Cuil se ia de Google dar poarta doliu din start  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in

Este interesant de vazut cat de repede se raspandeste o stire in blogosfera romaneasca. La ora scrierii acestui articol, Google Blogsearch listeaza 7 pagini de rezultate despre si pana cand citesti tu, vor sari de zece. Un prilej excelent sa ne uitam la motoarele de cautare si cum au evoluat.

screenshot of the now defunct cuil pageCuil poarta doliu fiindca are o interfata intunecata, care mie-mi place, dar multora nu. Cuil se lauda ca indexeaza mai multe pagini decat Google ceea ce-i greu de crezut, dat fiind ca Google nu publica numarul de pagini indexate (3). In orice caz Cuil are cojones, asta-i clar!

Stire a aparut aproape simultant in ArsTehnica (4) si NYT (5), fiind apoi preluata de mai toate marile agentii de presa si scurgandu-se eventual in blogosfera si presa romaneasca (2). Ce-mi place mie este ca aproape toti bloggerii (1) scriu ca noul motor de cautare (, pronuntat "cul", precum cool), ar fi fost pornit de baieti de la Google. Asta-i numai pe juma'te adevarat. In realitate, a fost pornit de o echipa sot-sotie, plus cativa baieti. Cagica, Anna Patterson, este fostul chief search architect, adica tartorita sefa. Tom Costello, barbatu-sau, este guristul grupului.

Povestea motoarelor de cautare este insa mai lunga decat isi amintesc comentatorii, romani sau neromani. Pe la inceputul anilor '80, cand Internetul se transforma lent din bebe in copilas, cand era inca in cea mai mare parte text si arta ASCII, motoarele de cautare erau inexistente. Internetul interactiv era limitat la doua retele principale: IRC, bunicul instant messaging si USENET, bunica forumurilor. Majoritatea viitorilor internauti erau prinsi si "investiti" in BBS-uri, conexii adhoc de computere realizate prin liniile de telefon. Miscarea in masa catre Internet avea sa inceapa abia dupa ce un numar de conditii au fost indeplinite:
1. Al Gore inventeaza Internetul si efectul de sera
2. Tim Berners-Lee inventeaza ceasul Swatch, schweitzerul si ciocolata elvetiana
3. Eric Bina & Marc Andreessen @ NCSA screm Mosaic (7) si continua cu Netscape, comasand tati sau aproape tati retelele Internet (USENET, email, IRC, FTP, WWW) sub o interfata unica
4. Jerry Yang incepe Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web care avea sa devina in cativa ani Yahoo
5. Zamolxis incepe WWW Integrated care avea sa devina mai tarziu Also Sprach Zamolxis si alte cateva chestii :)

(cauta-i pe wikipedia daca nu-ti zic nimic)

La inceputul anilor '90 Web-ul era suficient de mic ca sa poti tine minte tot ce aveai nevoie. Majoritatea viitorilor 'net gurus intrau pe net ca sa suga binaries de pe USENET din ierarhia alt.binaries.* si eventual sa participe in discutii. Soc.culture.romanian era pe vremea aia plin de discutii rodnice, nefiind inca invadat de cocalari dementi care si-o bagau in toti si toate, si-n special unul intr-altul. Si-apoi, doi avocati de emigrare au bagat anunturi cum ca te-ajuta ei sa emigrezi in USA contra unor sume modice pe toate newsgroupurile. Asta este practic inceputul transformarii internetului intr-o entitate comerciala, sfarsitul inocentei si pierderea virginitatii.

Yahoo s-a transformat in portal, lasand componentul de cautare sa putrezeasca. S-au grabit sa-i ia locul Infoseek si Altavista (8). Altavista a aparut ca o modalitate pentru Digital Equipment sa demonstreze cat de tari ii sunt computerele, care prin anii '90 zbarnaiau la 64 bits dar nimeni nu-ntelegea de ce era asta important (8). Si-ntrucat aveau vreo 500 GB de memorie, spiderul lor era multithreaded si a reusit sa indexeze mult mai mult decat altii. Altavista ajunge eventual sa faca search pentru Yahoo, intrucat lor nu le-a traznit prin cap c-ar putea sa faca bani din reclame - au incercat, ca si altii, dar n-au reusit. Treptat insa, Altavista pierde teren, intrucat n-au reusit sa gaseasca o modalitate de a face bani. Pe vremea aia, reclamele erau intrusive si tipatoare. Daca puneai reclame, nu mai venea nimeni; daca nu puneai nu mai aveai bani si mureai de fuoame.

