti trai numai din preotie intrucat (nu sunt sigur, dar cred ca) statul roman nu plateste leafa preotilor decat in interiorul tarii. Este dificil pentru enoriasi sa poata asigura preotului un trai decent, intrucat eforturile financiare merg indeosebi catre construirea unei biserici, care ramane o prioritate in majoritatea parohiilor. Slujba de Duminica are loc fie in alte biserici, unde parohia inchiriaza spatiul dupa-amiaza, fie, in unele cazuri, in biblioteca sau alte spatii publice care sunt convertite pentru acest uz dimineata. Ca urmare, majoritatea preotilor au cariere alternative. Iata lista bisericilor romanesti din Toronto si orasele limitrofe, dupa cum este mentinuta de Romanians Toronto:
- Biserica Ortodoxa Romana "Sfintul Gheorghe" Toronto
Preot: Ioan Bunea - 247 Rosethorn Ave., Tel: (416) 651-1321, http://www.romanianchurchtoronto.com/ - Parohia Ortodoxa Romana "Toti Sfintii" Toronto
Preot: Ioan Pop - 156 Roywood Dr., Tel: 416-444-9095, http://www.totisfintii.com/ - Parohia Ortodoxa Romana "Sf. Ioan Evanghelistul" Toronto
Preot: Ionel Cudritescu -100 Old Orchard Grove(St. Timothy Church), Tel: 416-614-1942 - Biserica Ortodoxa Romana "Sfantul Apostol Andrei" Mississauga
Preot: Gheorghe Tiu - 4030 Dixie Rd. Mississauga, Tel: 905-282-9481 Fax: 905-282-0807, http://www.sfapostolandrei.com/ - Parohia Ortodoxa Romana "Sfantul Dumitru" Toronto
Preot Viorel Tencaliuc, 2800 Don Mills Rd, tel. 416-909-4429, 416-491-1738; www.st-dumitru.org - Biserica "Sfintii Imparati Constantin si Elena" Toronto
Preot Gabriel Mascas - 126 O 'Connor pe colt cu United Church, www.constantinsielena.org/ - Misiunea Ortodoxa Pogorarea Sfantului Duh din Vaughan, 9860 Keele St, Maple, Ontario, www.pogorareasfantuluiduh.ca
- Biserica Greco-Catolica Romana "Buna Vestire" Toronto
Preot Emil Jude - 78 Clifton Rd, Bunavestire@bunavestire.org. Web: www.bunavestire.org - Biserica Baptista Romana Toronto
Pastor Mircea Toma - 36 Broadlands Blvd., Tel: 416-803-7794, www.bisericabaptistatoronto.org - Biserica Crestina Romana "Viata Noua" Toronto
Pastor Vasile Muresan - 4545 Jane St., Tel: 416-244-3987 - Biserica Penticostala Romana Toronto
606 Jane St., Toronto, Tel: 416-618-0506, nicolaeman@sympatico.ca - Biserica Adventista de Ziua a Saptea - Misiunea Adventa Romana.
Adresa: 37 Bakersfield St., Downsview, ON, M3J 1Z4 (Keele&Sheppard), pastor Daniel Cucuteanu. contact: 4162776033 - Biserica Adventista Romana de Ziua a Saptea, 2395 Bayview Ave.- in incinta complexului Bob Rumball. Pastor: K.Nagy Tel: (416) 615-1282 website: http://www.torontoromanianadventist.com/
- Biserica Ortodoxa Romana "Invierea Domnului" Hamilton
Preot Lucian Puscariu - 278 MacNab St. Hamilton, Tel: 905-523-8268 www.biserica.ca/ - Biserica Greco-Catolica Romana "Fericitul Ieremia Romanul" Hamilton
Preot Victor Crisan - 1406 Barton St, Hamilton, Tel: 905-572-6718 - Biserica Romana Baptista Hamilton
Pastor Petru Marcuci - 130 Victoria Ave.N. Hamilton, Tel: 905-628-0894 - Biserica Ortodoxa Romana "Sfantul Ioan Botezatorul" Kitchener
Preot Dumitru Ichim - 2150 Bleams Rd., Kitchener, Tel: 519-576-8953, www.kw-banat.org/ - Parohia Ortodoxa Romana "Sfantul Petru Si Pavel" Kitchener
Preot Didel Furtuna - 74 Frederick St., Kitchener, Tel: 519-745-4097 - Catedrala Ortodoxa Romana "Sfantul Gheorghe" Windsor
Preot Gheorghe Sandulescu - 1960 Tecumseh Rd. E Windsor, Tel: 519-253-9333 - Biserica Ortodoxa Romana "Sfantul Dumitru " Winnipeg
Preot Victor Malanca - 103 Furby St.,Winnipeg, Tel: 204-775-6472 - Manastirea Sfintei Cruci - manastire ortodoxa cu preot roman
www.holycross-niagarafalls.org , 716-284-9596, 3920 Pine Ave., Niagara Falls, NY, USA
Lista Faptu’ Divers contine chiar mai multe informatii.
Sources / More info: timesl-Airinei, faptu divers, rt
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