Discutia de azi face parte din randul celor care-s asa lungi si complicate, ca nu reusesc niciodata sa le-astern intr-o forma palatabila. Si totusi, un articol recent semnat l3st m-a determinat sa atac aceasta reduta.
Inainte de zaruri, un sumar al articolului lui l3st. Articolul este excelent in aceea ca reflecta fidel atitudinea mai tuturor romanilor:
Exista tigani muncitori si “integrati in societate”, dar cazurile sunt rare.
- Geo Atreides, “unul dintre cei mai vocali sustinatori ai tiganilor din blogosfera”, ii sustine pentru ca e nefutut sau ghei.
- “In Romania se freaca luleaua tare mult pe discriminare. Ca-s si ei oameni, ca de ce sa-i gazam, ca sunt saraci.”
- Tiganii nu sunt discriminati pentru ca unii conduc masini scumpe.
- Nimeni nu are curajul sa intre in cartierele de tigani.
- Este firesc ca parintii sa-si invete copiii sa se fereasca de tigani, intrucat mai tarziu devin periculosi.
- “Isi traiesc viata furand, mintind si atacand in grupuri. (…) Tiganii sunt NINJA. No job, no income, no assets. Multi n-au nici macar buletin.”
- In concluzie, efortul educational depus de ONG-uri ar fi mai bine cheltuit pe tigani decat pe restul populatiei.
Am incercat sa fac un rezumat cat mai neutru – nu stiu in ce masura am reusit. Daca n-am, sper sa ma corecteze l3st. Am incercat sa-i spun si ca de fapt integrarea romilor, pe care cei din Ro o vad ca pe o problema majora, este de fapt o problema secundara, si nici n-ar trebui sa pierdem timpul cu asa ceva. Problema cea mai mare pe care o avem noi ca popor este deja una de identitate, in care europenii au incetat sa faca o diferenta intre romani si tigani. Sa luam de pilda un articol aparut intr-un ziar cehesc, Prague-Daily-Monitor:
Condition of Romani boy from royal family critical
CTK | 27 July 2009
Prague, July 26 (CTK) - The health condition of a 17-year-old boy from Romania who is treated in a Prague hospital remains critical, hospital spokeswoman Jana Jelinkova told CTK Sunday.
She said the boy, a son of a Romany king, is connected to an oxygen apparatus and on Saturday he was also connected to an artificial kidney.
Members of his family take turns outside the hospital in order to bring him whatever he might need so that he may know that they are close to him, Romany activist Stefan Licartovsky told CTK today.
The boy was brought to the hospital after he almost drowned when bathing in Stara Boleslav, central Bohemia.
His father Robinson Dimofte rules 1500 Romanies in Romania. The boy is his youngest son. According to the tradition, the title of king passes on to the youngest son in the Romanian district of Vilcea, that is why the boy's fate is so important for the Romanies.
Tens of Romanies from Romania, Latvia, France and Germany arrived in Prague on Friday. Speculations emerged that they want to stay in the Czech Republic.
"They themselves said they have nothing to do here and that they plead with God that the boy recover, and that they will go back to their country as soon as possible," Licartovsky said.
Prague 3 district moved most of the Romanies to a Prague camp on Friday in order to avert possible unrest outside the hospital where the Romanies built a tent site.
Licartovsky said the 50 or so Romanies who arrived in Prague are very decent.
Their stay in the camp until tonight is paid from a fund-raising in which 16,000 crowns have been colleted while 20,000 crowns are needed.
If the Romanies will want to stay close to their relative, they will pay for further stay in the camp themselves.
The camp lessor Zita Strnadova told CTK that a space with own entry was provided for the Romanies. Since Saturday it has been fenced so that the Romanies are not disturbed and no one crosses their territory.
The Prague district helped equip the area with toilets, wash basins and dustbins.
One Romany, who communicates with journalists on behalf of the others, however, criticised the separation.
"He said we shut them like animals in a cage, but this angered us because on the contrary, we have done maximum for them. If they had such a camp everywhere...," Strnadova said.
She said a part of guests, particularly families with small children, left the camp early. They feared complications when they saw several tens of Romanies arriving.
Most of those who arrived after the Romany families were established in the camp remained in the camp, Strnadova said.
"We explained to them that they have a relative in a severe condition in hospital and most of them comprehended this," she said.
Strandova said the Romaneis are satisfied in the camp. They thanked us when they saw that further hygienic facilities are being brought for them.
She said the camp management has no problem with them. "They respect us and are do not make noise in the night," Strnadova said.
Face oare cititorul mediu vreo diferenta intre “Romanies” si “Romanians”, sau, la singular, intre “Romanian” si “Romani”? Daca-ti imaginezi ca da, o sugi legendar.
Desigur, as putea lua fiecare afirmatie / idee din articolul lui l3st si rezumatul facut de mine si-as putea s-o atac individual. Mai degraba insa ma voi rezuma la argumente constructive. Acestea pot fi impartite in doua: cele de ordin etic – moral – pedagogic si cele de ordin pragmatic. Argumentele de ordin moral sau etic sunt o pierdere de timp, intrucat nu le asculta aproape nimeni si in special nici unul din cei carora li se adreseaza. Nimanui nu-i place o predica si in special celor care oricum nu prea dau pe la biserica. L3st pare sa-si fi scris articolul sau tocmai din lehamitea care-l cuprinde pe romanul mediu cand aude pledoarii pentru toleranta. Raman asadar cele de ordin practic. Voi mai discuta si in viitor astfel de probleme de ordin etic (homofobia, antisemitismul, etc), si tot astfel, voi folosi in principal logica si pragmatism, intrucat altfel mi-as pierde timpul. De pomana. Care este. El.
In partea a II-a, voi discuta utopia ca tel. Nu voi permite comentarii decat la ultimul articol din serie din saptamana asta.
Sources / More info: l3st, Geo Atreides, conjectura, Prague-Daily-Monitor
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