Nu mult mai tarziu apare Google, care a luat ideea celor de la Altavista cu interfata minimala si a gasit o modalitate de a baga anunturi si reclame fara a-ti scoate ochii. Restul este arhicunoscut. Google insa a facut o gramada de alte chestii care i-au solidificat pozitia de lider: a angajat cele mai tari creiere, are grija de angajati cum n-a mai avut nimeni sau aproape nimeni din '98, de la big bust, incoace si nu a facut nici o greseala majora pana acum. Angajatii Google isi pot devota pana la 20% din timp proiectelor personale, pastrand siguranta jobului, ceea ce ma face sa ma-ntreb daca cei de la Cuil chiar sunt convinsi ca sunt mai buni, sunt saditi de Google care-si doreste un competitor demn de acest nume, sau pur si simplu au fost dati afara. Cuil pedaleaza impotriva curentului, si eu le urez succes, dar nu-i vad izbandind.

In momentul de fata, competitorii majori Google in Search Space sunt numai Yahoo si, la distanta, Microsoft Live Search. Altii mici care spera sa creasca ar fi
( wikia)

Daca cele de mai sus nu te satisfac, NoodleTools (11, 12) te tine de mana si te-nvata:

I need help to define my topic...
I need a topic Clusty Brainstorm topic ideas using result clusters
Social Issues Browse hot topics and pro/con links
Google Directory Search this subject tree enhanced by Google results

I need to understand the scope of my topic Intute Investigate annotated academic sites
INFOMINE Browse annotated research and educational sites enhanced by second-tier "robot-selected" results

I need to investigate alternative or related topics Grokker Explore a web of your topic and subtopics (Yahoo results)
Clusty Uncover buried sites by choosing a related cluster Select "Expand Your Search"

I need to refine and narrow my topic Select "Narrow Your Search"
Clusty Drill down into a cluster of results
SurfWax Click "Focus" to identify similar, broader, and narrower topics

I need to find quality results...
authoritative and scholarly sites chosen by a subject expert Librarians' Internet Index Search the selective database or drill down into the well-organized subject tree
Virtual LRC Select a subject category, then search on term(s) or a phrase
Google Scholar Find scholarly, peer-reviewed subject-specific results with advanced search

personal help from experts Sources and Experts Browse a journalist's contacts
Ask a Librarian Get last-resort help (no homework questions)
AllExperts Self-identified subject experts volunteer to answer questions

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Technorati Browse or search user-identified subjects ("tags") for blog advice or opinions High ExpertRank indicates subject-specific popularity

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Ready, 'Net, Go! Browse worldwide archival index
Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web Search for online exhibitions selected by Smithsonian librarians

I need to do research in a specific discipline...
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Govt. Publications & Maps: Foreign Gov. Browse worldwide government sites
Directgov Search or browse official UK information and services

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Natl. Science Digital Lib. Science, technology, engineering and math
Intute Science, engineering and technology hub

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Fealth Health-specific search engine and directory

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LOUIS Search Congressional documents, Federal Register, GAO reports, bills and resolutions
Intute Social sciences: Law hub

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Browse peer-reviewed, continually-updated entries on contemporary philosophy

The timeliness of information that I need is...
today Google News Top news stories auto-generated every 15 minutes
NewsNow Worldwide news auto-generated every 5 minutes
10x10 Explore machine-compiled single image composed hourly of 100 words and pictures that "matter most" on a global scale

recent Yahoo News One month archive with editor-created "roundups" in Full Coverage
World News Network Click a category (below news item) to gather related news or images, select Mon-Sun to track story's development
Google News Click on "related" (below news item) to see story's development

historical American Memory Search America's primary source documents and images, browse by topic, time period, medium or place
Librarians' Internet Index Drill down into the history section or search fewer, broader terms (e.g., "terrorists" not "Righteous Path")
Digital History High-quality historical resources, primary sources, multimedia, subject guides

ancient Ancient History Sourcebook Search online ancient-history texts, images, audio, or browse by region, period (e.g., Persia, Late Antiquity)
Librarians' Internet Index Drill down into ancient history section or search fewer, broader terms (e.g., "Greece" not "Spartan women")

I need facts...
a person Search 25,000+ biographies by name, keyword and profession
Who2 Search for famous people with "four good links" to more information
Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online Search biographies from Canada's history (16th-20th century)

a place CIA World Factbook Select country for basic profile and transnational issues
Country Studies Cross-search or view a country (last update 1998) - historical, social, economic, political and national security data
Stately Knowledge Basic U.S. state facts, links to state government site and encyclopedia (IPL KidSpace)

