Au tot fo' publicate rezultatele cercetarii unei canadiene (femeie, nu geaca) si noi barbatii tot nu pricepem ce zice. Nici canadian(c)a, nici femeile in general. De multe ori avem impresia ca ele zic una si umezesc alta. Asa c-am invitat-o pe Meredith Chivers sa explice.
De fapt, pe Meredith a invitat-o Steve, eu ii invit numai clipul:
Articolul ei din New York Times a prins peste 20 de milioane de hits, fiind probabil cel mai popular din istoria site-ului. Ce-a facut ea?
A facut un porn cu bonobo pe care l-a imbogatit cu sunete de cimpanzeu (bonobo nu prea scot sunete in timpul sexului fiindca ar ragusi, au sex aproape incontinuu; femelele ciripesc, but that’s weird to humans).
A aratat apoi porn-ul barbatilor, femeilor, transsexualilor, homosexualilor etc si a descoperit ca in timp ce barbatii (inclusiv trannies) au un raspuns sexual oarecum paralel cu orientarea sexuala declarata, femeile au un raspuns sexual universal – adica ele se umezesc indiferent cine si cum are sex pe ecran. Dar, zice Chivers, daca o femeie se umezeste nu-nseamna neaparat ca si vrea. Vorba Madonnei din ‘95:
Long stem roses are the way to your heart
But he needs to start with your head
In sumar:
- orientarea sexuala feminina este mult mai fluida si flexibila decat cea masculina
- corpul poate fi-ncalzit fara minte, care ramane in urma (sau mintea minte?)
- i-a fost mai usor sa arate porn cu bonobo in Canada decat in State
Daca te pasioneaza subiectul, am adaugat 3 carti la sfarsit. Prima are de-a face cu ce zice Shivers, si chiar contine un interviu cu ea, pe care-l poti gasi linked in more info. A doua se refera la G-spot si este cartea care a prezentat in anii ‘80 cercetarea care stabilea prezenta punctului G – a luat doctorilor si oamenilor de stiinta vreo decada sa accepte aceste rezultate. Au aparut de-atunci o gramada de carti pe acest subiect, dar fara practic sa aduca nimic nou. Cartea originala ramane cele mai bune 2h (cam atat ia s-o citesti) pe care le poti petrece pentru a-ntelege mai bine tehnologia orgasmului feminin. Ramane desigur si partea spirituala. Ethical Slut este o carte scrisa de femei pentru femei, in sprijinul ideii de polyamorie (adiga iubirii sexuale pentru mai mult decat un partener). Despre asta, mai pe larg, cu alta ocazie. Pana atunci, merita mentionata comuna mai mult sau mai putin primitiva din New York, unde cam 38 de femei si barbati in jur de 20 de ani traiesc impreuna adunati in preamarirea orgasmului feminin, practicarii yoga si mindfulness meditation.
Am decis sa adaug si cantecul Madonnei impreuna cu cuvintele dedesubt, si-apoi am mai adaugat cateva clip-uri despre sexualitatea feminina la sfarsit.
Express Yourself
Come on girls
Do you believe in love?
'Cause I got something to say about it
And it goes something like this
Don't go for second best baby
Put your love to the test
You know, you know, you've got to
Make him express how he feels
And maybe then you'll know your love is real
You don't need diamond rings
Or eighteen karat gold
Fancy cars that go very fast
You know they never last, no, no
What you need is a big strong hand
To lift you to your higher ground
Make you feel like a queen on a throne
Make him love you till you can't come down
(You'll never come down)
Long stem roses are the way to your heart
But he needs to start with your head
Satin sheets are very romantic
What happens when you're not in bed
You deserve the best in life
So if the time isn't right then move on
Second best is never enough
You'll do much better baby on your own
(Baby on your own)
Express yourself
(You've got to make him)
Express himself
Hey, hey, hey, hey
So if you want it right now, make him show you how
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or not
And when you're gone he might regret it
Think about the love he once had
Try to carry on, but he just won't get it
He'll be back on his knees
To express himself
(You've got to make him)
Express himself
Hey hey
What you need is a big strong hand
To lift you to your higher ground
Make you feel like a queen on a throne
Make him love you till you can't come down
(You'll never come down)
So please
Express yourself
(You've got to make him)
Express himself
Hey, hey, hey, hey
So if you want it right now, make him show you how
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or not
Express yourself
(You've got to make him)
So you can respect yourself
Hey, hey
So if you want it right now, then make him show you how
Express what he's got, oh baby ready or not
Surse / More info: NYT, The psychophysiology of sex, bbc-testotsterone, bbc-chemistry, PleasurePrinciple, yt
ISBN: 0253348986 ISBN-13: 9780253348982 | ISBN: 0440130409 ISBN-13: 9780440130406 | ISBN: 1587613379 ISBN-13: 9781587613371 |
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