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general reference answers Find a fact, biography, statistic or conversion, or reference answer
Columbia Encyclopedia Find basic information
Yahoo Learn shortcut words to get quick answers

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I need opinions and perspectives...
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HeadlineSpot Opinion/Editorials Browse opinion/editorial in U.S. and some international newspapers
PollingReport Browse results of U.S. public opinion surveys

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Newspaperindex Browse selected world newspapers
ABYZ News Links Browse international broadcast and Internet news, newspapers, magazines, and press agencies

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Public Agenda Analysis of public attitudes on social issues with overview, pro/con, organization links
UN News Centre: News Focus Browse for UN-related issues by region, country or topic

I want to compare news treatment Newseum Compare news reporting on U.S. front pages
PressDisplay Compare news reporting from 55 countries

I need a specific type of media...
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MapMachine Search, browse and print country, physical and political maps
American FactFinder Maps See trends/patterns when you superimpose chosen geographical features and census data on U.S. maps

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Yahoo Image Search Use advanced search to limit by size and coloration
Flickr Search users' photos by their subjects ("tags"), then choose a subtopic ("tag cluster)

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Intute: Arts and Humanities Search or browse selected, evaluated resources
SILS Art Image Browser A database of art, architectural and museum object images from four collections

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Truveo Video-only search engine, advanced search limits by title, description, actor, director, genre, duration, quality
Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive Search public domain films, newsreels, ads, documentaries, television series and other “cultural artifacts”

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Google To find song lyrics, search (in quotes) title or performer (plus) "song lyrics," to find information about the song's history search title (in quotes) and "origin"

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Soundsnap Free, user-contributed sounds can be browsed or searched by category, keyword or tag

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History and Politics Out Loud Search or browse full-text public-domain audio with transcripts of 20th century political and historical events, personalities, and protest songs
American Memory Find sound recordings of American primary source speeches

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Quotations Page Search word, phrase, author within or across quotation collections
Quoteland Search by keyword or browse topics, authors

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus Definitions, etymology, synonyms and audio-pronunciation
WordCentral Definitions with pictures (student dictionary)

encyclopedia Columbia Encyclopedia Factual information (updated 6/05)
Wikipedia Volunteer-created and collaboratively edited: valuable for current topics (e.g., people in the news), technology (e.g., podcasting) -- information quality uneven

almanac data Country at a Glance (U.N.) Basic country profile, use InfoNation to compare data from 6 countries
Information Please Almanac Statistical and factual data -- beware popup minefield

books and other printed works WorldCat Search for books and reviews, options to refine results, check your local library's holdings
Google Scholar Search (free and fee) scholarly works, locate related information using "cited by" links, use advanced search to limit (author, date, phrase, in title, subject area)
A9 Search for books by keyword, then "Search Inside!" to see keyword-in-context

I have special search requirements...
run my search periodically and be notified of new results GoogleAlert Run Google search of 3 interests and get e-mail or RSS notification of new results
Google Alerts Run periodic Google searches and get e-mail (no RSS) notification of new results

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use a search engine outside the U.S. Search Engine Colossus Browse search engines and directories from countries and territories

find sites organized by the Dewey Decimal System or Library of Congress Classification Virtual LRC Select Dewey Decimal number before searching
INFOMINE Drill down into Library of Congress Classification directory
BUBL LINK Select "DeweyClass" from dropdown menu in Advanced Search

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Yahoo Limit search by file type (.html, .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .xml, .txt)

I am...
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Ask for Kids Search by keyword, then select the best-match question for answers and links
Yahoo Kids Select from kid-safe sites (grades 2- 7) organized by topic

pretty new to the Internet Google Largest general purpose search engine
Yahoo Large, general purpose search engine
Librarians' Internet Index Easy-to-navigate, well-annotated directory of librarian-selected Web sites

an Internet wizard Exalead Configure highly-specific searches including proximity ("folk tales NEAR sun"), but smaller index than Google or Yahoo
INFOMINE Configure a narrow search of a large, comprehensive academic virtual library (Web sites, databases, electronic journals, electronic books, bulletin boards, directories of researchers)
JUX2 Compare results to Identify the strengths of Google, Yahoo and MSN for your search

Ca sa-ntelegi mai bine ce sunt si cum functioneaza motoarele de cautare lasa-i pe cei de la UC @ Berkeley (9) sa-ti explice. Iata si o lista de 100 de motoare de la readwriteweb (10), unele inca in viata, altele disparute deja:
d e c i p h o
digg labs swarm
gnn o d
OiHoi Search
retrevo gamma
Simply Google
Singing FISH
Web 2.0
What to RENT?



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